Hi All, I am sure a lot of you have been benefited by the Lovely Manifesting Experiments Stingray has shared with us over the last few years! And I am sure all those who have benefited are appreciative of his initiative and efforts. I have had my share of resistances in using these effectively. Now that I seem to have gotten a hang of using these tools, I some how want to use all of these, to the fullest :D Jokes apart, I really see a lot of value in both Focus Blocks and Resistance Release Method. I love using both these tools during the time I have with me to experiment with each one, but I somehow feel that I end up using just one of them due to whatever reasons, which also gives me the feeling of some sort of incompleteness of vibrational work when I take up each process independently. No denying that the results from each are very powerful. I believe that both have their own distinct benefits with some overlapping ones too. I was wondering How could I use a synergized form of both these tools to effectively: 1)Release Resistance 2)Identify limiting beliefs 3)Removing limiting / negative beliefs from the root 4)Molding negative beliefs into positive ones / Installing new beliefs after neutralizing the negative one. 5)Do this in the quickest and the most effective way possible 6)Feel the feeling of having achieved the above :) 7) Also maintain the feeling of doing it just for feeling good and not for manifesting!! I might sound like a a very demanding person, but I truly expect to receive an answer to this from the Universe, and I strongly believe that all of you here (Including Stingray) are a medium through which I can receive this knowledge and clarification. Thanks so much for sharing your ocean of experience, knowledge and wisdom as always!! Truly Grateful to and appreciative of, all of you :) And a special Thank you to Stingray!!
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Here's the key... Manifesting Experiment 4 + Manifesting Experiment 2 = Manifesting Experiment 5 Hope thats clear. Next question please...
...okay, only joking...a bit :) I've been using what I'm calling Manifesting Experiment 5 for a number of weeks now and the results have been pretty extraordinary even by my standards. I'm a bit overwhelmed right now (in a good way) integrating all the stuff that's been flowing into my life recently as a result of using this systematic daily approach. So I'm not sure when I'll be able to write up Manifesting Experiment 5 in full with simplified, illustrated explanations. (These experiments take a long time to write up) But rather than torture you with waiting, I'll just copy and paste my draft notes about it below and those of you who have been following (and understanding) the previous manifesting experiments should be able (hopefully) to figure out what's going on. You may have to use the method for a few days without questioning it or tweaking it before it clicks in your mind what this method is actually achieving, why it works and how it works. Bear in mind that these days I am replacing Focus Blocks/Wheels with the "Abraham Grid" ...it's basically a simplified Focus Wheel and I recommend it even over Focus Blocks.
MANIFESTING EXPERIMENT 5The 'Daily Vibrational Tune-Up' Method (Draft Version)
IntroductionPlease note that I wrote these notes for myself only so they are brief and to the point and may contain mistakes. They will probably make no sense if you do not already have a background in some of the manifesting ideas on Inward Quest. I'm just putting these here now to give a "head start" to those who already understand these ideas. Also my approach may well change as I continue to use the ideas over the long term but, at least, these ideas will get you started* I should also add that I actually do all this stuff myself using computer database software rather than paper but I wrote it as though it was going to be done on paper since that would probably cover everyone, electronically-based or not If you have questions, ask them on Inward Quest using a Manifesting-Experiment-5 tag and I'll keep an eye out for them
GENERAL NOTESME 5 is basically a systematic daily routine that will perform "automatic" vibrational maintenance on your life if you follow the steps. You don't need to think, just follow the steps as described. And, as a by-product, should leave you feeling close to (or in) your Vortex as you start your day...which is the best possible way you can start your day :) It is specially designed to build upon days that have gone before and should be flexible enough to cope if you happen to skip some days. After a few days of using it, it should become very clear to you how it works and why it works and you probably won't need to refer to these instructions any more because you'll start to internalize the principle of "always looking to deal with the thing that gives you most relief". Keep a notebook during the day of things that are bothering you (as per Manifesting Experiment 2). Don't go deliberately looking for things in your life that make you feel bad - only write them down if they come to you. Similarly, make note of vibrational matches that crop up (don't go looking for them, let them make themselves known to you) and any inspired actions or insights you receive. If you normally meditate or visualize in the mornings to feel better, do this method BEFORE you do that otherwise you will already be close to, or in, your Vortex and you won't feel like you have any "problems" worth clearing up :) A "vibrational worksheet" as described below consists of a blank piece of paper titled with a word or two to describe your issue and then the sub-headings "What Do I Want?", "Why Don't I Have What I Want Yet?". On a blank sheet of paper, write the title "Vibrational Matches" at the top and keep all "Vibrational Matches" for all worksheets here. An "Abraham Grid" (I may change the name later, but sticking with it for now) as described below consists of a sheet of paper with the following four sub-headings spaced downwards in the following order: "Specific Negative", "General Negative", "General Positive", "Specific Positive". If you understand Focus Wheels or Focus Blocks, it should be obvious that this is a simplified guided approach to completing them. There are examples of the "Abraham Grid" in action here:
I've written some instructions for using the Abraham Grid here: How do I mold a bad feeling issue to a better feeling place using The Abraham Grid?
DAY 1This process should take you 15-20 minutes maximum. You can spend more time if you want but it's optional.
DAY 2This process should take you 15-20 minutes maximum. You can spend more time if you want but it's optional.
UPDATE - Jun 23, 2015 ...a few years later :)Here's a second (improved) version of these ideas: Manifesting Experiment 5 - Draft 2 Just out of curiosity Stingray, but you seem to have been able to manifest most of the things you really want in life.. then how do you go about testing these new experiments? By trying them out on the small little things?
(16 Nov '11, 12:55)
Stingray, thanks so much, I was so looking forward to this :) :) God Bless you!! I took me a couple of readings to get a fair understanding. I have a few queries though: 1)Can I still use Faster EFT as my clean up method or the Abraham Grid would be a better option as compared to Faster EFT? Would Abraham Grid be more effective?
(16 Nov '11, 16:27)
2)If I understand correctly, this is an improvised version of ME-4, getting more structure into it, making it more comprehensive, right? Based on your google docs sheet, I have tried to incorporate the new inputs and created an improved excel sheet as per the revised suggestions.
(16 Nov '11, 16:28)
3) Would cleaning up the reason bothering most on the “Why don’t I have what I want?” list, clean up the other reasons on the same list as well? Or we would have to take each one separately in case of Abraham Grid? I assume for faster EFT we would list down all reasons, elicit the negative emotion for each and it’s supporting belief and then knock all of those down. Am I correct?
(16 Nov '11, 16:28)
4) I somehow seem to have found comfort in doing ME-4 with Faster EFT. I immediately feel a sense of relief and feel light. However there seems to be a feeling that all hasn’t been cleaned from the root. Is there a way to verify whether all negative emotions and supporting beliefs have been cleared completely? And how to ensure this?
(16 Nov '11, 16:29)
5) I know you have mentioned this earlier but in the ME-4 spread sheet, if I have been relieved of the negative emotions of the reasons, does that mean that the supporting beliefs written next to those have also been cleared automatically? Or do I need to do something more for these?
(16 Nov '11, 16:29)
I am truly appreciative of you for sharing your seamless wisdom and life transforming insights with us here. Thanks so much!! :)
(17 Nov '11, 05:11)
Fantastic Stingray,can't wait to use this method.might be a bit complicated for me to gist of it yet,ill keep watching out for updates.THANK YOU;)
(18 Nov '11, 13:36)
@Kakaboo - What you "really want" keeps changing eternally. While I have everything (and more) that the me of 15 years ago might have wanted, I now want different things from the new level. So there's never any shortage of stuff to "test" on especially if you get yourself "in sync" with your broader perspective. Eternal ever-evolving desire is the promise of this physical reality.
(18 Nov '11, 18:51)
@Sourabh - Please could you ask your questions as new Inward Quest questions, grouping anything obviously related together? It's going to be very difficult to give you any kind of meaningful answer within these tiny comment boxes. Thanks
(18 Nov '11, 18:52)
@Stingray - Sure, have asked this as another question. Look forward to your insights :) Thanks
(19 Nov '11, 10:24)
Thank you, Stingray. Very helpful once again. :)
(03 Dec '11, 23:38)
Pat W
@Stingray: Is there any easy way to reach to identify core beliefs, and which if cleared can clear up many other issues, as illustrated by you in ME-4? Thanks.
(23 Dec '11, 06:51)
@Sourabh - I don't know of any quicker way to identify "core" beliefs than the questions in ME-4. Of course, you don't need to identify them to clean them up. In Faster EFT, it's just a case of prodding at an uncomfortable thought until it generates an emotional reaction, which you then neutralize, which then breaks the original habit of thought (belief). Robert G Smith's Super Power Quick Tap Method (in his paid-for course) can clean up multiple "core" issues very quickly this way by layering them up: http://www.inwardquest.com/questions/9746/has-anyone-tried-faster-eft/14530#14530
(23 Dec '11, 08:53)
@ Stingray: Thanks so much :)
(26 Dec '11, 04:15)
@Stingray-this process is pure genius. I'm really starting to see how powerful it really is now.since using me4 a lot lately for letting go of the big issues using this process has become easier, more effective and faster.I can now find those "core" issues quickly and neutralise them. Just to clarify The question" Why do I not have what I want yet" = " how do I know I have a problem?" ?
(19 Apr '12, 15:25)
@Satori - Yes, the two questions are fairly equivalent. It's just about trying to surface the emotional blockage...because you need to get a "taste" of what's bothering you before you can effectively neutralize it.
(19 Apr '12, 16:14)
@Stingray Just have thought about how clever ME5 is and it's made me curios. After over two years of playing around with the idea of it yourself, do you have any new improvements to it? As always, I would appreciate any kind of insights.
(26 Jan '14, 21:13)
@releaser99 - In the spreadsheet version you've got, the ME-5 concepts I found valuable come in the form of the Hubs, Links and Topic Blasts. So those ideas are basically integrated into the ME-2 (Focus Blocks Vortex Entry System) approach. That electronic ME-2 ("random - so little chance to consciously resist - clean-ups") + ME-5 ("break it down") has stood up to everything I've thrown at it over the past few years. During any periods when I get bored with it, I use the random ME-1 to...
(28 Jan '14, 05:22)
@releaser99- ...switch into being a "Visionary" (Step 1) rather than an "Allower" (Step 3). Also, quite often these days, I find I'm already Vortex-aligned (habit + Chi exercises) before even reaching for the spreadsheet so I'll either skip it for that day or just play "Visionary" only for fun. So, to sum up, no real improvements to ME-5 (and the others) because the methods almost make themselves obsolete in your life after a while because you just naturally feel good for long periods :)
(28 Jan '14, 05:31)
@Stingray I've been trying and testing a few different approaches and own ideas. But I couldn't improve this system with all its components combined (Spreadsheet+ME5+"Visionary vs. Allower"+Chi Energy School Exercises) yet. The more I test different ways, the more I realize how complete and efficient this system is. So my inner rebel has to give up for now :). Thank you so much.
(28 Jan '14, 08:50)
@releaser99 - "The more I test different ways, the more I realize how complete and efficient this system is" - Yes, I find the same thing. I keep trying out different approaches and tweaks from time to time but keep coming back to this one probably because it combines maximum results with maximum laziness :) You're welcome.
(29 Jan '14, 16:07)
@Stingray- "Maximum results with maximum laziness." Lol, agreed. I find every so often I get sidetracked from the AFBM, but I always comeback to it with a newfound understanding and appreciation for it:)
(30 Jan '14, 08:33)
Hi @Stingray. I've read this through a fair few times and still can't really grasp the relationship between 'What's bothering me?' and 'Why don't I have what I want yet?' Are they lists with completely seperate issues on them or you apply both questions to one issue?
(09 Oct '14, 00:58)
@Bluebell - One is a sub-list of the other ie What's Bothering Me? is a list of the root things that are bothering you and the Why Don't I Have What I Want Yet? are items that break-down each of those root items into things you can vibrationally mold. For example, if I brainstorm a list of things on my mind that include...
...the root item on..
(09 Oct '14, 08:11)
@Bluebell - ...the list (which obviously could include other non-Uncle-Joe items) is Uncle Joe is coming so that would be the "What's Bothering Me?" issue. During this brainstorming, you have already (inadvertently) also identified some Why Don't I Have What I Want Yet? items (the remaining items on that list) but by now explicitly asking that question, you can shake out any others that may not have already shown up during the initial mind-sweep. Does that clarify things at all?
(09 Oct '14, 08:16)
@Bluebell - The point of doing this is that the What's Bothering Me? items are usually too vague and wishy-washy to do vibrational work on - otherwise you would likely have already cleaned them up - but by asking the "Why Don't I Have What I Want Yet?" question regarding them, you now start to reveal the underlying limiting beliefs that are causing them. Once you know the underlying limiting beliefs, they are no longer hidden & you can now clear them using your preferred clearing method.
(09 Oct '14, 08:21)
@Stingray So to link 'What's bothering me?' and 'Why don't I have what I want yet?' you have to look at what you DO want in regard to the issue, like you do in a focus block? I think that's the part I was missing. I think it's clicking now.
(09 Oct '14, 16:43)
@Bluebell - In answering the Why Don't I Have What I Want Yet? question regarding any issue, you'll automatically have to think about what you do want even if you phrase it from a negative perspective i.e. I don't want to be overweight instead of I want to be slim . The question will just disclose to you what beliefs you must be holding that are "blocking" you. You can also ask the question recursively, if it helps, to any belief that it discloses in order to break it down further.
(10 Oct '14, 06:43)
@Stingray That makes it a lot clearer, thanks. Do you have any tips on bridging the new belief? I understand the concept but procrastinate on it because I can't make the jumps between one belief and another feel believeble
(10 Oct '14, 23:57)
@Bluebell - There's probably plenty of tips within the questions/answers relating to the Focus Blocks tag: http://www.inwardquest.com/tags/focus-blocks/ This specific question thread might also help: Having trouble thinking of statements for the Focus Blocks? Try beginning with one of these sentence starters . If you still get stuck, ask a new IQ question and I'm sure people will chip in with their own tips.
(11 Oct '14, 13:25)
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@Sourabh I've a burning question ... what motivates you to use these methods?