Now, supposedly there is no "Law of Assertion". Yet, I have seen people change their attitudes around me compared to others. I occasionally come across others gossiping about someone and agreeing on some attitude they "have" - and this is an attitude I have never seen them display around me. I have also seen for example, the attitude of my mother change towards my sister through her own 'work' on herself (she is into LoA as well - though on a more introductory level). And I have personally improved attitudes of people towards me, through focus blocks. I can synthesize the concept of no "Law of Assertion" and the above (and many more) experiences by considering that they are all in relation to myself. But further, I have recently worked things around so that others, such as one of my brothers and mother do not fight - when I'm around at least. This doesn't APPEAR to involve me directly (though I understand that I am involved in some manner). Since I KNOW those things are possible - could someone not then do more? Just for a quick example, I was recently traveling with someone and I passed up an experience of abseiling because they were afraid of heights. The time has now passed...but would it have been possible for me to cause such a deep change in someone through a method like focus blocks to have them remove their fear of heights - at least when with me? And if it happens that they could remove it when with me, what would stop them from having that lack of fear spill over into the rest of their life? I presume it is because my vibration on a subject concerning them has no affect on them unless I am involved with them. That would be evidenced by my first example of the gossiping. But...what if EVERYONE began to form a new expectation about someone...instead of just one person (as in the cases above) - then for all respects that person would begin to act differently in all of their interactions with others, wouldn't they? And then, if that occurred, wouldn't they begin to form a new opinion about themselves? Consequently resulting in the expectations of other people ultimately changing the person focused on...and thus a reality being asserted onto them. It is likely I have missed something in the premise and logic above - and I trust someone will be able to point it out so I can really 'wrap my head' around this. :) (This actually started out as a question on whether it is possible to use focus blocks to affect others? unusual method of 'prayer' as it were. Ernest Holmes actually seems to go into the idea in his "The Science of Mind". It developed into something else as I wrote it though.)
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There is no Assertion but there is definitely Influence otherwise people like me wouldn't be here explaining to others how to make their lives better. :) Assertion basically says that "it has to be this way for you whether you want it or not" while Influence says "this is how I would like it to be for you, if you have no objection". Influence definitely works. The multi-billion dollar global industries of Advertising and Marketing are proof of that. But you can be sure if any of the people involved in those mega-industries, with their unimaginably large resources, had ever really found a way to assert their messages instead of trying to influence with their messages, someone would have done it by now. What happens metaphysically when you attempt to influence someone is that you force them to make a choice, even if it isn't a conscious one. It doesn't matter what the influence is - it can be the influence of healing, the influence of advertising, the influence of trying to get them romantically involved with you (which has also become a multi-billion dollar industry now). But this idea of forcing them to make a choice is what the outcome of your influence will be...the influence is yours, but the choice is theirs. Notice that I've implied above that influence works if they have no objection. Most people drift through their lives without any real sense of self-determination, purpose or direction. So if you offer them a choice that, in that moment, seems to them to be a better one than staying where they are, they would have no reason to resist. The choices presented don't even have to positive ones. The negative "manipulation" of humanity is often driven by the choice of "if you don't do what we want you to do, something bad will happen"...but it's still a choice...even when it appears you have no other choice - but that's only when you manage to convince the population that they are only limited physical bodies trapped within a five-sense-based physical reality. But try influencing someone to heal if they don't want to be healed, or try making them go on a date with you if they really don't want to, or try getting them to feel better if they really don't want those cases, the differences between assertion and influence become very obvious. From an even deeper perspective, we attract out of others (into our own reality) the behavior that is a vibrational match to our expectation of them - and the range of flexibility they have to offer in those behaviors is the range of our apparent influence over them. So if someone is now behaving differently because of your changed expectation of them, it is because they had the flexibility within their multi-dimensional self to do that, and thereby engage with you in your reality through that different facet of themselves. When you are out of range of what they have to offer, you simply cannot attract (or vibrationally match up with) any part of them in your reality any more and they effectively just vanish from your universe. Influence is never about forcing someone into doing something. Persuasion would be closer to what you are talking about.
(19 Sep '11, 05:25)
You are never changing anyone else. You are always changing your self. That's why the Law of Attraction is never the Law of Assertion. If you change, and another person decides to change because you changed, it is because they are applying the Law of Attraction to themselves, not because you are applying the law of assertion to them. If you change, but that other person decides not to change, it is not because the Law of Attraction is failing to work for you, but because that person is faithfully attracting that which they are most closely aligned with. The Law of Attraction is not really about changing the universe and other people; rather it is about choosing what you wish to experience (and who you wish to experience it with) from the limitless possibilities of experience that are available to you. As Eddie points out in his comment above, you can also choose a different perspective for your self. That shift in perspective will change the way you see other people, including your parasailing friend. I can understand the idea of the "external" changes always being a result of changing myself. I guess the issue is I don't really see how the other person is actually deciding to change. If I change something that I 'believe' concerns others, then they tend to almost always change as well, I don't see their choosing. The closest thing to their 'choosing' I have seen experienced is when some time has passed after I have done work on myself and recognized a corresponding change in others. They may begin to change back to how they were before...and then typically out of my life.
(20 Jul '10, 08:11)
But then they still always (as far as I can recall) seem to align up with the changes I've made in myself...even if only for a brief time. And as far as I know, in those cases it could have just been that their idea of 'what they are' (beforehand) was clearer than my idea of 'what they are' (afterhand). So I can't discount "Law of Assertion" entirely through that evidence either...although it definately provides some form of evidence.
(20 Jul '10, 08:13)

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Have you considered that in your Uni-verse or One-song, there is only you?
@Eddie: That's very poetic, but we all chose to come here and agree in the illusion that we are all separate, so what would the point be of insisting that we are not? Wouldn't that essentially disqualify us from the game?
@Vesuvius - I don't think it's a matter of insisting we're not separate, but rather seeing that at a core level we're not. When I say Uni-verse I'm looking at my world and everyone in it holographically. For me that means anything, anyone and any situation will be tailored to fit the version of reality that I now choose to experience and thus that reality will be reflected back to me following my vibrational output.
@Eddie: I have previously. But that idea would seem to muddle up the idea of 'law of attraction' and 'law of assertion' for me even more.