This posting is marked as Community Wiki since it is not a real question, but is just information. No-one will gain any reputation points from it. IS THIS METHOD FOR ME?To check if this is the appropriate manifesting approach to use in your particular life situation, first read the Manifesting Experiment Guide INTRODUCTIONThe "Resistance-Release" Method, also known as Manifesting Experiment 4, is the follow-up to:
As with the previous manifesting experiments, I've decided to strip out as much explanation as possible and just give you the method as briefly as I feel I can without losing anything essential. Just ask any questions you have about the method as separate (normal) Inward Quest questions, using the Manifesting-Experiment-4 tag and I'll answer them as normal Inward Quest answers. Doing this will also provide the opportunity for other people to answer as well based on their own personal insights as they gain more experience with the approach. If you want to see a list of questions that people have already asked about this method, just click on the tag in the gray box in the top right-hand corner of this page marked manifesting-experiment-4. (The gray box is titled tagged). You can also click here to see questions tagged Manifesting Experiment 4 WHY DO WE NEED YET ANOTHER METHOD?All the previous manifesting experiments produce effective results. I know because I use them regularly myself in my own life. But I've noticed that others sometimes have problems getting what they want. And that's for one reason... It happens because you have Blocks ("Resistance") in your life that are stopping permanent change from happening. And you've probably had them so long that you've just grown used to them being there. If you knew consciously that those Blocks were there, you could probably do something about them but they are usually issues that so deeply-rooted within you (often since childhood) that you just don't have an awareness any more that they are standing in the way of your happiness or preventing you manifesting what you want. You just know something in that area of your life isn't working but you just can't get enough of a grip on it to know precisely how to deal with it. It's a bit like wearing a pair of new leather shoes before you have broken them in properly. Even though they are just as painful at the end of the day than when you put them on at the start, you have grown so used to the pain that you no longer notice it until you take them off again. But the problem is that even though you don't feel the pain any more, it is still having an effect on your life by stopping you get what you want...turning off a noisy, irritating fire alarm doesn't mean that the raging fire which started it has been put out :) Note that what you want doesn't have to be some physical, material thing. It can be as vague as more friendly people in your life, more time to yourself, more calm in your everyday life, or even world peace...whatever you want is okay...even wanting nothing at all is still a want and you can "have" that as well :) After all, the desire to be desireless is still a desire. So wouldn't it be great to have some systematic mechanical approach to re-discover again what all the resistance is in your life so that you can finally deal with it? Manifesting Experiment 4 - The "Resistance Release" Method is all about uncovering and then tackling those issues that have become so much a part of you that you don't even realize any more that you have them, or the effect they are having on your life. The diagram below broadly represents what the method is all about. Take a look at it closely for a few moments before reading further so you are clear in your mind about exactly what we are trying to achieve. Have you ever worked on some emotional issue in your life only to discover later that it has reverted again to how it was before? Have you ever tried to manifest something in your life only to find that everything else seems to come easily to you, except for this particular thing you desperately want? Why does this happen? This issue of a subject that seems to "slip back" again even after it has been molded into a better feeling place is something that I've experienced myself a number of times and is something that I've seen happen to others many times too. From my experience and research, I think it happens because we have dealt with a symptom of the problem rather than the problem itself. For example, we might want to become more wealthy in our lives but the real core issue might be that we feel unworthy of wealth and guilty about being wealthy. So even though we keep moving our vibrational setpoint regarding wealth into a better place, we still don't attract it because the core blockages have not been dealt with. If you take a look at the analogy of the table top and table legs, you'll see that there can be many supporting emotional drivers/beliefs and, to be sure the symptomatic issue has been finally and permanently resolved, you really need to clean up all those supporting drivers/beliefs. Correctly identifying those drivers/beliefs is perhaps the trickiest issue of all in manifesting what you want, or releasing painful emotional issues. After all, how can you systematically analyze a statement like "I want to be wealthy" and deduce from it that it is being blocked by emotional issues such as "I feel unworthy of wealth" or "I feel guilty about having wealth"? There's no obvious link between those statements and different people will have different core issues. This is exactly what Manifesting Experiment 4 is about. Once you've correctly identified those supporting drivers/beliefs, you'll find it should be fairly straightforward to mold them into better-feeling places and, not only will that permanently clean up the subject that is bothering you, it will also clean up many other issues in your life that those drivers/beliefs were supporting. So you'll find that changing just one thing in your life at a deep level may have a knock-on effect of changing many other things. And, as a by-product, you'll find that once you have cleared up those "core" issues, other processes you use for manifesting what you want, or for bringing about emotional change, will work far more effectively. INSPIRATIONS AND INFLUENCES FOR THIS METHODA FEW WORDS BEFORE STARTINGI know you're keen to get started and having to read masses more text is probably the last thing you want to do right now but there's a few important things I really have to say first to prepare you for what's coming. So bear with me for a while. To give you as much practical information as quickly as possible, I'm not going to explain much about why this method works but please understand that every step is there for a reason so I recommend you don't skip anything even if you don't see any good reason yet why it is there. I also recommend you read the entire process through first from beginning to end and understand it thoroughly so you can see where we are heading with this. Take your time to get clear in your mind what is involved. It's important, and if you don't understand anything, please ask by creating a new Inward Quest question. DECIDE UPON AND PRACTICE YOUR CLEAN-UP METHOD BEFORE YOU BEGINWhile using this process you are going to need an additional method to help you "clean up" whatever negativity or limitation is uncovered. And I recommend that after reading this entire process, the first thing you decide is what your "clean up" method is going to be. And then you need to get comfortable with using it quickly and efficiently. This is important. Learning to use your clean-up method WHILE you are doing the process will interfere with the effectiveness of the process... ...DON'T DO THIS! I recommend looking into EFT ("Meridian Tapping") as your primary "clean up" process because it is very fast in neutralizing emotional blocks. EFT literally takes minutes to learn and there are many places on the internet where you can learn it for free. For example, see all the free videos on YouTube. The other alternative clean-up approaches, if you are not comfortable with the idea of EFT, are "release" processes like my own Focus Blocks Method. If you are already comfortable with other methods such as ZPoint or The Sedona Method, go ahead and use those. If you can recommend other effective and quick "release" processes, please share them with others here on Inward Quest. The point is that once you start on Manifesting Experiment 4 - The "Resistance Release" Method, you are going to quickly uncover uncomfortable (perhaps quite painful) limiting beliefs and blocking emotions within yourself and, for best results and least pain, you should clear them out soon after they surface. Mastering a clearing process at the time you are doing the clearing is only going to get in the way of what you want to do. So prepare now before you start. Also, for that reason, I recommend you only start the process when you can quietly concentrate and contemplate for at least 30 minutes. As you become familiar with this process, you will be clearing out major problem issues in far less time than that but, for now, take it slow and do it right. A COMMON PITFALL TO AVOIDThis process will quickly uncover and release many "core" negative emotions and limiting beliefs within you, perhaps issues that have kept you feeling trapped for many years in many different parts of your life. As you do so, you may discover an interesting property of limiting beliefs...they have the power to protect themselves. You know those situations in your life when you know what you should do but you keep finding reasons not to do it? Remember those situations where, just as you're about to start, you suddenly find all those interesting TV programmes to watch, people that you feel you need to have a casual chat with right now, seemingly-urgent things you've suddenly discovered need to be done at this exact moment, and so on? Well, you may encounter many of those "distracting" reasons surfacing as you start studying and implementing this process for different issues in your life. You're going to start shifting things that have been part of your life for a long, long time - and some of those things have become quite comfortable where they are and will do their best to convince you that they don't need shifting :) You may find yourself telling yourself that this process takes too long, there's too much to read, it's too complicated, or you don't feel like doing it right now, or you're just too tired, or you're just too busy, or....whatever. The diversionary reasons we generate within ourselves can be quite creative! Anyone else looking at your life situation from the outside would be able to clearly see that you're just avoiding the process for no good reason (because of that ability for limiting beliefs to protect themselves) but to you, in the moment, they will seem like absolutely 100% valid reasons. And those reasons will result in you continually putting off implementing positive changes within yourself and your life. If you notice this happening to you, don't be concerned. It's natural. It happens to a lot of people, including myself. Just be aware that the reasons you are coming up with for avoiding change within yourself are just "illusions", and push on with this process regardless of them. I've made this entire process into a step-by-step systematic approach. So just ignore these diversionary tactics within yourself and just focus on getting through the process one step at a time. Make it your goal to complete the entire process in one go, for each individual issue you have, every time you start it. Don't stop until you complete it for that issue you are trying to tackle. And don't even start it unless you are willing to make that commitment within yourself and you're able to devote some quiet time to really thinking about the answers to the questions within the process. You want to create a "habit of completion" for this approach. Whenever you start it, you are going to make yourself finish it, even if you have to force yourself at first. But if you still find yourself day-after-day constantly putting off doing this process, the limiting belief protection mechanism has probably got you well trapped. If that happens to you, don't worry or get upset about it. That's just the way it goes sometimes. Try this little trick to give yourself a chance at side-stepping those blocking limitations... As you fall asleep tonight, vividly imagine yourself getting up tomorrow morning and working through the process. Try and imagine yourself in the picture looking through your own eyes and working through the change process. After a few moments of seeing that image clearly, let it go and fall asleep. Tomorrow morning as you wake up, you should feel a strong urge for a short time to want to work on the process. Follow that urge as soon as you feel it. Don't allow yourself to be distracted by anything else until you've completed the entire process. If you don't succeed tomorrow morning, repeat the imagining process again tomorrow night and try again the next morning. And keep trying until you succeed. And make sure that one of the first issues you tackle within yourself is your resistance to doing this "Resistance Release" Method. No matter how "trapped" you currently feel in your current life circumstances, take heart that you do have the power within yourself to pull yourself out of it. No matter how much you doubt yourself right now and how bad things in your life seem right now, believe me that it is possible for you to regain absolute total control, transform your life beyond what you ever dreamed was possible, and become whoever you want to be. I know because I've been there and done it myself ...and I know you can too :) So, with all that said, let's get on with getting what we want... THE 'RESISTANCE RELEASE' METHODThe flowchart diagram below shows the detailed step-by-step instructions for carrying out the "Resistance Release" Method if you want to do it yourself on paper. Looks complicated, doesn't it? That probably looks like the most scary and complex thing you've seen for a long, long time - and you're now probably feeling like you already want to give up before you even begin :) But don't worry! You probably won't even ever need to look at that diagram in detail because I've created a free online spreadsheet that will take you step-by-step through the process. All you have to do to use it is fill in the gaps. It will work for anyone with a normal web browser (you're using one now, aren't you?) so it will work anywhere that you have internet, home, anywhere....though maybe not on your mobile phone...yet :) All you need to use the online Resistance Release spreadsheet is a free Google account, which you can set up in a few minutes if you don't already have one. (Google will give you the opportunity to set one up when you try to access the spreadsheet) This is what the online spreadsheet looks like... Click here to see this picture at full size And this is where to get your own copy... Click here to get the free online spreadsheetNow, once you've logged into your Google account (or created one), just open up the spreadsheet and do the following first. Click on "File" in the menu at the top and then click on "Make a copy..." and give your own copy whatever name you like. Doing this will make a copy of the spreadsheet to your own private Google Documents area. This will allow you to create your own private copy of the spreadsheet. The original spreadsheet is public and read-only so that it remains clean for others to copy. Take as many copies as you wish and share the link to it with whoever you wish. Now we'll go step by step through the entire process. When you've finished working through the Resistance Release Method, your spreadsheet is going to look something like the one below, which also contains a couple of fictitious examples. Click here to see this picture at full size Obviously, your own spreadsheet is going to be filled in very differently depending on what issues you are dealing with. But you can see already that you can use this single spreadsheet to work on as many issues as you want. Just add more rows to the sheet as you need more space. All you have to do to use the spreadsheet is follow the steps in order (Step 1, Step 2 etc), filling in the columns as you go with answers to the questions listed at the top of those columns. So let's go through all the steps one-by-one... Starting ChecklistUse this checklist when you are ready to use the process for yourself. It is not necessary when you are just reading through this process for the first time in order to understand it Things you need to check before starting the Resistance Release method:
The "Optional" ColumnBefore beginning Step 1, a quick note about what this optional column in the spreadsheet is about. As you work your way through this process, thoughts may pop into your head that give you further insights into your situation but are not directly related to this process. It is vital that you don't allow these thoughts to distract you from working systematically through the process but, at the same time, you may want to look at them later because they may contain valuable information. If unrelated, but important, thoughts such as insights about your life, things you need to do, or vibrational matches you've remembered, do crop up then just type them into this column just to get them off your mind for now. You can look at this column again once you reach Step 8 and are feeling neutral/good about your issue. Step 1These first questions are all about you being honest with yourself about where you currently stand. They set the scene for the vibrational work that is to come. There are four questions shown here but, at any time, you will answer only three because the first question is different depending on whether you are trying to manifest something in particular or if you are just trying to feel better about something in your life. For example, if you are trying to manifest the money to buy a new house, you would answer question (a) and treat the first question as "Why don't I have the money to buy my new house yet?" and list all the reasons why you believe you don't have the money yet But if you were, say, trying to feel better about your boss shouting at you at work, you would answer question (b) and treat the first question as "How do I know I have a problem with my boss shouting at me?" and you would then list all the ways this behavior affects your life. Step 2Now for each of the statements you wrote down in the previous step, you now examine what feelings those statements stir up within you. And, if you can, try and be specific about exactly what that feeling in your body, or emotion is? For example, does it have a color? A shape? Is it spinning? Use whatever words seem appropriate, there is no right or wrong. Here you want to give more power to the emotion by clearly focusing upon it so that you get "more into it". We are doing this so that we really get ourselves focused on the issue, just for the duration of this process. This is crucial for changing it permanently. To change something within yourself for good, you need to get an emotional taste of it first. And by focusing on it in more detail, you bring yourself more and more into alignment with it Step 3This is going to sound bizarre but if you are doing this process correctly up to now, you should actually be feeling pretty bad right at this moment and this step may make you feel even worse! It's important that you engage with these blocking feelings and beliefs because, in doing so, you are now in the perfect place to clean them out for good. While doing this step, and the other steps, memories may suddenly pop up of other occasions that feel similar to this one, or other times in your life that feel similar to now. It's important to add those memories to List 1 (the first step) and then also ask yourself how each of those memories makes you feel (the second step). During this process, don't feel you cannot go back to a previous step if you suddenly remember something you want to add. It's important that you record and deal with everything that gets stirred up within you. It's also important to realize that you don't have to name those feelings. You don't have to describe them using definite words. You can just use whatever phrase sums it up for you (e.g. "that yucky feeling" - or any other appropriate label) just as a placeholder for now Don't rush through any of these questions because this is where you will get to the absolute root of your "problem"...what your limiting beliefs actually are. By doing all these steps together in one concentrated session, we are layering painful emotion upon painful emotion, and limiting belief upon limiting belief, and then this puts us in the perfect position to just knock them all down together in one go. And especially take your time over the following question... What would I have to believe is true about myself and my relationship to this situation in order to be experiencing these emotions? It's important with this question that you give yourself adequate time for a response to come. Spend at least a few minutes pondering this question. If you need to pause this process for a while so you can just quietly reflect on this question then go ahead and do so. The better you answer it, the more effective this process will be. Just bear in mind that you have probably already stirred up some negativity within yourself so now is not a good time to leave yourself in that state and go do other things in your life. But if, after a few minutes, you feel within yourself that you really need more time to reflect on this question then stop the process right now and just clean up whatever emotions you have already stirred up. And then take as long as you need (days, if you must) to allow an answer to this question to come to you from within. The answer is definitely there within you, you just have to let yourself open up to seeing/hearing/feeling it. This applies to the following two steps also. If you feel within yourself that you need more time to really answer them, follow that inner urging and give yourself more time to reflect. But be sure that pausing that process though is a rare exception, not what you typically do, otherwise it may just be a symptom of those limiting beliefs protecting themselves again, as mentioned earlier. Step 4This step, Step 4, and the next one go hand in hand. This question looks at what you really want to happen in your life right now. Just be honest with yourself and put down your ideal outcomes. You never need to show these answers to anyone else so just allow yourself to let whatever comes out, come out. You might even be surprised that, when you really think about it, what you thought you wanted is not what you really wanted. Step 5Following on from Step 4, this question adds an interesting twist. Now that we know what you really want to happen, we're now probing to see if you fear anything coming about as a result of you getting what you want. We often take it for granted that we will always feel good about getting what we want, for example, more money and material things. But is there something deep within yourself that is resisting that? Again, just be honest and list down anything that comes to mind. Allow that inner part of you to feel safe in saying what it really thinks. Because of the length of this posting, I have had to split it over a couple of parts. Go here for Part 2.
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Whilst in the process of reading your method, I suddenly had a long-life memory or awakening moment and believed to have found a source to my problem of not having a girlfriend. I was bullied when I was younger, and didn't like being left out- I felt really, really heart-broken and betrayed knowing that I 'couldn't fit in.' What I discovered, my eureka moment, was that in the middle of getting bullied, my mother provided me with a different style of coping support, giving me affirmations such as, "you're a mature kid" or "you're a good hearted person, those other kids are rotten." Thus, I subconsciously would have enjoyed getting bullied in order to recieve sufficient support from my mother. This explains why I was never able to fit into most social groups in my life. This explains that I would've felt subconsciously like an evil person if I ever wanted a girlfriend (for my youngest memories and beliefs from school involved girls ALWAYS being part of the 'bully crowd.') In the middle of clearing myself up at the moment from this. But I believe love is on its way. Stingray, thankyou for providing this detailed method. More importantly, emmence greatfulness for having someone like you providing this information free of charge- you could probably be a self-help robber and possibly create 10 or more books with your knowledge ripping people off. But you are a person who seems to give better answers than published books. Hats off to you :) You're welcome, Nikulas. I'm glad you've had some insights into your situation. Very often we become so used to our limiting beliefs that we never see them from any other perspective
(06 Jul '11, 08:54)
Hi Stingray, I've been following your answers for quite some time now, and as usual, this post is brilliant! Thank you so, so much for all the time and good work you do. You are inspirational and provide such hope. My only question is--could you perhaps re-upload the spreadsheet or provide a new link? I tried to click on the one provided, but Google is saying that it "is in violation of terms of service." I'd really appreciate a copy, as I really want to give this method a shot! Thanks! I'm not sure why anyone at Google would object to that spreadsheet and then shut it down. But I've now created another :) Please let me know if you have any problems getting it. Better get it quick before they notice :)
(03 Nov '11, 20:33)
This looks fantastic, thank you for posting. I'm answering so as to bring this into current discussion/awareness. Last week I took a look at a constellation of "negative" beliefs about myself and ended up angry for 2 days. Needless to say, I got "stuck" and this did not help at all. I also got angry because at times, Bashar and others say that just becoming aware of beliefs which don't serve our higher good will make them disappear. So then I also got stuck on, "What am I doing wrong?" So I plan to use your method with EFT and see how it goes. I'm encouraged by your assertion that releasing some beliefs can cause a release of others. With heart, Charlotte @Mauihorsegal - "just becoming aware of beliefs which don't serve our higher good will make them disappear" - Step 7 talks about this. I think what gets in the way is that many people are conditioned to not let them go even if they are in a position to. It's like trying to ask someone what they want...most people are conditioned to tell you what they don't want instead :) Just takes a bit of practice to let go but I don't see any problem with using a method either...whatever works :)
(18 Sep '13, 05:48)
Thanks Stingray; I agree that we are really trained to focus on the negative. The more I re-member the more I believe that we just need to stop worrying about everything so much. "Everything is just fine". ; ))
(18 Sep '13, 17:19)
I haven't anything to say of the method right now as I just glanced over it, but I do have to say WOW this is really thought out and done very professional like something from Star's Edge Avatar or Sedona Method, very well done! Now to dig into it and see what it is about!!! :-) Thank you, Wade
(22 Jun '11, 07:58)

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Sorry, I guess there were many of us who couldn't ignore it. :)
This is great !!! especially more so if it is in the form of a software or a tool!
Came back to IQ after a long time only to find that you are about to release another one of your great tools. Can't wait!
I am like a giddy child. Just like most of the questers, I am excited!
Whew! A lot to take in will probably have tons of questions before I can use it with confidence, do we ask questions separately on IQ or just here as a comment?
Ask any questions as new, separate Inward Quest questions tagged as manifesting-experiment-4 so they will automatically be grouped together by IQ
the pictures for the corresponding steps are wrong I think Stingray
@kakaboo - Thanks for pointing out the incorrect links. This posting was so long that the IQ software blew up when I first posted it and kindly destroyed all my links too :) I thought I had fixed most of them but please let me know if you spot anything else that isn't linked properly
Very powerful stuff Stingray. Thank you for sharing this.believe it or not I felt strong negative emotion stirring in me just reading through this post on how to use the method!? This is going to very effective method. Well done Stingray! :)
@Martin - You're welcome. Hope you find some value in it
Knowledge is power, and one can never get too much of it, thank you!
Am I the only one ready to vomit at this point?
Just reading through this made me so anxious I felt like I would vomit. So I decided to do the one handed tapping while I read part 2. The Experience was much better and I am now excited about getting started! Thank you Stingray! I wish I could post this comment at the start. Maybe to suggest doing some tapping while reading the instructions.
This is the best tool you have shared to date! The number of issues it threw up and the sense of relief I have started to feel is unlike anything I have felt in a long time. at first I found all the excuses I could think of for not starting but once I started I can't stop:-) Great stuff.
@ I Think - That's good to hear. It is indeed a tremendously powerful process that I believe has the potential to change the lives of many for the better. I'm glad it's working for you...always nice to hear from a satisfied customer ;)
Hi Stingray. Would just like to say that i have no problems with this process at all, hence no just works everytime for me:)It just gets better and better. Thank you so much for sharing this method. Peace,love and happiness to you Stingray:)
@Satori - Thank you. That's good to hear. And thank you for the feedback
@Stingray-hi Stingray,been using this process extensively with great results:).This process is easier to use everytime I come back to it.In my latest cleanup I cleared all the emotional sting behind the statements successfully.A few hours later I read through them again.No emotions cameup just a feeling of pressure in my head when I'm focusing in on the statements.I can't tap it away for some reason? Any ideas? Does the pressure in the head mean im still not complete with it?Thanks:)
@Satori - If something doesn't disappear immediately, don't force it, just let it be and move on with your life. Come back to it again if your life experiences naturally bring it up again. Remember that the aim of the game is not really to clear up everything that can be cleared up (LOA makes that impossible because it will keep bringing more to clean up) but to use the clean-up as a stepping-stone into the Vortex.
@Stingray-thanks for the reminder.when I start clearing processes i have a strong urge to clear more and more(Loa at work).i keep forgetting that these processes are aimed at vortex alignment.i think this is where a lot of us newcomers are going wrong.getting the right balance between clearing and feeling good.this seems to be confusion here on iq where people I respect saying feeling predominately good will automatically release limiting beliefs.something that's still not clear to me.Thanks:)
@Satori - I completely agree with you. We (including myself) get so focused on clean-up methods that it can seem like we need to clean up our lives before we can get what we want...but LOA will keep you playing that game forever :) It's about getting to that slight bit of relief within yourself that opens up your vibrational range to higher levels, and eventually into Vortex alignment. We will always have limiting beliefs because we are ever expanding beings. What once served us soon...
...entraps us if we are not willing to be vibrationally flexible but the stability and focus we got from being served is always worth it - so we don't really want to think of limiting beliefs as enemies to overcome...just no longer relevant friends that we feel no need to visit anymore :) I think we do all get so focused on the methods sometimes that we forget what the ultimate aim of all the methods help us feel good in the moment :)
Regarding feeling good and limiting beliefs....feeling good will naturally surface limiting beliefs but it won't clear them. A limiting belief, by definition, is going to be something that throws you out of the Vortex. So the workflow goes... Stay in the Vortex as long as you can, let the limiting belief kick you out, clean up the limiting belief (a bit) to get relief to step back into the Vortex again...and the process repeats. It's an eternal oscillation of in-and-out.
My little insight to add to that workflow (and which is at the heart of the Focus Blocks approach) is that you don't really need to use the same limiting belief that threw you out of the Vortex to provide the relief to get you back can use any limiting why not have a pile of them handy? :) You'll never clean up your entire life so why not accept that fact and use it to your advantage by having them at your fingertips when you need a quick shot of relief ? :)
@Stingray-brilliant.i can now actually see that your latest manifesting experiment 5 is setup this way.clearing the most bothersome issue Only in that moment spending as little time as possible. I'm going to copy what you have wrote here and read it every morning.thanks for helping Stingray ,you have cleared up a lot of confusion here:)
You're welcome, @Satori. Glad it's made things a bit clearer for you :)
@Stingray - I've been using ME-4 for many months now, and recently had two experiences wherein I was using it to tackle (for lack of a better term) "deep seated" issues which had been with me for decades and were connected to many things throughout my life. In both cases the "clearing" step took me a long time (about an hour of EFT plus Focus Blocks). After this I was able to feel better, and then re-read the initial step statements while still feeling neutral and not reacting. However...
@Stingray - ...later in the day, the physical feelings activated and described in Step 2 returned, apparently unprovoked, albeit at a much lesser intensity. This happened in two cases. It almost seemed like an "echo" or residue of the emotion(s) I thought I cleared. I am wondering if you have any experience with this, and if it means A) my clearing process was not 100% successful, or B) it is simply some sort of echo-like phenomenon, or like sweating after a long run. :) Thanks in advance.
@lozenge123 I had the same challenge with one major topic. And I think you're right assuming Bashar's concept of the echo. The universe triggers that old belief/feeling to "test" if you really want to choose that new belief. It took me over one month to really stabilize my new belief. But as you noticed already, the whole topic softens a lot. One thing I learned to sooth the echo:...
...I just kept 2-3 very general statements from my fb handy when a new test came and repeated those in my mind. This way I could sooth the echo in about 5-15 seconds to think other thoughts(topics) that feel better. And if another layer pops up that escaped your ME4 process, it takes a lot less time to clean it up than before anyway.
@Stingray If you had people coming to visit and you didn't want to see them because of the uncomfortable feelings that arise, could you write a request asking that they don't come or should you clean it up instead? The core issue these people bring up is a deep life-long one (at least it feels that way) and I don't feel like I could erase it within the time frame. You reckon a request would work?
@Bluebell - A request for something you don't want is like asking someone not to think of a Pink Elephant :) In order to not want it, you must be focused on the thing you don't want which is then bringing you more of it :) It's a pretty delicate balancing act to pull off a request like that. It's far better then to make peace with the issue and then, having made peace with it, if the people still come, they must be a vibrational match to your improved feeling about them.
@Bluebell - If they cannot match the improved feeling, circumstances will occur whereby you won't meet up...I've seen this happen many, many times in my own life. Doing a Focus Wheel/Block on feeling better about this and moving it to a better place shouldn't be a large time investment...I'd be surprised if it took more than an hour...more likely 20 minutes or less. I wouldn't bother clearing up anything that you perceive as a Core Issue unless you find the Focus Block doesn't leave you...
@Bluebell - a better-feeling place. In that case, you may need to start breaking down the Focus Block topic into more core topics, perhaps then ultimately needing the full ME-4 approach listed here. But you won't know until you try.