Consider: and does someone has to be asking for the same things you are asking for the frequency to penetrate it? |
To quote Abraham
Health, Wealth and Happiness" #472
The quote was very uplifting, and I will meditate on it! Thank you.
(23 Dec '10, 03:04)
Inactive User ♦♦
I apologize for the late response to all of you, but I was injured, and I am now feeling a little better!
(23 Dec '10, 03:11)
Inactive User ♦♦
Thought is energy and like energy attracts. In that sense thought is a living thing. Probably the only living thing. Yes, I agree thought is a living thing, and it is the sole connection to all living things! Thank you for your answer.
(23 Dec '10, 03:10)
Inactive User ♦♦

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