What is a "Universal Truth"? How does one define a Universal Truth? I hear this term said a lot- but I have never really heard anyone define it before. Jai |
A "Universal Truth" would be a truth that applies to all places and all things. Many use it as "applies to all people". A common example people tend to try and fit as "Universal Truth's" are their ethics. For example, I can't count the number of people I've heard say "you (in general) shouldn't kill any living things" yet the same people live in houses made of wood, rip flowers out of the ground for their loved ones, eat plants and sometimes kill bugs. Not to mention their act of living itself is killing numerous living cells etc. Life lives off life. Needless to say - it isn't a Universal Truth. To find something that is actually a "Universal Truth" is difficult - because we are not aware of it quite so readily if it is not a part of our universe. Laws of physics are the most ready example of "Universal Truths" ... but even with those - we cannot be entirely sure with many of them. |
Now thats a great answer.This Bashar chappy keeps it short and sweet
(22 Oct '12, 05:22)
Monty Riviera
@Monty Riviera- Thanks, yes Bashar is excellent:)
(22 Oct '12, 10:53)
Been studying his stuff a bit recently Satori, he is rather good.
(04 Nov '12, 05:20)
Monty Riviera
@Monty Riviera - Good to hear you found information that resonates with you. If you like Bashars teachings this is a great webpage to bookmark: http://iasos.com/metaphys/bashar/#already It has all Bashar core teachings on one web page along with some great analogies :)
(05 Nov '12, 15:11)
Thanks Satori, will look into it.
(06 Nov '12, 04:31)
Monty Riviera
Just taken a GOOD look into your link Satori, been running it thru my mind . Many thanks, it all fits in perfectly. Very clear, concise and easy to grasp. Its reminded me of many other teachings which dovetail perfectly with whats written in the link.
(07 Nov '12, 11:46)
Monty Riviera
@Monty Riviera- Your welcome, glad you liked:)
(07 Nov '12, 15:58)
@Satori- I was having an inteluctual argument with a philosophically persistant friend who claims he knew the "real imperical truths" of the world (he was getting angry with me because I told him I believed in extra terrestrials). I recited these four laws; he remained silent and didn't argue back.
(26 Jan '13, 11:52)
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A universal truth is something like a right angle, just as a "simple" example. You can try to draw one on a piece of paper, you can get close to drawing one, but you can never actually draw one. You will always be able to adjust it to be more accurate, however, a right angle exists. It exists whether you are aware of it or not. Now, most of the time when you hear the term "universal truth" you aren't hearing about something like a right angle - they are more than likely talking about some sort of value, or human value. A universal truth is beyond subjectivity. Another way to say it would be to say that there is a "natural law". Gravity is a natural law. Animals obey a natural law to survive. Humans also obey a natural law, though because of man's ability to reason he is set apart from most other living things. Cultures differ in many ways, but if we dig beneath cultural differences we see that all humans, unless they are insane or example, or under the influence of drugs, or brain damaged in some way recognize a natural law. I don't know anything about cannibals, but I'm sure that if we were to examine a cannibal tribe that we would find that within that tribe there are rules against murder. It is hard to realize that in the world today that women are regularly stoned in the middle east, but they are. Still, within that culture, as perverse as it may be there are universal laws at work. A mother loves her child. Killing someone for "no reason" is wrong. These are universal laws or truths. @Jeff Dumas- Yes! Simple is good...See Sonny G's answer below....:)
(25 Jul '17, 01:57)
A Universal Truth, is awareness that transcends the corporeal realm of the senses and even thought. "Truth" is a state of awareness, thus to be universal it must be a unifying awareness that does not fall into objectivism of "true" are "false". For when one is aware of what unifies the "self" to all other forms of matter and energy, you are aware of what simply is you. One can call it uni-versal "truth" are any other name ... @Prophet Uknown welcome to IQ ect ,ect ,ect ;)
(08 Mar '13, 19:44)
A universal truth is there are differences, and similarity in people of all walks of life regardless of their culture, where they live, and come from. A universal truth is in some countries, they are hot, and cold seasons through out the year, while in other countries it is hot all through the year. A universal truth is Christian Worship on Sundays and Jehovah Witness Worship on a Saturday. A universal truth is a Jehovah Witness cannot take blood transfusion, because it is against their religion. There are many such universal truth. |
yep universal truth is suppose to be a truth accepted by every one. but know this even universal truth can change. only absolute truth does not change. absolute truth is a truth that incompasse all variation of the truth even over time. so once you leave this world you will see the absolute truth because you will get to see all the variation of the truth over time. experience and enjoy. |
You know for people attempting to define Universal truth you all do a lot of defining Individual truths....
My Individual truth, is not your Individual truth, However My universal truth is yours as well. Before you all attempt to figure out what a Universal truth is, you should first figure out what the hell you are even talking about. Because it's obvious none of you have a clue. |
Universal truth is common sense, within the 'universe' you can perceive at that given moment in space and time. It can be an 'universal truth' related to the time you´re living, and-or to the place where you live, and-or to the people with whom you live, and-or with the thoughts that you accept as true. As you can see, universal truths can only exist in the here-and-now. Does that sound to you as an universal truth ? Samadohn |
Universal truth is an indisputable fact that holds true every single time (i.e. 1+1=2). Anything that leaves room for argument is not a universal truth (i.e. personal morals/beliefs). Idk why everyone on here is complicating this question... For those who do not text, Idk means "I don't know". :)
(05 May '13, 22:06)
The only one universal truth is Jesus Christ who is going to come very soon those who believes in him only they will save these is the end of the world very near you will not believe this but is the only truth that only Christ is having the authority of hell as well as heaven Christ means (Khristós) anoited. one that comes from above a pure of heart that know God. the men of flesh was name jesus. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christ but none accept our testimony. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBLTgFrUfkY why is that spirit holy? the holy spirit. because that spirit was in the presence of the holy of holy the absolute truth the alpha and the omega. be holy,for i am holy.
(22 Jul '12, 02:48)
white tiger
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In a sentence, universal truth is: what is true for 1 person, is true for all. If you are aware of that truth or not. Simple examples: Assume there is a small pink and white polka dotted fruit bearing tree somewhere lost in the mountains of Tibet. Now. No one has ever seen this tree, but it is there. The universal truth is, it does exist. If finally 1 person happens to see this tree he knows it exists. He may tell many people that it exists. Whether those people believe this tree exists or not, it does exist. That is a universal truth. Something closer to common: You went to a car lot and bought a brand new car on Feb 10th of 2017. Even if you never tell anyone, your friends or family, no one knows you bought this new car on 2/10/2017. The truth is, you did. It is a truth for everyone, if they know it or not, or believe it or not. You did. This is a universal truth. Some here seem to imply that a universal truth applies only to science. And must be repeatable and everlasting. This is not true. It does however apply to science. Gravity exists and manifests itself by holding things down on earth, including our atmosphere. This is a universal truth, whether you believe or not, or know it or not. What happens if the tree in my first example, dies and withers into nothing? It is no longer a universal truth that it exists. The new universal truth, whether you know it or not, or believe it or it is, at one time it did exist. A universal truth is what is true for 1 person, is true for everyone. 1
@Sonny G- A lovely and succinct answer- a UT in and of itself. Simplicity is often beautiful....Is that a UT??? LOL!
(24 Jul '17, 18:32)
Actually that would not be a universal truth. Because it is you're "opinion" of something. A universal truth can not be interpreted. It must be factual and undeniable. (^.-)
(24 Jul '17, 22:59)
Sonny G
@Sonny G- Hey, at least in my limited experience, English teachers, boss editors, and potential manuscript buyers all love clear writing. I love clear writing- I wish sometimes that I could learn to do it once in a while! That makes it close to a hypothesis- and now we are venturing into UT territory! Lol :) Jai
(25 Jul '17, 01:54)
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