"Abraham has described themselves as "a group consciousness from the non-physical dimension" (which helps a lot!). They have also said, "We are that which you are. You are the leading edge of that which we are. We are that which is at the heart of all religions."

Abraham has told us through Esther that whenever we feel moments of great love, exhilaration, pure joy, stoned-out bliss, even the energy of sexual orgasm when we feel that Energy Flow rushing through our bodies, that is the energy of Source, and that is who Abraham "is"." abraham-hicks.com

That's Awesome! Any thoughts?

asked 13 Aug '10, 14:23

Brian's gravatar image


edited 22 Mar '11, 08:18

Barry%20Allen's gravatar image

Barry Allen ♦♦

What exactly are you asking?

(13 Aug '10, 15:38) Vesuvius

Is there a particular non-physical dimension that Abraham calls home?

(13 Aug '10, 19:23) Brian
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I think your question comes about from trying to overlay physical ideas upon a medium that isn't suited to them.

I think that there are three (at least) underlying concepts here that just don't translate well to non-physical.

  1. Non-physical is not a place. In mathematics and physics, the dimension of a space or object is informally defined as the minimum number of coordinates needed to specify each point within it. It's an idea that only works on the physical plane into which we project our non-physical selves.

  2. Consciousness is a stream, not a clump. When you look at a physical being, that clump of physical material making up that being causes us to think that there is a non-physical consciousness residing within in it and attached to it. But a more accurate interpretation would be that there is non-physical consciousness streaming into it. So what you consider to be you can just as easily simultaneously stream into, say, a dog while it is also projecting into you. And, furthermore, it can (and does) experience many other lives (in different times and places, perhaps non-terrestrial ones) simultaneously with your own lifetime.

  3. Non-physical groups ebb and flow. The group consciousness known as Abraham (or any other group entity) alters in response to the question being asked of them. While there might be a generally stable core group of consciousnesses focused together, different questions will attract different consciousnesses to join that group to offer a more suitable vibrational response to what is being asked. Since there is no place in non-physical, consciousnesses come together (instantly) based on interest and intent rather than us humans who tend to come together based on location...though the internet is making humanity more non-physical-like, in my view.

So relating this back to your question...

Which dimension does Abraham come from?

  • They don't come from any place ( see point 1 )
  • They don't come from any place ( see point 2 )
  • They don't come from any place ( see point 3 )



answered 14 Aug '10, 08:20

Stingray's gravatar image


edited 14 Aug '10, 08:34

This is really clear - Thank you :)

(14 Aug '10, 12:21) Michaela

Glad it was useful. You're welcome, Michaela

(15 Aug '10, 08:04) Stingray

@Stingray, I am loving this. Thanks for sending me here.

Point 2 is delicious. It gives me a welcome clue to ideas of parallel universes and alternate realities (favorite subjects). Just that simple description shot straight through a ton of clutter in my mind on the subject, can't wait to see where that will lead. Are there more posts that come to mind? Greedy, I know. This stuff facinates me. :)

And point 3 is a perfect description of IQ itself. We are exactly this. How cool is that?

(06 Jul '12, 01:49) Grace
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They are a group of entities who are connected to Source and come through to teach us that we can live from that same perspective while still in our physical bodies - We don't have to pass over or go to a particular dimension.

They have stated that they are from the non-physical dimension - I guess someone who lives from that altered state of consciousness ( maybe Eckhart Tolle ) could explain it but most of us probably won't fully know until we pass over.


answered 13 Aug '10, 17:15

Michaela's gravatar image


I would even take it one step further. not only are groups of entities connected to SOURCE, we are all connected to SOURCE, its just a matter of appreciating and knowing that we are.

(14 Aug '10, 16:10) RPuls

You're right, but often from this physical dimension we forget that and instead choose to perceive seperation.

(14 Aug '10, 16:14) Michaela

Abraham is from a dimension where he can see the entire forest, where all we see are the trees.


answered 13 Aug '10, 17:05

Vesuvius's gravatar image


Imagine that you are walking into a building and then you enter into a large lecture room where there are many intelligent people all focused on one subject of discussion.

Is this place a physical or a non-physical dimension? We all can access non-physical dimension. I would conclude that the non-physical dimension is the real dimension that the physical dimension comes from.

I like it here in this mental dimension. I think I'll stay awhile. See you all later, and maybe we'll meet.


answered 14 Aug '10, 05:26

RPuls's gravatar image


edited 14 Aug '10, 16:06

Abraham is in the core of All that is. Abraham is a part of the whole, a part that is organized by the intent of teaching others. Nothing more and nothing less.


answered 22 Mar '11, 20:33

Tibor%20S.'s gravatar image

Tibor S.

Quoting Stingray: "Non-physical groups ebb and flow. The group consciousness known as Abraham (or any other group entity) alters in response to the question being asked of them. While there might be a generally stable core group of consciousnesses focused together, different questions will attract different consciousnesses to join that group to offer a more suitable vibrational response to what is being asked. Since there is no place in non-physical, consciousnesses come together (instantly) based on interest and intent rather than us humans who tend to come together based on location...though the internet is making humanity more non-physical-like, in my view."

Some time ago I found these Abe quotes that really struck me, and it strikes me now they are very relevant to the above:

"Non physical energy, non physical consciousness is like a very much like a very big library, with everything imaginable in all sorts of combinations available.And what you describe as Abraham or Ramtha or as any other is an attraction which has taken place by virtue of physical vibration. In other words there is a misunderstanding that non-physical sits wanting to assert information into physical experience. Where the reality of it, the agreement is it is all Law of Attraction, and so it is by virtue of the vibration the wanting and believing of those physically involved that this attraction process takes place.

Let us give you a little example. Some years before when Jerry and Esther began interacting with Abraham in this way, Jerry was reading Seth, Seth was a non-physical rascal (Abe....Still is as a matter of fact (group laughter) ..spoken through the mouth of the woman Jane Roberts. As Jerry read books he was still related to many questions, some of what was written did not interest him much of what was written did. But the thing that was most important in this dialogue was that Jerry and Esther were stimulated to questions that books did not answer, and so their vibrating questions, they attracted the energy that we now describe as Abraham. The reality is of it is the energy of Seth and the energy of Abraham are same energy, but it is received by different beings with different vibrational wanting. Are you getting sense of what we are saying?"

"The expression of that which you are calling Seth here in your physical experience is the same nonphysical energy as that which you are calling Abraham. It is a family of teachers, we are chips off the same block, so to speak. But even in all of that sameness, the interest of Jerry and Esther as compared to the interest of Rob and Jane is different enough that they have different experiences."


answered 26 Jan '16, 19:12

Delphine's gravatar image


edited 26 Jan '16, 19:14

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