I can see things i've never even began to imagine.... lights colors (ENERGY??).... noises when im focused in its amazing, this is so new to me though its always been there.... but lately its like a whole new world has been opened to me. i stared into my eyes and heard rhythm and music.... felt a presence.... as if it was my own presence but not of this realm. I don't know exactly whats going on but its new to me. At work there's few that seem to like me... im new there and alot of people send their negative energy directly at me... direct it through coughs sneezes... laughter its fairly horrible and i don't understand what i've done wrong, all i know is its awakened an awareness in me i never knew i had. but there's 3 people there that are trying to help me... protect me and educate me, but i want to learn all i can i want to journey beyond this boring cycle and know truth, experience and learn things i never could have before. anyone with any help suggestions on how i should go on about this path i would be very grateful. |
Dear Journeymen, a few years ago I experienced something similar, a couple of girls who I worked with turned on me with such venom I could not comprehend it. They laughed when I entered a the room, they spread rumours about me, rumours so bad that most of the company stopped talking to me... I never knew what those rumours were by the way. The hate towards me even spread to our sister companies around the world - people just shunned me and I had no idea why. Anyways, there was no way at that time that I could compete with them, I left the job. A few years after I realised that the hate and venom that they were sending my way was actually what I felt for myself... it's strange how I was always able to be good at everything I did... but somehow - deep down inside, I never approved of myself. So they were nothing but a reflection of my own emotions. Search deep within you, say I love you to yourself, look in the mirror, have a good long talk with yourself, appreciate even the little things that are in your life. This way the Universe will ONLY hear positive from you and will miraculousely remove the negative things around you and fill your life with only positive. There are tonnes of techniques that can help you right here on Inward Quest. I don't answer a lot on Inward Quest because I don't think I express myself very well in writing - however your story really resonates with me. This can really send you into a dump, back when it happened to me I had no LOA, no Inward Quest, no knowledge of positive vibrations etc... had to figure it all out on my own.... and what a painful journey it was - now there's a start for appreciating the little things that are around you!! I truly hope that my answer gives you some kind of inspiration to fix this. All my love to you MoonWillow 1
@MoonWillow - "I don't think I express myself very well in writing" - I think you've just proved yourself wrong :) Great answer :)
(25 Oct '12, 16:36)
@ Stingray - thank you... it's wonderful to get a complement from you..
(25 Oct '12, 17:53)
@MoonWillow - I love this answer. Hits me right where I live - I went through something similar at work. It is so hard to comprehend the meanness of others, until you start to see that there really are no "others".
(26 Jan '14, 12:51)
@MoonWillow-lovely answer:)
(27 Jan '14, 01:58)
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you came to this world to experiance all that so enjoy it. as for people that judge you they will be judge with the same mesure. so that is not your problem seek harmony and you will find people like you that seek the same thing just be wise enuff to know who they are. Thank you I'm trying to rid myself of a lot of theses more barbaric emotions... i think its showing i feel a lot lighter. but people seem to want to keep me down... some people try to understand others completely understand... its helpful to know I'm not going crazy just becoming more aware of something i should've known since i was a child.
(03 Jul '11, 06:40)
if you would have know that as a child you would have been stoned.
(03 Jul '11, 14:34)
white tiger
Maybe those people sending negativity toward you feel somewhat threatened by you or your abilities in your workplace. I don't know what you do but that doesn't matter I see it in my work place as well, just don't send any back their way it can come back to you more than you give it. Stick with the people trying to help you and avoid the negative ones. As far as the energy you see I don't see it but there are people here who do I'm sure some one will chime in on that part. Hope this helps. All of your comments are welcome help... today i saw my aura i still cant make out the color very well. i had no idea my eyes were so capable of seeing things this intense i cant wait to hone in on this and understand more of what my consciousness is trying to tell me.
(03 Jul '11, 06:37)
Some of these sound like symptoms that you should get checked. I certainly don't want to burst your bubble, but some of those sound like a visit to the doctor might be a good idea. About the coughing of the other employees, have you talked to anybody about that? Is there another person who sees that? You could be paranoyed. Did you get teased in school? I know that I used to get teased and picked on mercilessly! Sometimes when I see people whispering, I think they are talking about me, and sometimes when I hear people laugh, I think they are laughing at me. I usually can talk myeslf out of it because it's not reasonable. EFT really helps with negative emotions, memories, stress, anxiety, depression, fears and phobias, limiting beliefs, and obsessive thoughts. I suggest you learn EFT and tap on the emotions around the coughing at you stuff as well as any childhood trauma. Thank you for your advice... i have seen doctors they don't help me... I've had these things done for a long time, and no in high school i had a lot of friends and hung out with no one social group i just loved people. But my connections to people seem tarnished like ive strayed so far from myself its written all over my face and people let me know about it, I'm working on this, and there PLENTY of free things i can do that would more then likely obtain the same outcome as EFT and I'm using sources from people i trust and get get vibrations from at work. again thank you i just dont think i
(03 Jul '11, 14:48)
should have to pay for enlightenment into my self.
(03 Jul '11, 14:48)
EFT is free! search for tags here at IQ for questions tagged with EFT and you can search at youtube.com for EFT or fasterEFT or just google it. There is a lot of free info. I describe it in some of my answers here. I have some links to my favorite videos and articlse. Here is a link to one great source. http://www.tapintoeft.com/eft-techniques/eft-simple-tapping-techniques-stt.html Judy Byrnes has a great short how to video as do many others. Gary Craig is the founder, so you might google his name to get his original version. Many people have their own version, check it out, see what works 4 U
(03 Jul '11, 15:04)
Fairy Princess
You only mention High School, I got teased in elementary school the most.
(03 Jul '11, 15:07)
Fairy Princess
ya i guess i got teased some in elementary school, and had a not so great childhood, but i don't THINK i repressed any of the thoughts.... if i did well i have a long way to go, but I'm ready for this and again thank you as not to taking offense to my comment i didn't want you to think i was just shooting your idea down just that we should all be able to reach a higher state of consciousness without having to pay for it. At any rate thank you for your help I'm sure this will help me along my journey.
(03 Jul '11, 15:12)
EFT is free! search for tags here at IQ for questions tagged with EFT and you can search at youtube.com for EFT or fasterEFT or just google it. There is a lot of free info. I describe it in some of my answers here. I have some links to my favorite videos and articlse. Here is a link to one great source. tapintoeft.com/eft-techniques/… Judy Byrnes has a great short how to video as do many others. Gary Craig is the founder, so you might google his name to get his original version. Many people have their own version, check it out, see what works 4 U
(03 Jul '11, 15:36)
Fairy Princess
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experiance it and enjoy. do not judge them if they judge you it is there problem not yours. if you seek harmony you should find people that really seek harmony just be wise enuff to know who they are.