I found another question asking something similar but couldn't really find the answer I was looking for. When I searched through Abraham content, their answer was that the thing we are disappointed about, we didn't really want. For some reason this answer doesn't feel satisfying to me. I find myself feeling a lot of fear surrounding expectation, I don't trust it, and I think it's because I am missing a part of the puzzle, and I think the missing piece centres around disappointment. I feel the conflict when I get excited about the future because I remember all the times I have been disappointed and have learned not to get my hopes up. I am fearful of expecting something with my whole heart, and I guess a lot of people experience this, as a sort of protection mechanism. The only thing I can come up with, is if we expect someone to act a certain way, is the reason they don't match up to this behaviour because we might have another belief conflicting with the expectation? Is it simply that the expectation wasn't as pure as we thought? Can someone shed some light on this? Edit: I just figured this out. If you were truly expecting it without doubt, it wouldn't matter if it didn't come in the exact way you thought, because you would know it would come some other way. I kept thinking of the kid being told his parents would take him to Disneyland and instead being driven to an endless field of nothing. Wasn't the kid purely expecting? But if he was purely expecting, the endless field of nothing wouldn't matter, he'd know his Aunt would pick him up and take him tomorrow, or the like.
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Excellent question. I have several answers-suggestions you could choose from, if they feel good to you. 1. Yes, conflicting beliefs. 2. A situation (causing disappointment) coming as a clarification on that very desire - it's not the end of the process! It's just that we're not very aligned in this stream yet, and we tend to take our disappointment as a guidance that we were put down, instead of continuing our vibrational work. As a clarification or a part of the manifestation - two sides of the same coin, actually. I'll quote here a chapter from my "10 Mind Tricks" book, as an example of such a situation and a possible vibrational work in it:
3. A new energy just came, to help you live a richer, better feeling life in the stream you're considering. As you're not aligned in it, yet, it feels negative to you and shows up as a negatively perceived situation, which we can call disappointment. But actually, all that we would want to do in such situation - as goes from the definition of the situation - is to align, and then live this new wonderful energy, inside and then, as a bonus, outside, too. Which one of those thoughts feels better to you? That one is serving you better. :) I would not recommend looking for the "Truth" on how it works "really" - I would find, little by little, better feeling thoughts, as this is ultimately what we really can do in such a situation, this is our influence, inside and outside, this is where our power and pleasure reside. 1
The last Abraham quote is fantastic. In other words, if you can desire it, you can have it. So elegant :)
(19 Aug '14, 02:12)
absolutely :) ♥
(19 Aug '14, 05:01)
Olga Farber
@Olga Farber I think I am going to have to go with the conflicting beliefs, but I love the idea of using the dissapointment to clarify the desire! Excellent stuff, thanks so much.
(19 Aug '14, 17:32)
@Bluebell, thank you :) choose "want to", not "have to" ♥ :)
(20 Aug '14, 02:03)
Olga Farber
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Expectation is how we experience existence. What you wrote about don't get your hopes up is an expression of expectation. It is the same as low hopes instead of high hopes. So this results in disappointment, however it shouldn't because it is what you were expecting. It would be like getting in a cab to go to the park but on the way you tell the driver to stop, you get out and feel that you just knew that you wouldn't make it to the park. Your low expectation of getting there is similar to telling the driver stop. We can not run a race if we expect not to make it. We can't even pick up a pencil if try but expect not to be able to. Go ahead and try to pick up a pencil with low expectation of achievement. Not getting hopes up is like telling the desire to stop. Here is an old song. What makes a little ant believe it could move a rubber tree plant. Everyone knows that an ant can't move a rubber tree plant. But this ant has high hopes, it has high apple pie in the sky hopes. So when you are feeling down and there is no hope to be found, remember the ant that moved the rubber tree plant. Whoops there goes another rubber tree plant. Doris Day version http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=56erSHpazCc Here is a cute one with Frank Sinatra. 1
@Wade Casaldi I love the song. I understand why I get dissapointed NOW, because I have trained my hopes to be so low. But I don't know how dissapointment came to exist in the first place? Do you know what I'm getting at?
(19 Aug '14, 17:29)
@Wade Casaldi: I've had two songs instantly available in my head, most of my life.The one you quoted,and this one: You've got to ac-cen-tuate the positive, e-lim-inate the negative, and latch on to the affirmative! Don't mess with Mr. In-between. You've got to take joy up to the maximum and bring gloooom down to a minimum and have faith! or pandemonium is libel to walk upon the scene. To ill-us-trate my last remark Jonah in the whale, Noah in the ark. Just when everything looks so dark...
(28 Sep '24, 17:34)
Disappointment is unmet expectations. The greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment... Source ~ Atlas of the Heart
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What a great question!