Our world seemingly "revolves" around it. How do truly we manifest money? I see a lot of talk about it and we all follow teachers like Abraham Hicks, Seth, Bashar, ect... so how do we do it? How do manifest enough money to do the things we truly want to do? Ester Hicks is a millionaire but still isn't anywhere close to the 100's of millions area that allows her to do "anything" she wants. Jane Roberts (the Seth channeler) didn't reach anywhere near the million mark (she also had issues with her ability to walk which she often talked about and never resolved it). Darryl Anka (the Bashar channel) hasn't reached anywhere near the million mark.

I deeply appreciate the information these channelers have brought to humanity but at the end of the day our world revolves around money. What, in your opinion, is the best way to manifest money in our individual experience here on earth in this physical reality? I have my own ideas about it but I would like to hear what you have to say. I appreciate any and all answers on the topic.

asked 30 May '23, 04:59

bigfootforest's gravatar image


Before suggesting an answer to your question, I would like to address the misconceptions you expressed concerning Jane Roberts, Esther Hicks, and Darryl Anka.

“Jane Roberts (the Seth channeler) didn't reach anywhere near the million mark (she also had issues with her ability to walk which she often talked about and never resolved it).”

Jane Roberts (Net worth 5m) was an artist, poet, and psychic medium who put into print a number of books authored by Seth. She also wrote many novellas and books of poetry. She didn’t choose to become a channel, she was chosen by Seth due to their relationship in past lives. Jane chose to allow Seth to use her as a bridge in order that we may better understand the nature of reality and how we create our own individual reality by adjusting our personal beliefs to align with what it is that we want.

“Esther Hicks is a millionaire but still isn't anywhere close to the 100's of millions area that allows her to do "anything" she wants.”

Esther Hicks (Net worth 10m) was very familiar with the Seth material before being approached by the group of entities we know collectively as Abraham. The law of attraction helps us to understand how we can apply the idea that we create our own reality in practical terms.

“Darryl Anka (the Bashar channel) hasn't reached anywhere near the million mark.”

Darryl Anka (Net worth 14m) is a writer, producer and director who worked on at least three feature films and is also credited for visuals effects on numerous other films. This is his primary source of income. Bashar takes what we learned from Seth and Abraham and simplifies the process of creation into his 5 laws of creation.

The misconception you have is that you have is that people generally believe that “the world revolves around money.” Most people see money as simply a tool to pay for things they want to own and things they want to experience. You cannot presume to know what Jane Roberts wanted when she was alive or what Esther Hicks or Darryl Anka want. None of these people became a channel expecting to make money though they eventually did. The value of the knowledge that Seth, Abraham, and Bashar have given to us was never about making money. It was and still is about achieving whatever it is you want to achieve in this life. Some people want to be wealthy. Others want to climb a higher mountain, surf a bigger wave, become an American idol or ride a bull for a few seconds longer than the next guy or gal. As for your question:

“How do we manifest enough money to do the things we truly want to do?”

The answer to your question is right there in your question. Decide what it is that you “truly want to do”. What Jane, Esther and Darryl did or are doing with their lives is not your concern. Instead focus on what Seth, Abraham, and Bashar are teaching. Be a student not a follower. I suggest you begin jour journey here: https://www.bashar.org/principles/


answered 30 May '23, 18:18

i4cim2b's gravatar image


edited 30 May '23, 18:21

perhaps you go into
government and then tax people.

(18 Jun '23, 17:43) fred

What, in your opinion, is the best way to manifest money in our individual experience here on earth in this physical reality?

  1. Ask yourself "What would it feel like to have lots of money?"
  2. Practice that feeling until you have lots of money.


Of course, Step 2 might be a little trickier than it first appears. Hence, why places like the Manifesting Lab exist :)


answered 09 Jun '23, 04:48

Stingray's gravatar image


edited 09 Jun '23, 05:04


@Stingray- Manifestinglab is best place to learn there tricks.

(19 Jun '23, 05:34) Zee
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