Hello Inward Questers, I am studying Access Conciousness again and I was listening to the interview of Gary Douglas on Inspire Nation. He mentioned looking up words like Want and Manfestation in old dictionaries. So I found an old dictionary online.

Manifestation MANIFESTA'TION, noun The act of disclosing what is secret, unseen or obscure; discovery to the eye or to the understanding; the exhibition of any thing by clear evidence; display; as the manifestation of God's power in creation, or of his benevolence in redemption.

The secret manner in which acts of mercy ought to be performed, requires this public manifestation of them at the great day.

Next I looked up the basic online dictionary defination of manifestation (in todays age.)


noun an event, action, or object that clearly shows or embodies something, especially a theory or an abstract idea. "the first obvious manifestations of global warming"

the action or fact of showing an abstract idea. "the manifestation of anxiety over the upcoming exams"

a symptom or sign of an ailment. "a characteristic manifestation of Lyme disease"

synonyms: sign, indication, evidence, token, symptom, testimony, proof, substantiation, mark, reflection, example, instance "manifestations of global warming"

In short the current online dictonary on google links the word manifestion with such things as global warming, Lyme disease and anxiety based on the examples of sentinces used. Even without this negative association, the structure of the word itself has changed.

Below is the Merriam-Webster current defination.

Definition of manifestation

1 a : the act, process, or an instance of manifesting demanded some manifestation of repentance

b (1) : something that manifests or is manifest (2) : a perceptible, outward, or visible expression external manifestations of gender

c : one of the forms in which an individual is manifested Hate in all its manifestations is wrong.

d : an occult phenomenon; specifically : materialization

2 : a public demonstration of power and purpose meetings, parades, and other such manifestations -- H. M. Parshley

Here is another old meaning of a word.

Manifesting MAN'IFESTING, participle present tense Showing clearly; making evident; disclosing, displaying.

The next I felt the need for another side by side comparison

Old meaning:

Consciousness CONSCIOUSNESS, noun

  1. The knowledge of sensations and mental operations, or of what passes in ones own mind; the act of the mind which makes known an internal object.

CONSCIOUSNESS of our sensation, and consciousness of our existence, seem to be simultaneous.

CONSCIOUSNESS must be an essential attribute of spirit.

  1. Internal sense or knowledge of guilt or innocence.

A man may betray his consciousness of guilt by his countenance.

  1. Certain knowledge from observation or experience.

Modern Internet Definition.


noun the state of being awake and aware of one's surroundings. "she failed to regain consciousness and died two days later"

the awareness or perception of something by a person. plural noun: consciousnesses "her acute consciousness of Mike's presence"

the fact of awareness by the mind of itself and the world. "consciousness emerges from the operations of the brain"

Modern Webster Definition

Definition of consciousness

1 a : the quality or state of being aware especially of something within oneself

b : the state or fact of being conscious of an external object, state, or fact

c : awareness; especially : concern for some social or political cause The organization aims to raise the political consciousness of teenagers.

2 : the state of being characterized by sensation, emotion, volition, and thought : mind

3 : the totality of conscious states of an individual

4 : the normal state of conscious life regained consciousness

5 : the upper level of mental life of which the person is aware as contrasted with unconscious processes

Who came up with the concept that consciousness was political in any way? As studiers of Manfestation and Consciousness which defination do you think describes the word best? Do you have any thoughts on the nature of the changes in our dictionaries over time?

asked 17 Aug '17, 23:12

Igot7's gravatar image


edited 18 Aug '17, 12:57

Hi @Igot7 years ago it was common belief that the earth was flat, nowadays it seems that the earth is a globe, perhaps tomorrow we'll believe something else :) ... in short we live in a world of beliefs and beliefs are constantly evolving

(19 Aug '17, 01:43) jaz

@jaz - "perhaps tomorrow we'll believe something else" - Well, it turns out that there is again a growing number of people who believe that the earth is flat. I find this amusing because it proves how beliefs and "reality" are constantly debatable and evolving as you said. And it also shows that the more you believe something, the more proof Law of Attraction provides until it becomes "reality". https://goo.gl/xcEXVF

(19 Aug '17, 05:01) releaser99

yes @releaser99 from a holographic universe point of view the earth could well be considered as flat ... "a holographic universe, an idea first suggested in the 1990's, is one where all information, which makes up our 3D 'reality' (plus time) is contained in a 2D surface on it's boundaries" https://www.southampton.ac.uk/news/2017/01/holographic-universe.page

(20 Aug '17, 01:04) jaz
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It would be easy to write a treatise on this subject. English, of all languages, is a complex and volatile language, and the very creation of the language from a blend of Old French (Norman), Anglo-Saxon, and Latin makes it a language easily morphed and molded whenever we need a new word.

There are many words in English which have changed meaning over time. Take the word "gay"; Obviously, this is a word which morphed from one meaning to another in the span of less than a century. We still sing "Deck the Halls" at Christmas, complete with the line, "Now we don our gay apparel"; we surely mean the word "gay" in its original form. I could list hundreds of words which do not mean what they used to mean. Open a good dictionary, and the source of a word, any changes in meaning, spelling (check out how we have come to sometimes spell "light" as "lite" for example), and even multiple meanings will be listed with every word.

Personally, I love the study of etymology- which is the study of the origin of a word and the development of its meaning. That words change their meanings is not news to me. This is something I have found fun all throughout my life. Studying words is an obsession with those of us nerds who used to win spelling bees (see the movie "Akeelah and the Bee" for a really good look at this.) Where a word comes from affects its spelling, and how people use the word over time can change its meaning. Since America is, and was, a melting pot of people, and also thanks to the entertainment industry as well. English has exploded into the most-spoken second language in the world!

English is superbly flexible. Within minutes of the invention of "Google", we were swinging this proper noun into a typically English verb: googling. Just consult an up-to-date dictionary, and you will see this "theft" of a trademarked word into our general language. Google was not the first word to see this "theft". Check out Band-aid or Kleenex if you doubt me. We use and abuse our language to suit ourselves. We think nothing of making nouns into verbs, changing spelling to suit advertising (thus "lite"), and can "pull out the stops" (this phrase comes from music) with phrases that are used one place to describe something else. We are not alone in this- the Finns (as an example) routinely smash strings of short words together to make new words. We just steal them right out of foreign languages!

PBS did an absolutely terrific documentary called, "The Story of English". I still watch this special today. Check it out!



answered 21 Aug '17, 15:25

Jaianniah's gravatar image


edited 21 Aug '17, 15:27

I was wondering which definition best covered the word Manifest or Consciousness. Which simple definition conveys the most understanding of this thing that is so hard to put into words.

(21 Aug '17, 17:27) Igot7

Does it feel more right to use the word 'creating' over 'manifesting?' Use both words in a simple sentence, such as, "I am going to create my dream house." Than say "I am going to manifest my dream house." To me I feel more power behind the word 'create.' Using the word 'manifest' kind of confuses me. Part of me wonders what exactly is manifestation, but as an artist I know creation deeply. I am known as being creative.

(21 Aug '17, 17:36) Igot7

@Igot7- I like "create" also. Maybe it's because I have "created" four human beings.. I am not sure. I still associate "manifest" with old phrases like manifest destiny and ship's manifest. Create to me feels like "creative". Maybe guys like manifest (MANifest- lol!) and women like "create". Who knows. The rot of manifest is "manos" meaning "hand". We make things w/ our hands. Creating seems more cerebral... It's okay to substitute. Whatever works for you!!!

(22 Aug '17, 02:33) Jaianniah
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I believe that the words in which we express ourselves and our thoughts change as we progress though time. This transformation is a result of the evolution of consciousness, however evolution is an evolving statement and this is not so much as evolving as to metamorphosis due to fluctuations in thought stream.

If I lay a twig down and never touch it so it last forever, it changes over time into something else. It may grow mold or rot, it may turn to petrified wood but it does change. It may even rot completely into the soil turning into fertile soil. It is not necessarily evolution as it is transmutation from one thing to another.

Our language is affected by those that use it, we do have the full lexicon, but the words chosen by those that speak it and write it most change in that lexicon. In example: Someone of higher knowledge and stature says and writes something, this gets passed on to those of lower knowledge and stature, it has to be changed into words of less meaning but are more common to his understanding. When this happens inadvertently but unavoidably the meaning gets skewed and transforms into something different, this doesn't necessarily make it less, just different, it could even transform into something greater than was ever the original intention.

The same thing happens to our words, we have a vast foliage of wonderful words that clearly express our thoughts from which to pick. However it is the choice of use that transforms those words, for example I chose the word foliage to express an abundance like plants that are all over or like a jungle. Foliage are the leaves and to look at plants and trees, that is the most abundant thing to the trees and plants, so therefore it expresses my thought of the subject matter exquisitely.

So conclusively our conscious is molding the clay of our vocabulary to our expression of where we are in terms of thought, hence the transmogrification of the very words used in that expression of thought.


answered 21 Aug '17, 05:42

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Wade Casaldi

edited 21 Aug '17, 06:03

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