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I am asking about who is using the Vortex Meditations and how is it "working" for you? I want your answers where my wife and I can better streamline our Meditations.

My wife and I have been using the four Vortex Meditations for several years. They have been an important part of our lives and are definitely worthwhile.

Sometimes, suddenly, an important facet appears in our minds and we then incorporate this into our day, but most often there is just a slightly rosy glow, a softness, perhaps like the "afterglow" that calms and relaxes you after making love.

Then our day comes with easy answers. It seems that out path is smooth and easy. We anticipate the day with eager anticipation, and it comes in exciting ways, but at the time, the answers (which are often) are simple. And these answers are almost the right answers were not in our plans, but better than what we were thinking.

The meditations which are like rich tapestries that are always different, we hear different phrases, because we have changed in the ways we are listening.

Often I just focus on the breathing, 3/5. But my wife finds her trying to breathe with the rhythm is distracting to her, but she gets the same results as me.

The bottom line is that a noticeable difference in the Day when we do the Vortex Meditations. I am often in a hurry and have decided that not taking the time, 15 minutes, but I feel that it is a critical difference in our day IF we listen to the one of the Meditations, there are four.

I am aware that each person is on their individual journey. And we all get our learning in different ways. This is working for us. This is all I can say.

How about you?

asked 19 Jul '18, 08:43

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Dollar Bill

edited 19 Jul '18, 09:31

Meditation has changed my life. It is the single only thing I would ever advise anyone whom wants to feel happier day to day whom does not have any conviction in law of attraction ideas.

I tried out the Abraham Hicks meditations and also found the controlled breathing aspect the real beneficial point. I don't mind guided visualisations/meditations, but I found that when I listened to Esther speak- especially on subjects I was upset about at the time such as money or relationships- that the affirmations annoyed me and took me out out of the meditation. I am sure if I tried the meditations now that I would have a more positive reaction.

I have been doing meditation now for 4 months, every day now. The benefits have been amazing to where now (compared to before), I have a day-to-day razor focus similar to taking an amphetamine (not that I have ever tried).

The silent meditations have been the best for me. In the silent meditations there is no basis on any subject, so therefore, I cannot activate any negative beliefs around any subject and I get the best bang-for-my-buck doing silent meditations.

The meditations I have used over the past 4 months have been:

  • The 'sit perfectly still method' advocated in the master key system and Brian Tracy. To do this meditation, sit 100% completely still physically minus natural bodily movements such as rising and fall of chest. It is also known by Zen practitioners by the name Strong Determination Sitting.
  • Butekyeko breathing technique) A controlled breathing system designed to naturally dispel asthma and panic attacks. To do it, breath in normally, breath out normally and then pause on the exhale for as long as possible and then inhale. Repeat for 15 minutes.
  • The Wim Hof Method- based on the yogic Tummo Breathing Technique in which monks are trained to generate bodily heat

My favourite one is a slant on the sit perfectly still method titled Do Nothing, which boosted my confidence in meditation. It sounds so simple that it can be deceiving; sit perfectly still, abandon all effort, and let your mind do whatever it wishes whilst breathing deeply. That is it!


answered 20 Jul '18, 04:47

Nikulas's gravatar image


I used them for a while. I think they are valuable, especially for the breathing pattern.

Though for me, even as an Abraham-Hicks fanatic, I still find that using a No-Thought Silent Meditation has more useful long-term benefits, not least of which is that you are not reliant on having some kind of digital recording player around :)

In fact, Abraham have been "pushing" no-thought silent meditation quite heavily in their teachings for the past year or so...though I have a suspicion that this might be because they've had enough of people doing their processes from lack-filled places and thereby not using them as intended. Teaching meditation is easier and safer :)

So, for me, I prefer using no-thought silent meditation as a momentum-of-thought dissipation technique and then, from there, I can apply whatever vibrational processes I want from a "clean slate", reducing any risk of "lack" being activated.


answered 20 Jul '18, 03:58

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