Master key system part 1 lesson. I have been practicing this on a daily basis since the beginning of august and it feels like I am missing something. I have blown through this book before and the results were very much so undesired. Now all I want is to be able to do such a simple thing but the means seem to be out of my grasp. I have willpower but this is not at all comfortable and I have involuntary muscle contractions randomly during this.
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Regarding that particular exercise, I do not believe it is intended that you should feel comfortable. I've had a look at the lesson and I can't see that mentioned anywhere. This is an exercise in self-discipline more than anything else. I believe Charles Haanel is using this exercise as a demonstration to you just how hard many people find the simplest act of control over their own bodies. An even tougher exercise is the one the following week where you have to inhibit all thought too...again this is not intended to feel like a natural situation for you, it is just a demonstration to show how difficult such simple things are to do. Personally, I wouldn't let your uncomfortableness about this exercise stop you from making progress in the book. You'll find this exercise much easier on a second or third pass through the book...yes, if you are like most people you'll end up going through this book more than once. On a slightly related note, this particular exercise of sitting perfectly still for 30 minutes (or even up to an hour) is one of my favorites. I first came across it in the old cassette version of The Psychology of Achievement. (Note that that link is for the Audio CD in which this exercise seems to have been edited out). Brian Tracy mentions this exercise as way of getting answers to impossible-type problems. If you take your problem with you into this Silence for 30-60 mins, then during that time the answer to your problem will come to you and you will know it is the answer. Brian Tracy says this technique never fails and I have found this exercise to work reliably as he claims. It is one of my personal secret little "tricks" for coming up with ideas for achieving the impossible. :) So Charles Haanel's first lesson exercise has more benefits to it (if you do master it) than you might be thinking. Hope that helps you a bit. +1 for information that is apparently both specific AND useful.
(16 Oct '09, 05:12)
@Stingray- would you advise this exercise as supplementation for helping with my ME-4 style belief moulding activities?
(17 Aug '12, 11:23)
@Nikulas - That answer is nearly 3 years old now. In that time, my own understanding (and the understanding of others on IQ) of the power of Vortex alignment has increased tremendously. These days I would recommend (yes, same old boring answer) simply getting into the Vortex and seeing what kicks you out again. A point that many overlook is that something that kicks you out of the Vortex (especially repeatedly) has actually been inspired to you from within as an "issue" you should integrate.
(17 Aug '12, 15:11)
@Stingray- Wow cool! I still have to say that sitting completely still does have some amazing effects if vortex entry isn't successful. I've been practising this the past week, unable to achieve 30 minutes, I've found it puts me into a super deep relaxtion if anything else, thus, before bed is ideal for me.
(17 Aug '12, 19:58)
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Just like you would not enter a marathon and just show up and run 26 miles without a lot of training, it is exceedingly difficult to sit and meditate for a half hour successfully. Why not start with 1 minute in the morning and once you've mastered that go to 2 and 3 and so on. Because the mind is constantly going just like a movie reel, a good way to control your thoughts is to focus on your breath. While you deeply inhale, visualize breathing in white light. Then when you you breathe out, visualize breathing out dark smoke. Do this over and over and before you know it, you will have mastered one full minute of sitting still and meditating on your breath. SMALL STEPS and small successes toward our ultimate goal are OK. At this point in the Master Key System, meditation is not a part of what he suggests the student does. In my response, I used meditation as an example of sitting still. As for meditation or sitting still, focusing on your breathing for example, is a good way to forget the rest of yourself and allow stillness and meditation.
(18 Oct '09, 03:08)
I think it is also an exercise in learning to allow yourself - to allow yourself to learn to do it, to allow yourself to become able to do it, and to overcome your thoughts that you can't. Mastery of this is a demonstration that you can and by association, can do other things that you think you can't. Master yourself - the Master Key indeed! By the way, how you sit is important. I can sit cross legged and meditate for fifteen minutes half an hour easily, as you automatically create a secure base by doing that but sitting in a chair is another matter. Note that he doesn't say HOW to sit except for to sit erect, which fits with the classic meditation position. It may even be that he is teaching a way of meditating by this process. Quote:
I had the same doubts when I first started my asana training (just simple "chair asana"). Every day I sat down for 5 minutes two times a day, forcing my body to stay completely still. At that time I was wondering if the shaking of my muscles will ever stop, it seemed that it won't. But after a month of regular practice this problem is less noticeable, at some times I don't shake at all (though usually I experience it in a less manner). Some more time and it will be over. Remember to stay persistent all the time, and the problems will eventually disappear. |

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Part of the reason your results were unsatisfactory may have been that you "blew through the book."
Thank you all... Your answers have certainly cast light in the shadow of doubt.