How can one consciously move the emotional scale from AAIG

In Ask and it’s given, there is a process know as moving up the emotional guidance scale, what I’m understanding from it is that we assess where we are regarding a topic, e,g is it a feeling of impatience or a feeling of disappointment and then we choose better thoughts which consciously moving up the EGS.

However what I’m finding it is that it gets too mechanical so to speak there isn’t much of an emotional shift

Now there are other process like Focus wheels, scripting and meditation and I have heard that they can also help you feel better and move up the scale. In Ask and it’s given, there is a process know as moving up the emotional guidance scale, what I’m understanding from it is that we assess where we are regarding a topic, e,g is it a feeling of impatience or a feeling of disappointment and then we choose better thoughts which consciously moving up the EGS.

However what I’m finding it is that it gets too mechanical so to speak there isn’t much of an emotional shift

Now there are other process like Focus wheels, scripting and meditation and I have heard that they can also help you feel better and move up the scale.

But how so if I have done let’s say focus wheels and once I have finished it I cant tell where Iam on the scale, there are people who have talked about how remaining in hopefulness is the entry to vortex and how the processes are there to help us move up or down the emotional scale

So the questions really are How does one know that where we are on scale How other processes (scripting , virtual reality) can be used in conjunction with EGS and how to know whether we have up the scale

asked 01 Oct '19, 09:37

Rob_Palmers's gravatar image


To be asking a question like this implies you might be approaching these methods in a mental way rather than an emotional way.

I would recommend you start meditating daily to resensitize your emotions then, probably within a few weeks, it will be very obvious how you feel when you are using these processes, and also afterwards when assessing your emotional state.


answered 01 Oct '19, 11:11

Stingray's gravatar image


edited 01 Oct '19, 11:13

Ok so let's, one by one, address your summarized questions in the last paragraph.

First "how does one know where we are on the scale?." It may help to remember Abraham gives you the flexibility in naming your emotions. One person's jealousy may be another person's insecurity. You don't need to have laser sharp precision right now in knowing exactly which number you are. I'm certain you can take 60 seconds to tune into yourself and get an answer that's "close enough." With practice (meaning you just gently ask yourself through the day "what am I feeling right now?"), you will get better at this. The key is consistency in tuning in to yourself.

Second you asked how can other processes be used in conjunction with the EGS. I believe all the process are used with the actual 22 point scale. Moving Up the Emotional Guidance Scale is one process out of many given in AAIIG.

I don't have any familiarity with the Moving Up process as outlined in the book. But I can tell you from Abraham's own words + my own experience + the experience of manifested whom I respect...Focus Wheels are the best and most powerful process in your toolbox.

Abraham has said "writing is your most powerful point of focus". And to move up the scale requires focus. You most reach for a better feeling thought and then focus there long enough for you to receive another better feeling thought and then another and another. This is HOW you move UP the scale. And this is exactly what a focus wheel helps you do.

Have you tried doing 3 or 5 focus wheels for about 3 days in a row? I think if you gave this your attention, you will have all your answers to this question by the start of this weekend!

Start with listening to this Abe clip explaining how to do a focus wheel.

If the link doesn't post YouTube Abraham Hicks Focus Wheel Worth Learning

This one video changed my entire life this past July. Some of her quotes from this video are so powerful it made me almost cry!

Start with that video. Then decide if you can do 3-5 FWs from today till Friday. You'll be so happy you did. You will know for yourself.


answered 02 Oct '19, 15:53

Jacksontysonjordan's gravatar image


edited 02 Oct '19, 15:54

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