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Hello Beautiful Starseeds, Lightworkers, Empaths and all who are on a Spiritual Journey of Self-Discovery.

I was just recently Awakened a few months ago and I learnt so much about who I truly am. It took me these last few months to process it all as it was a little overwhelming for me to accept it all and during this process I found myself trying to heal and protect all those around me trying to win an impossible battle that is going on with our Planet in the Here and Now.

You see ... I was successfully protecting my city from the covid-19 virus with no reported cases and I was trying so hard to expand my Healing Light way beyond the perimeters of my city so that I could Heal as many as I could and the more I tried the more I found myself slowly burning out until eventually I just had to take a time out to recharge my Energies.

So I took some time out 3 weekends ago to recharge my Energy then sure enough the virus found its way into my city while my guard was down and now there are reported cases of the virus and growing and I felt like I had failed miserably. I cried in frustration and felt defeated and started questioning everything about this so called Awakening Process and its Purpose and all of the Sacrifices I had to make and go through just to get where I am today.

I was angry/upset with the Spiritual Realm and with myself because I felt like everything I went through was all for nothing ... until I realized ... I was fighting an impossible battle that I simply could not win. My Spiritual Guides kept telling me to "Be Here Now and Embrace the Light Rays/Codes descending onto Earth" and I was but I got side tracked with my willingness/Love to help others in need during this pandemic which overshadowed my Primary Objective. Maybe it was the last part of my Ego trying to impress my Spiritual Guides by trying to Heal/Protect as many as I could during this horrible pandemic.

I truly thought that I was here to Heal and fix a broken World, to battle the dark forces and to win the fight against the chaos and injustices happening all over the world and to bring Light from old outdated belief systems that no longer serves our highest good from those who are the controllers and manipulators. It wasn't until I paused and took a step back and then it all became clear to me. I finally saw the bigger picture so to speak. I began to notice how this very mindset I had of fighting, correcting, fixing is all rooted in 3D Duality. The victim mentality. We all have been slaves to this system for soooo long that this victim mentality is programmed into our DNA whether or not we accept it to be so.

A very beautiful Starseed friend of mine named Jessica reached out and helped me to see what I could not see. So I Began to shift my perspective from resenting the old systems, the governments, the controllers, the manipulators, this pandemic we are facing now and then she asked me ... "What am I unconscious of?"

She then told me "Now is NOT the time to gear up for battle and strive to defeat and outsmart the enemy like I was trying to do" otherwise I was only setting myself up for defeat and disappointment. She said to me ... "Now is the time to Rise Above the battle of 3D Duality and reclaim Our Power as Creator Beings so that We can Birth in a New World that holds a Divine Frequency that is not rooted in 3D Duality." Wow that was so Profound and so Wise of her.

She then proceeded to tell me "just as we have been taught to forgive those who have hurt us so that we can begin to heal through our Awakening Process, we must also choose to forgive the actions of those who have hurt Humanity and our Earth so that we can truly Free Ourselves from the sufferings that we hold so deeply."

Everything she said made perfect sense to me. Because ... We don’t want to build our New World based on old ways of thinking. Instead let us Create a reality that is completely unrecognizable to the one we know of. In order to create Peace and Harmony on Earth we must first create it within our own selves and our own lives. Instead of using the LOA to enhance our own material needs, let us use these gifts given to us to Birth in a whole New Reality, a whole New World.

This pandemic we are All experiencing is actually a blessing in disguise. It is a time when All Starseeds, Lightworkers, Empaths and All those who are Awakening to come together and to Remember Who We Truly Are while We are in isolation without the distractions of everyday life. To be inspired to reclaim Our Power as Sovereign Beings of Light and to hold the Frequencies of Unconditional Love for Ourselves and for All of Humanity and to finally let go of the illusion of 3D Duality of days past and to Re-Birth a whole New World for future generations to come. I am sending my Light and Love to Everyone on this Spiritual Journey and to the Whole Planet.

Peace, Love n Light

asked 26 Apr '20, 16:13

Moonbeam's gravatar image


edited 26 Apr '20, 16:47


perhaps it takes a % of earths humans to recognize conscious awareness such that you relate, as with the 'hundredth monkey

(07 May '20, 19:55) fred

Ah the "Hundredth Monkey Effect". You are right! An idea is just an idea until the "Mass" accepts this ideology into their consciousness then it becomes "A Way Of Life."

(08 May '20, 13:52) Moonbeam
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"Now is NOT the time to gear up for battle and strive to defeat and outsmart the enemy like I was trying to do" otherwise I was only setting myself up for defeat and disappointment. She said to me ... "Now is the time to Rise Above the battle of 3D Duality and reclaim Our Power as Creator Beings so that We can Birth in a New World that holds a Divine Frequency that is not rooted in 3D Duality."

Wise words, indeed.

You cannot win a game that is designed for you to lose :)

It's like going to a casino to do some gambling. The casino's games are geared to make them a profit in the long run, which means you must lose in the long run.

And if the casino owners find any anomalies in those probabilities - like card counting in Blackjack - you are kicked out of the game, or those casino games are amended to go back to making you lose in the long run :)

The game of 3D Duality is a game that is designed to make you lose, like a casino game.

But also like a casino game, you can have some fun along the way as you play...which is really what that game as all about.

The Dark and the Light are both required to set up that 3D Duality game, neither is actually good or bad...both have their roles to play so you can enjoy that game.

But again, like in the casino, when you get bored of playing...Leave The Game :)


answered 27 Apr '20, 03:16

Stingray's gravatar image


edited 27 Apr '20, 03:18

I don't think "Leaving the Game" is an option otherwise Human Consciousness wouldn't have Evolved Generationally as it did. Old thinking paradigm would suggest that we continue being "Slaves" to the "System" by submitting and allowing the manipulators and controllers to continue controlling the Balance in their favor. Now is a time when we as a Human Race to fully "Awaken" and to Birth in a New World ideology that holds a Higher Divine Dimensional Frequency to finally tip the Balance in ...

(08 May '20, 13:31) Moonbeam

... Our favor. There will always be a "Duality" no matter how much we progress Consciously like there are in the Higher Dimensions but the suffering and struggles we face globally can be minimized considerably as We as a Human Race embrace a New Paradigm shift in Consciousness and work Together as One for the betterment of Humanity as a Whole. The "Awakening Process" is the key to a better future for All of Mankind.

(08 May '20, 13:47) Moonbeam

I am reminded by my Spiritual Guides to not point fingers at those who control the all in all on our Planet as they are doing their very best to provide a secure and safe life for all of us on this Planet.

Just as we have been taught to forgive those who have hurt us so that we can begin to Heal through our "Awakening Process," we must also choose to Forgive the actions of those who have hurt Humanity and our Earth so that we can truly Free Ourselves from the sufferings that we hold so deeply.

(08 May '20, 14:21) Moonbeam
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