I am a stay at home, home-school mom needing to manifest money This is what I would like... part-time work away from home that works with our schooling hours or work from home $1000-$2000 additional monthly income What does anyone recommend? |
I often repeat this affirmation from memory with FEELING: "I am so HAPpY & grateful that money comes to me increasing quantities & through multiple channels on a continuous basis!" Within a VERY short amount of time new channels of money began forming in my life! Even found a $100 bill a week later! I believe it's a very powerful affirmation---however the power comes from within...trusting, knowing, allowing & being HAPpY & open--and affirming with FEELING :) All the best! |
Well, it seems like you might be new to the site, as am I. In the short time that I have been here I have learned that the answer to that question is, that you are doing it right now. You have actually manifested this site and we along with it (even though we were already here but no to "you"). Congratulations! By sticking around here and to allow yourself to be ready for insight, This information you need will appear to you. Either from here or a book that will be in front of you. So get ready, be excited. Because you are on that journey. You are in the process of getting that money right now so stay on track :)! Much love Be well Michael BTW, you can do this the hard way or the very very hard way. Manifesting takes effort and the ability to maybe change prior beliefs that might run quite deep. I would wish you luck but there is no such thing. |
Well, in short read these! http://www.inwardquest.com/questions/tagged/money then try these:
You sure full of ideas.
(01 Nov '10, 23:53)
These are some affrimations that work for me try them! Say and/or read them when you become frustrated so you can focus energy on what you really want, through out the day, in the morning and evening. Whatever works for you. |
The money is already there, what you need to know is how to access your share of the money. So go through your list of elimination, and focus on your long term goal to start the money flow into your life. What talents do you have to sell for paid service, or what merchandise do you have to sell to make fast cash? There is a lot of money to be made, if you are a very resourceful person, you know what you want, and know how to get what you want! I know of someone who is partnering up with a friend to start their own business right now. Perhaps this is something you might like to do! You can have all the money you want, but you have to have a clear plan in place that works, and you will get the money you want. Good luck! |
I am just a man, so I know little about women hehe. It seems though that most woman are concerned about health and beauty. There families well fair and how to appeal to their husbands. This is not a slam. I respect the role of the mom. Just the health and beauty idea could launch 1000 businesses. The guys usually don't have any trouble getting together for beer and football. Why couldn't women get together for more feminine pursuits. If you get some ideas from this send me a commission check (joke). Blessings in your pursuits Give people what they want and they will be seeking you.
(03 Nov '10, 05:46)
In exactly the same way that you manifest the lack of it. Graham |

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