This question seems very relevant when dealing with things I (and everybody else probably) must do; like doing things related to work, university, etc.

If the latter is correct, interesting implications stem from it. Namely, there is no such thing we can't be good at, or can't love; it would all just depend on our wishes.

I'll again give a learning example because that is where I direct the majority of my energy these days. So, let's say Jill doesn't like math. She just doesn't like dealing with numbers, variables, axioms, she finds it boring, etc. One could say she surely has some negative beliefs regarding it, otherwise, she would have no problem doing it, right? It would be just another subject in school, not at all different from let's say biology.

@Stingray's Focus Blocks, I would say, is a good example of how we can influence our liking of things. We can feel better about things, mabye even to the degree of loving things we previously hated.

Many channeled sources(like Bashar) also claim that everything is actually neutral and that it is us that label things as positive and negative.

So it there such a thing like not liking something, like, with the core of your being? Or is it just all beliefs? If its both, how to know which one is it in specific cases?

Your thoughts?

Thank you

asked 22 Dec '18, 11:42

Marin's gravatar image


edited 22 Dec '18, 11:47

How to know whether I really don't like something or do I just have negative beliefs regarding it?

Every negative feeling (e.g. not wanting sth.) has a negative definition/belief attached to it.

But our job is not to figure out why we don't want something. The only job is to decide what we want instead and focus on that.

Abraham once said that you don't have to make yourself love eating bugs if you don't like the idea of eating them. Just choose something that you would like to eat instead and go for it.


answered 23 Dec '18, 03:27

releaser99's gravatar image


@releaser99 hmm OK, of course.

But I wouldn't say that this Abraham paraphrase follows fully the point you made above it. Example: you don't like your dad because he is most of the time a bad person. You don't go looking for another dad, or start ignoring him and avoiding him. Instead, you should try to feel better about him and remember all the good things he's done, too. You should Focus Block him, basically

Or I didn't get your point right?

(23 Dec '18, 08:49) Marin

@releaser99 can you please demonstrate your point in the next example: you don't like the means for getting something, but you want that final thing, which is a result of those means. What would you do?

(23 Dec '18, 08:59) Marin

@Marin - "You should Focus Block him" - Every clearing technique or tool is just a permission slip and really optional in the grand scheme of things. The decision to choose what we want and focus on it is what we are here for - not to force ourselves to love things we don't like. Of course, it's possible to make peace with, for example, eating bugs if the unlikely situation of having to eat bugs is so present every day that we have a hard time ignoring it...

(24 Dec '18, 03:19) releaser99

...But that would still be optional at that point. Ignoring physical reality as best we can and just focusing on what we want instead would still be another one. The whole point is to stop pushing against what we don't like and focus on what we want instead (even if we have to ignore physical reality or make peace with it in order to do so). ...

(24 Dec '18, 03:20) releaser99

..."you don't like the means for getting something, but you want that final thing, which is a result of those means. What would you do?" - Our job is to focus on what we want (by noticing what we don't like in life). It's not to figure out how to get there or how it should exactly unfold. The physical mind is not capbable of figuring out how things can actually unfold. There are always dozens of ways if we just focus on what we want to feel in the end instead.

(24 Dec '18, 03:21) releaser99

@releaser99 of course, makes sense. You are very consistent. Can you talk a little bit about beliefs and actions? "The physical mind is not capbable of figuring out how things can actually unfold. There are always dozens of ways if we just focus on what we want to feel in the end instead."

Beliefs dictate what is possible and what is not, right? They dictate our actions. Fighting some beliefs is not advised and would not be a path of least resistance. So, our physical mind actually has..

(24 Dec '18, 04:19) Marin

..already some notion of how things should unfold.

What then?

(24 Dec '18, 04:21) Marin

@Marin - "Beliefs dictate what is possible" - A belief is a thought you keep thinking. So let's say you keep thinking about a negative thought or a group of negative thoughts on monday all day. This means on monday you choose to have a belief. If you decide to stop thinking about that tought on tuesday and focus on other fun parts of your life you want, it's no longer a belief on tuesday. So if you keep focusing away from that thought on wednesday and so on, it's no longer a belief you have...

(28 Dec '18, 06:24) releaser99

...Similarly, if you focus on what you want without insisting on knowing the "how", you just deactivate the thoughts/beliefs of that path to what you want. The beliefs regarding your actions are gone just like that. The whole point is to stop pushing against what we don't like and focus on what we want instead (even if we have to ignore physical reality or make peace with it in order to do so)...

(28 Dec '18, 06:25) releaser99

...If you decide that you can't ignore the "how", you could, of course, make peace with your thoughts around taking action. This means to just take the actions you believe you have to do in order to stop pushing against what you want and make peace with your beliefs around taking action...

(28 Dec '18, 06:26) releaser99

...A good method for making peace with your action beliefs (the thoughts you keep thinking) is Manifesting Experiment 3.

(28 Dec '18, 06:27) releaser99

@releaser99 Hmm I don't get it yet, I think. Are you saying that a belief is there only when we are consciously thinking thoughts that create it and when we are not thinking them the belief is not there? For example, a painter that is in the middle of painting, while she is focusing on painting she has no beliefs whatsoever in that moment, because the only thing that is on her mind is her canvas and colors. Am I understanding correctly?

(28 Dec '18, 17:00) Marin

@Marin - "Are you saying that a belief is there only when we are consciously thinking thoughts that create it and when we are not thinking them the belief is not there?" - Yes, exactly. You may want to check this out.

(29 Dec '18, 06:18) releaser99

@releaser99 Oh.My.God. seems like I had it wrong all this time.

But how can this be?? Aren't beliefs a part of knowledge, stored in our brain like all other stuff? I mean, if I believe something, it's like a part of my memory, of who I am, regardless of whether I consciously think it or not. It is always there.

(30 Dec '18, 07:56) Marin

@Marin - "if I believe something, it's like a part of my memory, of who I am, regardless of whether I consciously think it or not." - Seems like a thought you keep thinking :). What if you kept thinking that beliefs are only thoughts you keep thinking instead? I'm pretty sure that Law of attraction would have to respond to that :).

(30 Dec '18, 17:05) releaser99

@releaser99 Damn, if that could be true, it would imply all sorts of, for me, interesting things. For starters, if beliefs are considered as not a part of memory per se, maybe even other sorts of knowledge could be viewed that way, also.

Hmm one thing "worries" me now: where are the limits? I mean, if we could so easily make beliefs not a part of memory all of a sudden, which is kinda a core belief (probably 98% of society accepts it and does not doubt it for a second), what else can we do?

(01 Jan '19, 13:06) Marin

Are there limits? Bashar speaks of limits and "agreements" we made before incarnating.

Hmm is our purpose of incarnating here on Earth to experience limitations (and keep experiencing them) or is it to experience the overcoming of limitations by realizing what we are actually?

(01 Jan '19, 13:19) Marin

Forgot to mention that I spoke to two different channeled sources some time ago, asking them how to go about manifesting some things the majority of people would view as superpowers. They told me that it is absolutely possible to manifest them but I got the impression like they didn't like those ideas; like it is something possible but not wanted. One was coming from a position of me only wanting them because of my lack of patience. The other one was claiming that manifesting them would...

(01 Jan '19, 13:35) Marin

...actually not be a path of least resistance because of my beliefs and all the blocks I had regarding those ideas. But maybe it is important to mention that both sources told me there is nothing wrong in wanting those things I was asking about.

Your thoughts? And thank you very, very much for your responses, it is greatly appreciated and helpful

(01 Jan '19, 13:41) Marin

@Marin - "Are there limits?" - In my experience, it's better to not overthink any of that. Our job is to focus on what we want (by noticing what we don't want in life). Once you know what you want, just go for it. Because remember that ultimately, you are the creator of your reality. When you focus on doubts and limits instead, you can only attract sources/teachers that reflect your doubts and limits back to you...

(02 Jan '19, 15:38) releaser99

...That's because they are the product of the thoughts you keep thinking and you are their creator. Even when these sources clearly say to you that "it is absolutely possible to manifest (what you want)", you will "get the impression like they didn't like those ideas" because your belief system (e.g. the thoughts you keep thinking) has no other choice than to believe in these limiting thoughts you keep thinking...

(02 Jan '19, 15:39) releaser99

...Ironically, these sources often appear as authorities who know "the truth" for you to prove yourself right... even though they are just the creation of your own thoughts. For example, recently I decided to believe that it's possible and easy to manifest things that seem impossible to many others. Now I keep attracting people into my life that have done some of these things such as improving one's eye sight effortlessly...

(02 Jan '19, 15:39) releaser99

...Whenever you are confused, remember that there is no objective "truth" or "authority". You are the creator of objective truths. You are the authority. Everything is the result of the thoughts you keep thinking (even when you manifest channeled beings and human teachers into your life).

(02 Jan '19, 15:40) releaser99

@releaser99 Thank you very much for your time and thoughts

(02 Jan '19, 16:09) Marin
showing 2 of 24 show 22 more comments

We can feel better about EVERYTHING. The question is - do we want to feel better about this thing? do we really care? are this thing really important to us to put our effort, time and energy in order to see them in a different light? do we really think that we are doing something wrong just because we dont like somthing? is knowing that we dont like somthing empowers us towards that something we want? are we willing to put years and years in to loving everything? whats in it for us?

Bashar is a spirit. spirits see everything and everyone in a positive way and all the time. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can hear what bashar and other channalers say in so many ways until it gets confusing, so it would be better to go inside yourself and ask YOU

for example BASHAR could mean that if everything is neutral then if this girl doesn't like math then : label her as negative and it actually doesn't matter what she likes.

2.the fact that you are talking about it implise that you are negative and you are the one who needs to make the change.

3.if this girl change her vibration she will love math.

4.this girl doesn't have to care or be exited about math because math is just a neutral thing.

5.this girl is neutral and you dont need to care about her.

6.this girl is negative about math and needs to see it in a different way.

every person on this planet have another perspective about this life and about what life contains. we are different and that is the beauty.

so - sure there is a thing like not liking somthing!. i dont like Avocado! i can work on it and eventually like it - but why?it is a waste of time...its just not tasty.


answered 22 Dec '18, 17:15

myself's gravatar image


edited 22 Dec '18, 17:24

@myself "whats in it for us?" well, for starters, trying to feel better about something is a nice chance to get into the vortex while doing it. I mean, that's what the Focus Blocks method is all about, for example. Furthermore, what about the things we have to do? Like work related things. If you must do something, it's better then to feel better about the thing.

So you see, you can even look positively on looking positively :)

But yeah, it is not necessary to feel good about all things..

(23 Dec '18, 08:09) Marin

.. and that wasn't even my point. I was simply contemplating the nature of not liking something. And I agree with you, I think - we can feel better about anything because we are in control of our beliefs. Thank you

(23 Dec '18, 08:13) Marin

I think in the other dimensions there is no judging. By establishing likes and dislikes you need to first judge. Most of the time I dislike something and look inside for an answer from my core being I feel love toward what I just disliked.

So I think everything which is an result of judging should be a result of our previous human experience (probably childhood matters most here) from which our judging was formed.

Clearly our likes are our path of least resistance (as Abraham mentions). We have probably resistance regarding our dislikes due to some not pleasing experience.

For me it happened that I felt guided a couple of times away from my dislikes. I would have tried otherwise to mold them into better feeling thoughts instead of moving away from them.

I really think the guiding, doing whatever you can to quiet your mind so you can feel the guidance from your inner-being, is the most important, without it I got stuck a lot of times for long periods


answered 23 Dec '18, 04:39

White%20Elf's gravatar image

White Elf

edited 23 Dec '18, 04:41

@Whiteelf Thank you, I agree

(24 Dec '18, 04:23) Marin

im afraid you wont get an answer on this site..its a smart question it seems you think critically about these things,, i have asked similar questions but i havent got a good answer,, everyone is repeating what is hearing from the "spiritual beings"

i had a similar question which was like "In other words a situation is created from the emotions and definitions of the ego or the emotions "sent" from the higher self,and how you can distinguish an emotion of the ego and a feeling from the higher self"

that is what you ask

if jill doesnt like math (this is a feeling for the higher self who doesnt want math for her(?)

but if jill changes the definition of math then she likes math and has good synchronicity,..(against the feeling sent from higher self(?)


answered 22 Dec '18, 19:05

snape's gravatar image


edited 22 Dec '18, 19:22


The reasons that you are not getting satisfactory answers may be:

a) The starting principles from which you are building your case may be something that others here are unfamiliar with, and/or don't agree with.


(22 Dec '18, 23:22) cod2


b) Your questions are not clear enough. I am assuming English is not your mother tongue. I have had to read your questions and answers a few times, and I am still not sure I've understood them. Nothing wrong with English not being your mother tongue of course, but be aware that the lack of clarity is playing a part.

(22 Dec '18, 23:22) cod2

@snape I was just wondering why we don't like some things. Is it because it is a part of who we are as a being(you could say that our higher self doesn't want us to like something, I guess), or is it just that we are thinking negatively about the thing.

(23 Dec '18, 08:18) Marin

@cmc trust me the language is not the problem, i understand you may be unfamiliar with some principles and anyway it's not the easiest thing to be familiar with "spiritual concepts" but those who answered, understood the question

(23 Dec '18, 15:10) snape

@snape Look at the top of the page and click on the tags icon and then click on intuition. Similar questions have been asked. Check it out. There is a wealth of info here as well as varied opinions.

(23 Dec '18, 17:27) ele

@Marin so did you get an answer to that question? let me know if you did, im curious haha

(05 Jan '19, 18:55) snape

how you distinguish the thought/definition of the ego and the "thought" coming from the higher self...that is the question,,,if you dont get the answer maybe English language is the problem hahaha

(05 Jan '19, 18:58) snape

@snape I think I did - it seems like there is no such thing as not liking something from the core of your being. It all comes down to beliefs one has.

"how you distinguish the thought/definition of the ego and the "thought" coming from the higher self". One solution to his question is to actually not think about it too much, as @releaser99 said in the comments. Our only concern should be the Law of Attraction(LOA) and LOA gives you what you think and focus on.

(06 Jan '19, 13:33) Marin

This even means that if you think there is no Higher self then there really is no Higher self for you and that concept would have no impact on your life whatsoever.

The point is - whatever you believe, think and focus on is, because LOA governs our lives.

(06 Jan '19, 13:38) Marin

@Marin I assume you follow bashar teachings so this statement " it seems like there is no such thing as not liking something from the core of your being" is totally in contrast with the concept of the higher self choosing the "themes" you explore as bashar says,

(07 Jan '19, 15:44) snape

as you see most people follow abraham hicks teachings which is not wrong but still i havent heard her explaining how this thing work and she has also said bashar explains it better..ok we believe in he law of attraction (or what you give is what you get back as bashar says) but we ask how this works and of course "not to think about it to much" is not the answer...anyway

(07 Jan '19, 15:44) snape

whether you like cheese or potatoes, it is not connected to your beliefs,,but maybe to your "core being" (?) you understand?

(07 Jan '19, 16:17) snape
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