About a month ago I came across the book Abraham Hicks The Law Of Attraction after I posted in this site about my skepticism about the LOA.

I must say that my life changed overnight, I don't think I had space within for doubting because all I read in the book correlates to my past experiences.

I have been comfortable in my less-than-deliberate reality for the past 4 weeks knowing that everything will change for the better from now on. I have been working with my therapist to identify obsolete beliefs that no longer serve my purpose.

Today I woke up not so in a great mood but still, I wasn't having a bad day until I remembered that I'm currently financially on the borderline and that I need an income. For the past month I have been very confident that I would find the means to open a little organic grocery shop and start making a living out of that which will eventually support my university studies but I don't currently have the means to invest in that, so the getting a job thought started to infiltrate in my mind.

I immediately started feeling discomfort within and it called my attention because I hadn't felt this feeling of danger in weeks and as I googled some job offers I went crazy angry. I felt that I'd rather obliterate my whole existence before ever working for another company/person. I am shocked, I have not felt this powerlessness in weeks and it's confusing me.

As I have read on Abraham Hicks The Law Of Attraction book, it is my inner self who offers me good or bad emotions. This was a powerful bad emotion, and I'm talking about the one activity that would put food in my belly and pay for a few of my stuff.

I'm completely lost here, I follow the Manifesting Lab and Teal Swan because I found both very practical and realistic, I believe both mentioned that things could get pretty bad before they get where I want them to be and I'm not sure if this means homelessness or having to accept another soul-crashing job once again, both feel completely out of the question to me.

What would you say is going on with me?

I appreciate any guidance! Thanks in advance♥

asked 12 Aug, 17:28

Poppy's gravatar image


edited 01 Sep, 00:52

IQ%20Moderator's gravatar image

IQ Moderator ♦♦

I truly understand your situation, for I am in the same boat. My money ran out last month and I havent worked in 4,5 years time. Prior to that I had my own massage practice for 4 years which gave me the freedom I so much sought. With the law of attraction I managed to win the lottery that made it possible to enjoy a mini pension of 4,5 years. Now the money has ran out and debt collectors are ringing me up. Despite my "dire" situation I feel pretty unbothered by it. What's crazy is that I keep seeing articles and Youtube video suggestions on homelessness. Is this a sign of the universe of event to come? Should I get up and find a job? That is something I swore never to do again just like yourself. I'm an introvert and don't get along with people. Again, I'm very chill about my current situation and despite the real threat of being homeless I remain steadfast on my journey to total financial freedom / of escaping the rat race.

My past experiences have thought me that everything always works out for the better. Every so called 'crisis' was a blessing in disguise elevating me to better and greater things. Today I still belief this to be the case. I've been playing the lottery, expecting a pleasant windfall once again. I've been getting inspiration to garden and to transform my neighborhood into a somewhat self-sufficient food producing community. Farming might be my calling. For it is the only thing in a long time Im truly passionate about. See, if there was no crisis I wouldnt have made the pivot to learning to become more self-sufficient and conscious of the quality of food we consume. So, it is a blessing!

I cant tell you what to do other than to follow your bliss. I KNOW things will get better. There is no doubt about that!!! REALITY IS BUT A REFLECTION OF YOUR INNER WORLD. If you dont like what you see, start looking inwards and change your negative self talk. I expect and accept the presence of pain or loss during this transition. Working for another person is a BIG NO-NO. My intention is clear and set in stone, so now all is left for me to do is trust the universe to come to my aid.

This post might sound a bit WOO WOO. Be that as it may, remember this well: You are the author of your story. Keep positive, by reaffirming your desires. Your desires my take months to come to fruition in the physical realm ... that matters not, it will come to pass if you keep feeding that desire.

You are not lost... you are doubting yourself and fear the discomfort of losing your possessions. But think about it. If you loose all your posessions, you are now completely free! Homeless people are truly free in a bizar way. They have nothing to lose. And that is blissful in a sense.

Remember: change is good. Even so-called bad events can be catalyst for positive growth. I hope this helps.


answered 04 Sep, 07:52

MasterOfMyMind's gravatar image


Thank you for your response. Reading other people's personal stories with the law of attraction is truly inspiring. Originally I wanted to win the lottery too, for multiple reasons (beyond the money) but then I watched this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEtjTRpylVM and stopped pursuing winning the lottery. I still have my business plans and I'm ready to take action so I'm open to opportunities. May I ask you what you remember as the precise steps to winning the lottery? I'm curious now!

(09 Sep, 22:17) Poppy

Just affirmations "I am rich! I've won!". Simple, really. I can remember the day I just had this burning feeling that I won. Took 2 days before I got the notification that I won. Its all about the FEELING. I repeated my affirmations for months which didnt yield any results. Its only when I felt that i won, then my life changed quickly. Affirmations without feeling is DEAD. The trick is how to generate said emotions. To this day it seems so random.

(10 Sep, 07:59) MasterOfMyMind

@MasterOfMyMind - "The trick is how to generate said emotions." You may be interested in how to generate any emotion on demand.

(11 Sep, 17:02) WeRadiateBeauty
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