hi friends... whats does this mean that "our reality is holographic nature of our thoughts??? thank you..!!! love,light n blessings to all of you..
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The thoughts that you think every single second create the illusionary physical reality that you perceive as being solid and all around you. There is no solidity in our physical existence. We experience things as being solid and real through the billions of electrical signals running through our body. Those signals are made from pure energy (which is who we really are) and let us experience the sensations of hearing, vision, touch, taste, and smell. Everything we experience is the hologram of our thoughts and emotions. Our thoughts and emotions trigger a creation of the reality around us. Whatever we predominantly think about is the reflection or hologram that manifests in our existence in what we think is solid and outside of us. The picture of the earth hologram below represents the true holographic nature of our existence. We as a collective consciousness of individual entities agree to experience a similar structure of earth. We use our powerful intention as a collective to create this 3-D model of earth that we live on right now. You could say that the bottom of the white cone in the picture below is the point where we all come together and agree on the manifestation of this particular place in time and space. That small point is where we collectively focus as a one whole consciousness and project an experience that seems to be outside of our individuality. There are an infinite number of these holographic earths available for each and everyone of us to choose from. Our thoughts and intention allow us to create the perfect one for our individual excitement. Bashar sums up this concept really well with the following quote:
Physical reality is in your (holographic) consciousness which means that your thoughts control every single thing that happens in your own unique and individual hologram. This is why the concept of thinking about what you want is so powerful. Thoughts literally create every single holographic thing and circumstance in your life. 1
@cory- great answer. n you made it so..clear,along with the diagram . thank you so much cory...:)) love,light n blessings to you..
(17 Oct '12, 01:13)
@supergirl You are very welcome:)
(26 Oct '12, 13:26)
The nature of reality is holographic. This means that the One expression of Consciousness (All That Is) is contained within All of the myriad separate expressions of Consciousness. And that All of the myriad separate expressions of Consciousness are contained within the One expression of Consciousness. There is no real separation because Consciousness is One. The idea of separation is just that, an idea and an illusion that's maintained by us in order that we can play this game of being Other than what we actually are, which is One Consciousness. Of course, this means that all truth and all knowledge are contained within each expression of the One Consciousness and that each expression, therefore, already contains all truth and all knowledge. Furthermore, obviously (?), everyone you meet is your mirror. Everyone you meet is You and they're here to remind you of something that will assist you to better play this reality game of life on Earth. Until such a time that you wake up and realize that you're dreaming within a dream of your own creation and that you're both the dreamer and the dream; eternally 8-) 2
@eddie-thank you for ur wonderful answer.love,light n blessings to u..:))
(17 Oct '12, 09:23)
This is something that I have been experimenting with for years. To really get the answer you need to delve into dreams and how they function. Notice how when you dream what you feel and think before each event you experience. I on examining my dreams have found that I have had specific thoughts and feelings before each event that I experienced. Since I found this out in my dreams I have contemplated life and events and thought. What feelings and thoughts have I had before specific events? I found out that every event experienced was indeed preceded by feeling and thought. If this is similar then the cause and experience must be similar as well. It is just not as noticed because most do not analyze reality, they just live in it. Now once you notice this the fun part is to deliberately mold reality into what you choose by consciously choosing what you think and feel! To be awake at the drivers wheel instead of driving unconscious. @wade casaldi- great answer.., thank you so much!!!..
(16 Oct '12, 11:38)
@Wade Casaldi - This facinating. The idea got into my head, and now I am noticing what I was feeling in dreams right before something happens, and I feel that I'm on the brink of doing it in my waking life, and even to feeling I will be able to sense things before they happen. That is a very unique and specific feeling, and I never thought of practicing with dreams before. Love this. You explained such a subtle and complex experience very clearly, really nailed it down. Thank you. :)
(18 Oct '12, 00:03)
I am what I think should be the meaning of "Reality is the holographic nature of our thoughts". Since we are all the time thinking, the creation of reality and shaping of our life is complex sum of our so many different thoughts projection. Moreover, there are so many thoughts being projected from other people as well. So the reality we are living is shielded by thoughts all around. In one shamanistic perspective, we (living or non-living), creatures, are the prototype of information and energy. In that perspective as well, creation of reality by thought is possible. |
The Holographic Universe and why it is described as a Hologram. Now the real reason why, lies in understanding a particular phenomenon that is found only in holograms. Now let us look at matter. Another great example is to observe the nature of your TV Screen (an example I have used in the past to illustrate the same point) @ the traveller= mind-blowing answer.., u made it damn clear to me. thank you so much..., i wanna knw are u from india?
(17 Oct '12, 03:35)
Hi supergirl
(17 Oct '12, 20:05)
The Traveller
I owe an apology to my Buddhist friends for not spell checking my previous comment.
(18 Oct '12, 00:14)
The Traveller
@the traveller- true.., evn,i don't really believe in any particular religion..cos i feel all the religions give a single msg of "love,peace n harmony". but,still..i am very very much passionate about christianity cos i have completed my entire schooling from a christian missionary school n so, i believe in christianity more than any other religion. all the principles of christianity have been programed in my sub-concious mind in childhood.
(18 Oct '12, 01:19)
@the traveller- i would love to connect with u on facebook, if u don't mind.., love,light n blessings to u..
(18 Oct '12, 01:20)
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Here is my video answer. I hope this helps. And here is a scientific video The Primacy of Consciousness - Peter Russell - Full Version that might help. Here is my guided meditation that will help you to experience the feeling of what I am saying. If our reality is a hologram, and we are parts of it, then we are part of The Whole, and we are the same as The Whole, or God, or the Universe, All that is. And that is how we are made in the image of God, the Creator. @The Traveller - Oh, please share. :)
(16 Oct '12, 17:36)
May I share a rather strange experience I had with Disney?
(16 Oct '12, 17:40)
The Traveller
That is interresting @The Traveller Thank you for sharing. What did you discover Disney was all about? Thanks. I hope that people's opinion of Disney doesn't interfere with the message. It's still bright and cheery.
(16 Oct '12, 19:20)
Fairy Princess
@fairy princess- great video.., thank you so much dear..,love,light n blessings to you..
(17 Oct '12, 01:16)
@the traveller- can you pls explain that incident more clearly.., i didn't get how your n disney's feelings were same?
(17 Oct '12, 01:18)
Is there a better analogy than to say that is is like Disney? Thanks
(17 Oct '12, 09:08)
Fairy Princess
Glad you liked it @supergirl. I hope it helps.
(17 Oct '12, 09:08)
Fairy Princess
Hi Fairy Princess.
(17 Oct '12, 20:26)
The Traveller
OK @The Traveller :) I am glad you like the analogy. I do know that many people have a bad image of Disney, so I wasn't sure how that would be perceived.
(17 Oct '12, 21:19)
Fairy Princess
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n how it is the of holographic nature..., can u all plss explain???