14th verse of The Tao Te Ching "Mystery"
peace |
There is a single, intelligent Consciousness that pervades the entire Universe - it is called the Universal Mind. The Universal Mind goes by many names. In the scientific world we know of the Unified Field, in spiritual philosophy we refer to The All or Universal Consciousness and in religion we call upon God who Himself goes by many names - Jehovah, Allah and Brahman to mention but a few. The name is relevant only in so far as it resonates with you. What is perhaps more important than the name, is the nature of this One Universal Mind: Omniscience (all knowing), Omnipotence (all powerful), Omnificence (all creative) and Omnipresence (always present). As It is present everywhere at the same time, it follows that It must also be present in you. Your mind is part of the one Universal Mind and "a part", as Charles Haanel said, "must be the same in kind and quality as the whole, the only difference being one of degree". For a more detailed discussion of the Universal Mind read this article: |
the grace of god that golden light that connect every one together! in it all counscience can share information at speed of light! |

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