If I consult what I've understood so far from Abraham-Hicks, it looks like a biggie belief that does not serve yet has gathered rather enormous momentum goes something like, "I never figured out the thing I came here to do" OR "there must be some predestined purpose for my existence in this dimension/plane, and every day I age is another day lost in solving the puzzle". This does seem to be a subtle way of believing that I am not in charge as AH would wish to help me understand. More like: I am not here for any specific reason, but all that exists is fair game, and I get to choose what I prefer. Instead of: Am I a Poet/Writer or Musician or whatnot, it should be more like, "ah here is this massive buffet spread of all the zillions of flavors/options, and here is my plate, and all I need do is select anything." Try it out. Maybe come back for more; maybe try something else. Just because I loaded my plate with sweet dishes yesterday doesn't mean I can't go for salted & peppery today. IOW, it sort of sneakily slips chains around one's psyche or psychic ankles which become affixed to an object of immobility; or we allow that to happen, by virtue of not taking charge of our own experience. This is now easy to understand intellectually, but will likely require practice to 'turn the ship around' so it points in that downstream direction where nothing need be set in stone, but the idea is the deliciousness of the journey itself, which never ends. This is where meditation helps? Clearing out all the notions that were collected along the way up to this point? Just gonna chill and Be? If something pops up that beckons or suggests enjoyment...? Whether it is something completely new or something intimately familiar? No hemming, hawing, no second-guessing, just jump on it? Immersion in the indulgence? Only in this Now? Forget fretting about what did not come to fruition in the past and give tomorrow or future plans not one nod, but only plow with all of one's passions into the best feeling thought/activity right Now? Okay, I have a feeling that what I'm scenting are the gates to this vortex not far away.
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I was listening to some self help or another and heard that approximately 95% of our believes are false, faulty or cause us emotional pain. My gut tells me in my life that this is probably true. So it is not if but when ... so enjoy the journey cause you are never off your path, no one else can take what is yours, and there is plenty of time. |

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