I first discovered our Host Stingray in a single moment of manifestation before I realized it was an undeniable truth I hold dear. I found him while trying to debunk an individual known as Daryl Atkins who channels the entity “Bashar” and was shocked and surprised by what I found Stingray had written. It was as if so much depth was invoked by his every notion and I not only agreed with his assessment of Daryl but I was driven to learn more. So I did. I clicked on his profile, found his Manifestation Labs, listened and watched 13 minutes ish of his video wrote down what mattered to me, and tried every single thing suggested. I manifested a moment to speak about things on my chest so important and bursting at the seams that the next day, I woke up and had two very important experiences with two strangers who provoked me to bring up the things on my chest and heart. speaking about those very things which were not a typical topic of conversation I’d be comfortable with normally, for over 2 hours with strangers who brought up said topics - I came to the realization that all of what he had to say was not only real but the most important thing in our lives. Yet I found nothing but greed and all things that would in fact prevent one from manifesting all over the internet and social media (TikTok), things are required in order to manifest, things that Bashar, and Stingray speak in depth about. But now is my question, what makes individuals like Stingray, and his amazing colleagues here in this community so intensely understanding and caring when it comes to this aspect of our human experience as spiritual beings? What are your thoughts about these amazing people who teach so much for nothing in return?? I ask this question, but mainly this post here is for myself. to reflect on what it means to exist alongside such humble, and sincere individuals and how I myself am capable of the exact same level of compassion and understanding, in fact we’re all capable of far more I believe. I write this to state clearly to the cosmos and all within it that I, just a guy with a phone (JAGWAP) will overcome the hill I created long ago to live and breath, speak and believe in a life that creates love not hate, one that breeds sincere and potent interactions with fellow human incarnations and all that is on earth. And I realign myself with the higher self always watching and waiting for me to take this first step into the great beautiful unfathomable unknown where “enlightenment” or any such similar idea awaits. Here is to you all who may have made it to the end of this ramble. I appreciate your efforts to raise the awareness of consciousness itself and your effect on me is enhancing my understanding of this wonderful life and all inside it. Take care of your body mind and soul and I will do the same. Until next time Just A Guy With A Phone |
In the same way that it takes more effort to frown than to smile, it takes more effort to be purely self-serving than to be helpful to others ☺️what a profound experience it’s been since I first found you What’s your rule on sharing links Real quick. - so as to save myself time am I allowed to post a link here to a TikTok video I would love your input on whether it is valuable advice in your opinion to listen to what an individual shared as a way to invite wealth into your life. I’ll post the link here and edit it out quickly depending on what your rule is!
(09 Jun '23, 21:43)
@Jagwap - "your input on whether it is valuable advice in your opinion to listen to what an individual shared as a way to invite wealth into your life" - Making affirmations that you believe is a powerful way to achieve vibrational change. That's what Focus Blocks are. Making affirmations that you don't believe is a slow painful business :) Only you know whether you believe those statements or not.
(12 Jun '23, 11:08)
Hi, @Jagwap! Welcome to IQ! Your experience is a familiar one, it warms my heart every time I learn another person has found this place. So, why are people like @Stingray so appealing? Because @Stingray glows in the dark :) You manifested this connection, this magnificent opportunity to learn from a master. Actually , from many masters, as you'll no doubt discover. And it feels sooo good to intentionally manifest what you want and need. And because ducks like rain. ;) I encourage you to spend time on IQ, follow any links that interest you, and go down as many rabbit holes as your heart desires - it's endlessly fascinating. Ask questions! Ask dozens! There's no better education, anywhere. Most importantly, have fun! :D The Law of Attraction never fails. Love, Grace :) |
Hi @jagwap Personal opinion: I felt attracted by Stingray's wisdom first, but it was his kindness what sealed the deal of trust. Without being a "tree hugger", I will say that at some point in life everybody realises that we're all connected. If we're all connected, if "we are all one" then we want that infinite One to be the best and healthiest possible, because I'm part of you, you're part of me. Some people have big value in the sense that they bring positive balance to the big One, and they consider everyone equally worth helping to heal and find joy, for every individual shining bright adds to the benefit of all. Maybe this is Stingray's and alike people's reason to just light up a candle for whoever asks for guidance. I am vegan and I gain nothing from it on a personal level (well, maybe some health perks but it's not my reason for being vegan). I want every human being to stop using and abusing other animals and I would help anyone who asks me for help or advice to transition, every single individual who joins in helps make a difference in the lives of all of us. I believe this is a reason strong enough to want to help others "without personal gain". Its not self-sacrifice, it's the passion of building a better reality? Existence? Connection? You get it. |

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