Of thousands of questions here on IQ, I'm baffled and very surprised that no one has asked this question (or I missed it).

So what do you think then?

Why like attracts like?

If there must be a system of rules (laws) that governs this/(our) universe, why is it that it is governed specifically by Law of Attraction and not, let's say, by Law of Repulsion (hypotetical law I just made up. I'll define it as "you get totally the opposite of what you want/think about/believe") or Law of Chance (hypotetical law I just made up. I'll define it as "there seems to be no stable pattern for anything that happens. Only thing that is stable is the no-stableness")?

They say that all that exists in one form or another is just the universe expressing itself in infinite number of ways. They say that that is also the meaning of all the lives each of us has lived here on earth so far - to fully experience all possibilities and get all the experiences. Well, wouldn't one experience more of everything if the universe was governed by the Law of Chance?

I'll try to give my own answer

I think that there's no such thing as a Law of Attraction in the Universe as a whole. To tell you the truth, I don't see why would the Universe function that way (or maybe I can't comprehend). Actually, maybe it would be better to call it the Multiverse. I think that Law of Attraction is only operational in our universe. Maybe it's not even a constant in our universe. Maybe it's just operational in this one life. I'm sure every one of us can imagine a scenario in which our universe functions similarly as seasons do - winter is over soon, maybe there will come a time for something else in terms of universal laws, too?

Would love to see opinions

asked 20 Mar '19, 16:09

Marin's gravatar image


edited 21 Mar '19, 03:45

IQ%20Moderator's gravatar image

IQ Moderator ♦♦

perhaps a catchy phrase that
becomes a money maker
in our material world

(10 Apr '19, 19:39) fred

Honestly I never thought about that, and that is a very good question to ask. But it sounds like this bothers you somehow? Anyway, when I think about it... who cares why? As long as it works to benefit or change conditions from disharmony to harmony for example. I personally don't call it a law but rather influence. I'm not really into contemplating how Reality "works" but I think/know influence affects all levels.


answered 21 Mar '19, 19:58

ingridstjerne257's gravatar image


edited 21 Mar '19, 20:08

@ingridstjerne257 Well, recently I watched The Matrix trilogy again and I just couldn't help myself to think we too might be in a simulated reality which is governed by this silly Law of Attraction-thing for some reason. :D

Actually, one Oxford philosopher, in his famous paper, makes a strong argument that we really may be living in a simulation - more precisely, our reality and we ourselves are not original but created by the "original humans" from way in the future. Really interesting.

(26 Mar '19, 05:16) Marin

Sounds exhausting.

(26 Mar '19, 19:39) ingridstjerne257

Charles Haanel mentions in Master Key System that thought impregnated with love becomes invincible and that this is the Law of attraction or another name for Law of love. (I think he was the first one to mention Law of attraction, I read this somewhere.)

For me, it seems like an amazing law, simple, perfect, full :)

The love present everywhere in this universe always responds, cooperates to love. The way Charles Haanel describes the Law of attraction resonated best for me until now.

Also Eckhart Tolle mentions something similar in the The power of now: "Beyond the beauty of the external forms, there is more here: something that cannot be named, something ineffable, some deep, inner, holy essence. Whenever and wherever there is beauty this inner essence shines through somehow. It only reveals itself to you when you are present. Could it be that this nameless presence and your presence are one and the same? Would it be there without your presence? "


answered 24 Mar '19, 03:47

White%20Elf's gravatar image

White Elf

@WhiteELf Thanks for input

(26 Mar '19, 05:22) Marin

my opinion is that a question like "If there must be a system of rules (laws) that governs this/(our) universe, why is it that it is governed specifically by Law of Attraction and not...." cannot be answered by us. we can only choose if we want to believe in it or not . but the answer to the question dosen't matter.


answered 24 Mar '19, 13:55

myself's gravatar image


@myself Makes perfect sense. But actually I think it does somewhat matter. I mean, suppose we are living in a simulated reality governed by this thing called Law of Attraction for some reason. Wouldn't you want to wake up from this hypothetical prison?

(26 Mar '19, 05:14) Marin


  1. there is a difference between the question :"WHY is there even such a thing as LOA" and "IS there even such a thing as LOA"

2.question 1 - doesn't matter because we can't tell. question 2 - you deside.

3.about question 2 - i trust myself more then i trust the LOA. you can read my answer here https://www.inwardquest.com/questions/102694/how-can-i-deal-with-a-persecution-complex-ive-had-all-my-life its just one example of my way of seeing things. again - you deside.

(26 Mar '19, 13:14) myself

@myself I'm not putting the beingness of LOA into question (if my question and responses can be interpreted as I actually am, I'm sorry for causing confusion).

I was just amusing myself with the question of the nature of LOA, its purpose in this Universe, etc. I mean, from that point, one can derive all sorts of interesting scenarios and possible explanations - our reality being a simulation as one of them - and it actually seems most in accord with all we "know" about reality..

(27 Mar '19, 03:37) Marin

As I think about it, it would probably be wise for one to first define the terms "real" and "simulation" to know what he (I) is even talking about! Bugger

(27 Mar '19, 03:57) Marin
showing 2 of 4 show 2 more comments

Hey Marin, good question.

In a way its true that like attracts like, but its more accurate to say that what you hold in mind (beliefs) is what manifests out into the world.

The mind is like a projector. When you feel good, what are you holding in mind? Good thoughts, and so that is what you get. Remember that you are the creator of your Universe, all the time.

You are manifesting right now.

In order for reality to work and for the evolution of your consciousness, you have to be a creator.

It cannot work any other way.

In order for Karma to work it requires the law of attraction. What you do onto others is what you will get in return. E.g. When you want to hurt others, you are holding in mind anger, and others will hurt you back. Like attracts like. When you cheat someone, you fear that you will be cheated back, and that is what you get.

So Law of Attraction has a much bigger purpose than getting rich.


answered 27 Mar '19, 09:48

freedomdude's gravatar image


edited 27 Mar '19, 09:52

@freedomdude yes, but what I am asking is WHY is that so? - WHY is the mind like a projector? WHY am I creator of the universe? WHY am I manifesting right now? Bottom line - why Law of Attraction IS?

(01 Apr '19, 09:33) Marin

Just because

(01 Apr '19, 16:37) freedomdude

To separate the goats from the sheep. To separate The Children of Christ who Love Others as He Loves Others from those who are selfish and so not care who they hurt to accomplish their greed.


answered 04 Aug '19, 11:30

arpgme's gravatar image


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