
What inspired me to ask this question was a conversation I had with a co-worker a while back who told me that everything you do think and say grows and becomes larger. Basically the smallest tiniest thing can grow into the largest thing.

There is the philosophy of linear growth in which you make something happen and put your focus into it ect...

Then there is allowing in which you let everything unfold and grow/expand naturally.

I understand that allowing is beyond the 3 dimensional way of linear thinking. However I also understand from an article I read somewhere on Inward quest (Name Unknown) that focus can be good for allowing growth and the natural expansion and unfolding of things. I'm not saying that action is required. I personally believe that allowing is more than enough. I just would like to know if a combination of both action/focus followed by letting go and then more action/focus aids creativity.

I think the misunderstanding that most people have is that when they are done with working on there daily goals they forget to let go and allow them to grow on their own.

Focus brings insight, but letting go allows it to come naturally beyond what we could even comprehend.

For me its like planting a seed with the knowing that it will blossom into a massive tree.

In other words you spend a period of time focusing on your goal, then you let it go and allow it for another period of time, then you water the seed by focusing on it again, then you let it go and allow and so on and so forth.

As stingray put it we were all meant to be creators. I think creation is good for optimal growth and expansion regardless the chosen method weather it be linear action or allowing.

Enlightenment is about letting go as Alan Watts put it.

Let me know what you all think

Thank You

asked 23 Oct '17, 12:43

TheCreativeOne's gravatar image


edited 23 Oct '17, 13:58


How can one know that he really let go of something? Interesting idea, by the way. Would love to hear opinions

(23 Oct '17, 14:01) Marin
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In other words you spend a period of time focusing on your goal, then you let it go and allow it for another period of time, then you water the seed by focusing on it again, then you let it go and allow and so on and so forth.

I'd say you've summed up the ideal process pretty well there.

Focus and Allow are both two sides of the same coin. By embracing both, you can engage in a much more fulfilling life experience in many ways, not just creative ones.

Have a look at How do I channel experience of meditation to art? and see if that answers your question.


answered 07 Nov '17, 02:25

Stingray's gravatar image


Thanks for this question. It's the old Do or Be question. Do I focus on allowing (being) or focus and activity (doing). I appreciate your understanding of doing both in a rhythm that works for you. Or as one of my favorite teachers put it, "As Frank Sinatra says, Do, Be, Do, Be, Do."


answered 06 Nov '17, 16:18

imaginesue's gravatar image


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