This whole Spiritual Journey has left me wondering if everything I am learning, seeing and witnessing is nothing but an illusion/lie created by False Light Beings?

It seems like no-one seems to support what I have been shown and taught by my Spiritual Guides and that I may be doing more harm to this World than good.

Even when I astral travel beyond the astral plain and venture beyond its boundaries I am no longer able to trust even higher dimensional beings of Light because so many of them have deceived me, including the Archangels, Ascended Beings, White Light Beings and so on.

Ever since I began helping our Planet by bringing on Divine Light to this World things just got worse onto our Planet instead of better and I am witnessing the Descension of Mankind on a very large scale.

I even saw Jeshua/Jesus handcuffed me with these esoteric cuffs to both of my wrist with chains grounded to Earth and witnessed my spiritual powers diminish dramatically. I can't seem to heal anyone anymore, dark energies are penetrating my shield of protection with ease now and I once again am losing faith in the whole spiritual Journey as I do not know who to trust anymore.

Even my visions are getting dimmed out as I am only seeing partial images anymore and losing the ability to see as clearly as I once did.

I am starting to think that the False Light Beings from the Higher Realms are getting the best of me, using my gifts for their own advantage as this World plunges deeper into darkness.

When people ask me for guidance, blessings and healings I am only met with criticism and laughter and I am starting to feel like my healings are making people worse off and I am beginning to really feel alineated from this World.

I am starting to believe that I may have been deceived right from the beginning and they the dark energies have been playing me like a yo-yo and I am once again questioning everything that has been shown to me in both the physical n spiritual realms.

I can't seem to trust any God like being nor can I trust any archangel because to me they are the deceivers the fallen angels of the real light of Truth. I am even starting to question my relationship with my own Spiritual Guides. It seems like I may be losing the battle between darkness and light as I thought I was getting stronger as I awaken to my True Soul Essence in 9D. Religion to me is so dark and corrupted and yet the World see's light from within this corrupted institution and false teachings.

I honestly do not know what to do anymore and it seems like reality and truth have abandonned me in my time of need, in Humanity's time of need.

What have I done wrong? Ever since my identity has been revealed all I now see is darkness penetrating everywhere I go and when I use my spiritual gifts to cleanse the path in front of me darkness follows undoing everything I have done. These malevolent beings are popping out of darkness everywhere and I can see them manipulating everyone all around me even in the media I see these dark spirits manipulating events and people lives and I feel so helpless to help anyone being harassed by these dark energies unknowingly.

I am either on a very special Spiritual assignment from possibly a higher realm than 5D which is why I see what I see or maybe the dark energies are using me to gain strength to overtake this World and bring the people to their knees as they have done for thousands of years. After all they have been playing this game of darkness against light for so long on 3D Earth and I am merely a newbie in this battle of Light vs Darkness on Earth.

I tried everything to create balance onto this Planet and I have tried to help even those Souls who are trapped in the 4th realm but yet here I am questioning even myself, my faith, my visions, my abilities and I am starting to really feel like all is lost for Humanity of 3D Earth no matter how hard I try to help our World.

Maybe somebody could shed some Light, offer some advice or explanation why do I see a different spiritual truth than everyone else on this Planet.

I can't deny what I have seen and learnt throughout my spiritual awakening but it all seems so meaningless now as the darkness of the 3D realm envelops the World in a final battle between light and darkness. I feel like I am losing the battle fighting them every single day in every single moment and I feel so alone and exhausted as I witness my spiritual energies being drained from me daily and their darkness getting stronger day by day.

I do get spurts of powerful energy every now and then and I watch the news to see if it had any positive effects onto Humanity but then a day later darkness attacks even harder and all seems to be lost in this battle betweeen darkness and My Divine Light.

I have also seen how Humanity can finally Ascend with Earth's Ascension but the end game to get to that point in heartwrenching to say the least as many dark souls will either have to transform their darkness into the Light or be forced off of this Planet but at what cost and how many lives will be sacrificed for Earth's Ascension to actually and realistically happen.

In my Heart I believe that every soul should be forgiven for their darkness within because they are merely victims of their own upbringing, their environment, their culture who deceives them, the news outlets, man made religions who judge everyone so harshly for their differences instead of showing equal love to everyone, but it seems like the Spiritual Realm has other plans and its terrifying to know their agenda for Humanity.

I weap here for Humanity's future and I feel helpless to stop this madness from happening on Earth in our Present Times. I don't know maybe I should just focus on my own ascension and forget about everyone else on this dark planet in 3D.

I was shown 2 outcomes for Earths possible future one from the Light realm and the other from the Dark realm and I don't agree with either of them. Many lives are at stake one way or another and I was trying to help eveyone no matter who they were or how much suffering they have caused others.

The Light Realm believes that there are souls on this planet created from Dark Sources who no matter what they will never ever ascend and see the Light Within them because these soul energies were created by the Dark Realms with the intention of bringing on darkness and darkness only onto our World. So the Light Realm has warned me that close to 4 Billion Souls physical bodies will perish into ashes and their Soul Energies will be captured by thousands of Alien starships awaiting to collect them en masse to relocate them on another Planet. Once these malevolent souls are eliminated from our World only then can the 3D Earth can prepare for Her Ascension into 5D.

The Dark Realm doesn't want to relinquish 3D Earth as they have plans to control this World through fascism and control the citizens as World Slaves to do their bidding and divide the World between the poor and the rich eliminating the middle class so they can control everything on Earth like they are presently trying to accomplish. Democracy will finally end and Fascism will rule 3D Earth.

I think both of their plans are ridiculous and heartwrenching to say the least and I feel myself questioning both of their Agenda's.

Please let me know what you think because I am starting to feel like one way or another I may be a threat to both the Light and the Darkness here on 3D Earth because I do not support either of their Agenda's for Earth's future. I believe all Soul Energies can be saved no matter what Source created them because I have witnessed goodness in all souls no matter how corrupted they are. It sure seems like both sides have no remorse for the lives they will be taking in Earth's near future whatsoever and that doesn't sit well with me at all and now I find myself once again the outsider looking in while both sides battles for the sovereignty of their own selfish and cruel agenda's.

P.S. I sometimes wonder if the Ones's who are in charge of the Divine Light energies in these lower realms, lower dimensions and lower densities have somehow lost their righteous,
spiritual and Divine ways somewhere along the way throughout their long History of continuously fighting against these dark light energies.

 Sometimes we become what we despise the most no matter how Spiritual one may believe 
 themselves to be, and that rule applies to all Light Beings and Citizens of all Worlds 
 in these lower dimensions, realms and densities within this vast Universe.

asked 30 May '23, 14:16

Moonbeam's gravatar image


edited 01 Jun '23, 01:16

Dear Moonbeam,

We are all spiritual beings, souls if you prefer. We are all sourced from a single pool of energy that is conscious. As we grow and mature as souls, our consciousness also develops intellectually and emotionally. We each create our own reality and together we create the mass reality that we are able to view through the lens of the media. Just as the artist paints on a canvass of cloth to express themselves, we souls paint our beliefs onto the fabric of space/time. Thus, the world each of us perceives and experiences will be one that is unique to us and us alone. No one will ever see or experience the world as you do.

Simply put, what you are experiencing is a reflection of your many beliefs. You revealed some of those beliefs in your posting. Quite creative, I might add. When Jesus grounded you, he took away the energy to prevent you from manifesting your beliefs so readily.

Before reviewing your beliefs, there is one statement you made that I believe was very important. It stood out to me because they seemed to come from the part of you not embroiled in the battle between light and dark forces. You said:

“I should just focus on my own ascension and forget about everyone else on this dark planet in 3D.”

I absolutely agree! By far the best advice you could give to yourself under the circumstances. Every soul experiencing life is on their own journey. Everything we experience, the tragedy, the suffering, the love, the hate, the pain, the sorrow and the joy, is all designed to help us grow and evolve. Your awakening is part of your personal journey, your personal growth. What you are learning meant for you and should only be shared with those specifically express a desire to learn. Most of the people you will cross paths with are simply not ready or not prepared for what you feel the urge to teach. Their time will come eventually. For now, they likely have other lessons to learn.

What follows is a listing of the many beliefs and feelings you revealed in in your post. If you want to alter what you are experiencing in this life, you can do so by simply changing your beliefs. That, however is a choice only you can make. If you wish to hold on to these beliefs and continue to progress through the somewhat hellish world you are creating, that is an option. Just remember you do have a choice!

Your beliefs, keep them if they benefit you or delete them if they don’t. You always have a choice....

Everything I am learning, seeing and witnessing is nothing but an illusion/lie created by False Light Beings?

No-one seems to support what I have being shown and taught by my Spiritual Guides

I am no longer able to trust even higher dimensional beings of Light because so many of them have deceived me

Ever since I began helping our Planet by bringing on Divine Light to this World things just got worse

I am only seeing partial images anymore and losing the ability to see as clearly as I once did.

False Light Beings from the Higher Realms are getting the best of me, using my gifts for their own advantage as this World plunges deeper into darkness.

I am beginning to really feel alienated from this World.

I am starting to believe that I may have been deceived right from the beginning

Religion to me is so dark and corrupted and yet the World see's light from within its corrupted teachings.

reality and truth have abandonned me in my time of need, in Humanity's time of need.

I now see is darkness penetrating everywhere I go

when I use my spiritual gifts to cleanse the path in front of me darkness follows undoing everything I have done.

These malevolent beings are popping out of darkness everywhere

I can see them manipulating everyone all around me even on the media I see these dark spirits manipulating events and people lives

I feel so helpless to help anyone being harassed by these dark energies.

I am either on a very special Spiritual assignment which is why I see what I see

the dark energies are using me to gain strength to overtake this World and bring the people to their knees as they have done for thousands of years.

they have been playing this game of darkness against light for so long on 3D Earth

I am merely a newbie in this battle of Light on Earth.

I am starting to really feel like all is lost for Humanity of 3D Earth no matter how hard I try to help our World.

Maybe somebody could shed some Light, offer some advice or explanation why do I see a different spiritual truth than everyone else on this Planet.

the darkness of the 3D realm envelops the World in a final battle between light and darkness.

I feel like I am losing the battle fighting them every single day in every single moment

I feel so alone and exhausted

I witness my spiritual energies being drained from me daily and their darkness getting stronger day by day.

all seems to be lost in this battle betweeen darkness and My Divine Light.

many dark souls will either have to transform their darkness into the Light or be forced off of this Planet

how many lives will be sacrificed for Earth's Ascension to actually and realistically happen.

I feel helpless to stop this madness from happening on Earth in our Present Times.

their Soul Energies will be captured by thousands of Alien starships awaiting to collect them en masse.

Once these malevolent souls are eliminated from 3D Earth only then can the World prepare for her Ascension in 5D.

The Dark Realm doesn't want to relinquish 3D Earth

they have plans to control this World through fascism

and control the citizens as World Slaves to do their bidding

and divide the World between the poor and the rich eliminating the middle class

Democracy will finally end and Fascism will rule 3D Earth.

I think both of their plans are ridiculous and heartwrenching and I feel myself questioning both of their Agendas.

I am starting to feel like one way or another I may be a threat to both the Light and the Darkness here on 3D Earth

I do not support either of their Agenda's for Earth's future

both sides have no remorse for the lives they will be taking in Earth's near future

I find myself once again the outsider looking in while both sides battles for the sovereignty of their own selfish and cruel agendas.

(It is you who believes) that there are souls on this planet created from Dark Sources who no matter what they will never ever ascend and see the Light Within them because these soul energies were created by the Dark Realms with the intention of bringing on darkness and darkness only onto our World.


answered 30 May '23, 22:47

i4cim2b's gravatar image


edited 30 May '23, 22:53

Hmmm! The events I have been witnessing are not by my doing but by those who control the all in all and are making these events come to life. Fascism is on the rise Worldwide and presently trying to take over the US and if it succeeds Nato will fall next and then Democracy will come to an end Worldwide. It is not I who believes but what has been shown to me by these Higher Beings as I was focused on other issues at hand. But I was reminded last night while in meditation that Light always ...

(31 May '23, 15:38) Moonbeam

... prevails over darkness and their attacks on me is my own doing as I have been doubting my own Divine Abilities. My Goddess Mother in 9D appeared to me last night to reassure me I am a being of a very Powerful Divine Light and these weak negative energies in 3D are no match for what I am about to accomplish. She sure has a lot of faith in me lol. I will change my perspective and focus on who I truly am and let go of the current events that are plaguing our World today. As far as what you ...

(31 May '23, 15:54) Moonbeam

wrote that "It is you who believes" well that statement was told to me by my Spiritual Guide as I Truly believe like mentioned in my post that "I believe all Soul Energies can be saved no matter what Source created them because I have witnessed goodness in all souls no matter how corrupted they are." I can't help but remember of the stories told about the times in Lemuria when they also believed that they could change the hearts of those dark souls in which they openly invited into ...

(31 May '23, 16:05) Moonbeam

their lives and sure enough those dark souls brought down the fall of Lemuria. I see history repeating itself in our time frame and I was just merely trying to avoid this tragic end to our own civilization. Thanks to the visit of my Goddess Mother last night I am finally prepared to accept my destiny and to fulfill my Divine Purpose in the Here and Now. I guess I just had a moment of weakness and kind of lost faith into myself. I never asked for any of this as I just wanted to move on from ...

(31 May '23, 16:23) Moonbeam

this 3D experience but my Spiritual Guides had other plans for me whether I accepted it or not. Who da think that I was once an Atheist and didn't believe in any of this stuff and yet here I am now. This Spiritual Journey is surely not an easy one whatsoever. We are living in dark times here on Earth and I just wanted to help reinforce the Divine Light Energies of Our Beautiful Planet to help Her Ascend with as many Souls as possible and to prevent a catastrophe like that of Lemuria's past.

(31 May '23, 16:34) Moonbeam

Thank you for your comments as it is greatly appreciated. Your comment allowed me to see that I was indeed creating this darkness within my own life because of my lack of faith not only in myself but from those who have been Guiding me. I'm so sorry for posting this among others as I was trying to make sense of it all. Maybe together we can all prevent darkness from taking over Earth and once again bring balance to this wonderful Planet we all Live on in the Here and Now.

Peace, Love n Light

(31 May '23, 16:42) Moonbeam

Always know and remember this; You are not alone in your quest to bring light to the darkness that you perceive. There are millions of others all working towards the same goal. More are arriving with each new generation. The world you wish for will one day be made real. It will, however take time, so you must learn to be patient. Continue your work without expectations as to how and when changes will occur.

(05 Jun '23, 16:56) i4cim2b

I understand! But to count on the higher realms to make things right on this planet has been nothing more than a major disappointment so far as history clearly shows. They have already destroyed 5 other civilizations on this planet if not more. Mind you they did promise me that they would not allow another Human extinction on 3D Earth but with the threat of a nuclear war on the horizon, I sure hope they were right otherwise this could get really ugly really fast.

(05 Jun '23, 22:57) Moonbeam

I was just trying to make sense of it all and only trying to help. Since this post they (my guides) have clarified some issues I had with this whole 3D experience. Thanks for the input as it is always appreciated. I guess I was merely looking for feedback because this whole awakening thingy was a lot more intense than I have previously anticipated. Some say that my ego is responsible for me wanting to help everyone but I disagree it is my love for Humanity that takes precedence over my ego.

(05 Jun '23, 23:08) Moonbeam

Otherwise I wouldn't care one bit for anyone else and just focus on my own personal ascension like everyone else is and has done in the past. But I will back off and work on what I am suppose to accomplish before I exit this World. I was just trying to help those who are oblivious to this whole awakening process. Like all 8 billion souls minus the few million who are aware of the ascension and the awakening process. I, like everyone else just want some answers instead of the BS they tell us.

(05 Jun '23, 23:19) Moonbeam
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being born at a
different point in time gave
you latest lenses for
ability to see cross densities


answered 30 Jul '23, 20:23

fred's gravatar image


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