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Just a thought If we consider God a being that is aware of himself, then since he is our God, he basically has ultimate power over our life. If think of God as an energy or any other abstract way that is not a person-like characterization of him, then this thought does not apply.

According to the God of Abraham, such God is human-like, he is jealous, he can become your friend, and you are made in his image. Ultimately, our purpose is to fulfill his purpose, so he is just using us, and cares ultimately about his own agenda. We are basically slaves.

To be free means you are not bound by another entity, and you can work on your own agenda, and not be forced to ultimately be merely a tool for someone else to use for their purposes.

I respect everyone's religion and their beliefs. I am simply expressing my personal view and reflection on Christianity in specific, having been a Christian in the past. I just wanted to share this with others since it was on mind for the past week. Again, I totally respect everyone else's beliefs in their religion, and this is merely my opinion and reflection n the topic.

asked 26 Jul '20, 13:55

chromechris's gravatar image


I think about that issue, too, the one of feeling like a slave. But, I have learned that we are the images that our souls/God are projecting, so we ARE this God. We are like the writing on a computer screen that cannot live without the computer. We HAVE to behave as if we know this or we hurt ourselves. The thing is, we are not taught this. There are no big voices that tell us we are going the right way, which is to see this existence as eternal light and every being within it.

(09 Dec '21, 22:46) MagicallyEternal

We don't know the rules. We don't know that quantum physics has proven this whole existence is constantly being created as light images which makes us all ONE being like the photons that are said to know all other photons no matter how far apart they are. That is because they are ONE, one light, one consciousness. I have hurt myself several times not following this ONEness rule. Once a man was running by me gibbering something about shoes. I didn't know he needed shoes, so I didn't give him cash

(09 Dec '21, 22:50) MagicallyEternal

Later on I stepped off a very short curb and hurt my ankles. Both ankles hurt so much I could barely walk. I even went to a clinic, but there were no bruises. Then I thought this happened because I did not recognize the need this running man had for shoes. His lack came back to me. I had to feel his pain. His ankles must have hurt HIM ! But the message to me was not clear to begin with. I wasn't taught we are ONE, needing to give to others even though their neediness may not be clear.

(09 Dec '21, 22:54) MagicallyEternal
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To be free means you are not bound by another entity, and you can work on your own agenda, and not be forced to ultimately be merely a tool for someone else to use for their purposes.

I would agree with you. But just because many "modern" people don't use the word God doesn't mean they are not enslaved by the same concept in a different form.

There is now the God of smartphones, the God of advertising, the God of Facebook, the God of Government, the God of Coronavirus...and so on...all of which are trying to influence you towards their own agendas.

To be truly free, one must become an independent thinker and be willing to stand by the results of that thinking - a person that doesn't accept the opinion of others just because a lot of people already think that way.

If 50 million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing

Anatole France


answered 28 Jul '20, 03:39

Stingray's gravatar image



Just a thought If we consider God a being that is aware of himself, then since he is our God, he basically has ultimate power over our life. If think of God as an energy or any other abstract way that is not a person-like characterization of him, then this thought does not apply. According to the God of Abraham, such God is human-like, he is jealous, he can become your friend, and you are made in his image. Ultimately, our purpose is to fulfill his purpose, so he is just using us, and cares ultimately about his own agenda. We are basically slaves. To be free means you are not bound by another entity, and you can work on your own agenda, and not be forced to ultimately be merely a tool for someone else to use for their purposes. I respect everyone's religion and their beliefs. I am simply expressing my personal view and reflection on Christianity in specific, having been a Christian in the past. I just wanted to share this with others since it was on mind for the past week. Again, I totally respect everyone else's beliefs in their religion, and this is merely my opinion and reflection n the topic.

You are making assumptions and drawing conclusions out of them, but before concluding things you must first be very sure your initial assumptions are correct. You give two options- god being aware of himself- giving him ultimate power over our lives making us his powerless slaves AND....the second option.... god being some sort of faint abstract energy that has no sense of self.... which ultimately makes him utterly powerless seem to imply...whats a god without a bit of good old dictatorial tyrannical power over us humans...might as well not call him the G-word at all!

So i have come to understand everything a bit differently... you ARE LITERALLY god.... experiencing himself, to put it rough but so that you will understand: god has taken its consciousness and dispursed it in a million different viewpoints, a million different consciousnesses...think of it as a flame on a million different candles...the fire is always fire...every candle burns with different flames yes, but they are all one fire, there is no distinction between the just uses a million different candles, but no one candle has a different fire than the next...candles are all different but they always have the one kind of fire...this is what god did with its consciousness.... now of course God is aware of himself, of course, he is consciousness....and gets that awareness through us, we provide god with awareness of himself, each through our own individual unique viewpoint give god- the ultimate consciousness new ways of experiencing itself, through us- he is aware. you are literally right now part of the awareness of god...through you...he is aware. there is no disconnect.

i dont know if you ever heard of the phrase we are all one this is not just some spiritual bullshit we just throw around...its ACTUALLY true...we all come from the one universal consciousness..but we are not its clones or children or copies...we are literally IT...there is no difference between god consciousnes and you...god put his own piece of consciousness which you are now experiencing as being YOU and he is experiencing himself..and now think about it...what would you do if you yourself came up to you right now and asked for sure you would not even think to give yourself that which you are asking of yourself..nor do i think you would give yourself ANY kind of restrictions or rules../remember why would you give YOURSELF any sort of limits...of course not..obviously god isnt going to rule or controle over your life because why would he tell himself what to do? you are completely free...god did not put any rules or restrictions BECAUSE WHY WOULD HE YOU ARE HIM JUST A DIFFERENT FACET OF HIM BUT STILL HIM EXPERIENCING HIMSELF

i really hope this makes sense but i think you get the point here

you have free will..think about it, if you are really such a slave to god, you probably would not even have the MERE OPTION to even think that you are a slave! but you do, you are clearly so powerful you can even dispute the very idea of there even being a god in the first place! you can actually say: i dont want to believe in god- and no one will force you to! because YOU are the one that decides what happens...not this dictator god that you place outside of you...god is you...and if god himself wishes to dispute the existence of god..well you wouldnt go against your own wishes would you ....

hope this made sense, think about it, its really more logical than you think


answered 12 Aug '20, 14:40

Januaryfeelings's gravatar image



Great answer!
which makes the question a great question.
I won't be surprised if the questioner already agrees with your perspective, but wanted to encourage the eloquent fleshing out of this understanding through others such as yourself.

(09 Jan '21, 02:37) The Traveller

None of this makes sense to me unless I had read about quantum physics facts that say we are ONE light. Nothing is physical anywhere. At the core of this existence are waves of energy and light. This is INTELLIGENCE itself. Quarks are constantly bursting forth from these waves becoming what is called everything. WE all consist of waves of energy and light. From these, this conscious INTELLIGENCE coils up this light into quarks which are points of light. Then these points of light spin billions

(09 Dec '21, 23:02) MagicallyEternal

of times a second as 3 points of light forming protons and neutrons. These are atoms. These atoms are within everything everywhere. Atoms spin/vibrate/pulsate as light. We are literally light holograms. This is what is called God. Our bodies, the trees, sharks in the ocean are all constantly being created as light, the light of INTELLIGENCE. wow. i WAS NEVER TAUGHT THIS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Even churches don't teach this. I had to find physics like in the book HANDS OF LIGHT written by Brennan.

(09 Dec '21, 23:08) MagicallyEternal
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by chance no, by imagination so,
of infinite mind, for what intention,
is maturing as a species
to potential slavery


answered 04 Aug '20, 20:58

fred's gravatar image


IF ? Quantum physics proved God or All That Is or INTELLIGENCE a long time ago as waves of energy and light at the core of this existence. Those waves of energy and light, which is INTELLIGENCE itself, then decides to coil these waves into quarks, which then spin billions of times a second as 3 points of light that form protons and neutrons. These atoms spin/vibrate/pulsate as light. We all consist of 7 billion billion billion atoms, each one an electrical energy field. This is how we are NOT physical or solid. This is a light world, an electrical energy field existence. Otherwise, we would not exist. Cell phones would not work. There would be no electricity or lightning. NOTHING would exist if not being created by an INTELLIGENCE that moves as electrical energy fields. WOW, to get a grip on these words, this whole idea would change everything. And it wouldn't take religion. Change is happening with those waves from which quarks appear. This doesn't happen just willy nilly. If it takes OUR conscious awareness to put a puzzle together, THEN, certainly it takes conscious awareness to spin waves into points of light which are us and everything else. WOW, a trillion times ! Just look at what is being taught on this earth that so radically differs from what quantum physics teaches. Did all those psychopathic corporations NOT read quantum physics first to know they must treat us as themselves? Did NOT those cartels, the military cartel and the federal reserve cartel and the medical cartel, FIRST study quantum physics BEFORE hurting SO MANY PEOPLE in their quest for money at the expense of the rest of us?


answered 09 Dec '21, 23:23

MagicallyEternal's gravatar image


You said we are created in their image, but you forget we are told we have complete authority over all earth, we are to be the care takers. We are not told we must, just that we are and if we want to ignore that we sure can. So the fact we are not slaves shows up in how we harm each other and the planet constantly. Rules keep things in order and safety so do laws but that doesn't mean they must be followed but there will be consequences as a result. It is like you say to a blind man getting ready to cross the road watch out, don;t cross yet. He can listen to you or ignore you, the choice is his, his free choice, he is not your slave.


answered 12 Dec '23, 22:11

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Wade Casaldi

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