What is Richard Dotts’ letting-go process (and in what book can I find it)? I am currently reading Richard Dotts’ book entitled ‘Thoughtless Manifestation’ which is about eliminating words in the manifestation process to access pure intention and emotion to speed up the manifestation process. A part of his process is ignoring, rather than trying to eliminate or change, negative thoughts. In the book he also repeatedly mentions a process of his that he calls the letting-go process that he has written about in previous books. This process is about taking the sting out of the negative thoughts so that they do not impact manifestation. He doesn’t mention which of his previous books he outlined this process and he doesn’t give any further details other than that it is based on the Sedona Method. I have googled it but nothing comes up. I am really enjoying his ‘Thoughtless Manifestation’ book and the processes in that so I am keen to get an understanding of his letting-go process. Can anyone explain the process to me? |
He did write a book called It Is Done! The Final Step To Instant Manifestations that contains an old letting-go process, that I've heard described from other sources as well. Here is an excerpt from that book.
You can do all of that if you want, or you could stick your request in a box, or you can just make a decision not to think about it again, or you can distract yourself with something else until you forget about it, or variations on the same theme - all have the same effect of stopping you thinking about your request again so that you don't interfere with the original purity of it. Thank you, @stingray
(26 Jul '20, 15:22)

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