This is very important since on the 21st my husband and I will be in a part of the world that is very explosive. Our stay will only last seven days. Last time I was there, I had real hard time getting into my meditation and kept on registering the loud chaotic thoughts of the crowded city. The whole area felt like surrounded by a dense ring of negativity. Would really appreciate any help and suggestions. Thank you, namaste |
Contemplate Beauty. Victor Frankl's book, Man's Search for Meaning comes to mind. It is a chronicle about how one person dealt psychologically with the experience of being in a concentraction camp during World War II. A quote from the Wikipedia article seems especially relevant here:
That was beautiful! I guess I am a bit afraid of leaving the little ones behind and thus am uncentered. Thank you for reminding me of the greatest secret: L O V E thanks and blessings dear one, I love you
(05 Oct '10, 14:40)
What a truly, beautiful,inspiring excerpt - It's one of those that certainly makes me stop and realize how blessed I am, and that Love does indeed have the power to overcome any adversity in life. Thank you for sharing:)
(05 Oct '10, 16:12)

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