Some say the Holy Grail can Heal. What do you think the Holy Grail is?

asked 22 Oct '09, 06:46

flowingwater's gravatar image


edited 22 Oct '09, 06:49

Barry%20Allen's gravatar image

Barry Allen ♦♦

The Holy Grail is a sacred object figuring into literature and certain Christian traditions, most often identified with the dish, plate, or cup used by Jesus at the Last Supper and said to possess miraculous powers.

As a metaphor, the Grail is a symbol of one's worthiness to fulfill one's destiny, to receive God's grace.


answered 22 Oct '09, 18:53

Vesuvius's gravatar image


A symbol that represents Mary Magdalen


answered 06 Nov '09, 04:37

Adel's gravatar image


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