Hello dearest community, I come once more in disbelief and misunderstanding regarding the way money shows up in people's lives. A little background:

  • In June 2024 I became acquainted with Abraham's teachings through 'The Law of Attraction' book. I immediately and permanently started giving attention to my emotions. Soon after, the perspective of getting a job, any job I might be qualified for really, gave me writhing, dark, almost disgusting emotion. -This emotion keeps showing up when I think of getting another job-. I added meditation into my life, I felt good and I began to understand myself better. I also began using resistance-clearing processes.

  • At the end of August this year, I asked my bank for a loan: a loan to cover rent and food for two months and an additional $500 to invest in a business idea to work from home. So basically I took a loan to buy some time and eat in the meantime. I now added Pilates on top of meditation. I still felt really good and kept making the unconscious conscious with the resistance-clearing methods.

  • September came and I purchased everything needed for the business to start its baby processes, I am fully conscious it might take way longer than I originally thought because It's a magic mushroom micro dosing business and so far I can't make the spores grow into mycelium. I still felt good, I started to see the money flow away from my bank account and continued focusing on clearing resistance around money, playing the lottery and telling myself that Regan Hillyer was in debt too before she hit her first million. I became aware that maybe I have been focusing on lack of money and whatever that means. I started reading 'Ask and it is given' at this point.

  • It's now the final week of October and the following things happened in the last 10 days. Day 1: In my dream, I asked the universe: How am I supposed to welcome money into my life if I don't know what it's like to own any? Someone spoke in my mind(female energy with androgynous voice), a very clear message that I would like to share with everybody: ''Do you need to own trees in your garden to love and appreciate trees?'' The speaker showed me a picture of woods of pine trees and I felt immense love and admiration for their beauty. -No. I replied. ''Do you need to own a garden to love and appreciate gardens?'' The speaker now showed me beautiful wildflower gardens in Scotland. -No. I reply once more, fascinated by the way the speaker was making me feel. ''Do you need to own money in your bank to love and appreciate money?'' Now she showed me colours in the sky flowing like aurora borealis. -No, you're right. I now understand- I replied. I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night feeling kissed by god. The next morning I remembered everything as if had happened in my physical life. IF ANYONE HAS ANY IDEA WHO THE SPEAKER WAS, I APPRECIATE SHARING IT.

Day 2: three days later I attended a group constellation centred on money and prosperity. We were 12 people, I constellated and prosperity stood by my side while money stood firmly behind the man representing my father. I returned home straight to make a list of the good and the bad about my father, and forgiving all the bad that hurt so much all these past years but taught me things that no amount of money could buy. I felt how some weight lifted from my shoulders.

Day three: The day after, I decided to have a ''date with money'' as it was recommended to me twice in the past week from different sources and I no longer take that as a coincidence. I detail-cleaned my house, put on makeup, wore a nice dress and sat in the lounge, face to face to imaginary money and I started talking. Then I listened. Money wanted me to prove that I can give something to the world. Told me to write, and I felt utterly disappointed because the longest thing I have written in the last 10 years is my questions in InwardQuest! One hour after the date was over I started writing a novel for the first time in my life, I began at 6 pm and couldn't stop writing until 5 am. I have been writing it non-stop, 10 hours a day for the last week, I'm already on page 80. I always wanted to be a writer and it only felt like a distant utopia, out of my intellectual reach. I have been feeling high in love with writing, such a high emotion on the emotional scale that I bet I could manifest a cow in my living room if I put my mind to it. I feel butterflies in my stomach the same I used to as a teenager in love.

All these events are marvellous but, back to reality, in less than 10 days my loan money will have disappeared completely and I expect some 'ulterior force' will save me this time? The idea of getting a job sounds at least ridiculous and where I live it would take me over 2 months to find one anyway. This said, knowing that I understand some essential money knowledge, I feel there must be a missing element. I still play the lottery once a week, numbers at random. The second batch of spores rot away once again, with no visible sign of mycelium. And above all, we're supposed to take inspired action, and my inspirations don't seem to put food on the table. I appreciate any insight you people may have to offer to a lady in distress. As always, Gracias♥ Poppy

asked yesterday

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edited yesterday

Hi Poppy,

It looks like you’re already making great progress! I’ve noticed that sometimes it can take a few steps before I manifest what I truly desire, and that's perfectly normal.

As we move forward, some limiting beliefs may come up, but there’s no need to worry—they're just part of the process.

You’re clearly being supported and guided on this journey.

To help uncover some of the potential roadblocks, I’ve been working on a software that identifies the core limiting beliefs and lists them out for you.

Most of the time, just reading through the list can help you release many of these beliefs, especially when you realize how irrational they might seem (as Bashar suggests).

I’ve entered the last part of your question into the software, and here’s what came up. I suggest you read through the list once, then again, to see if any of these still resonate with you or if they no longer hold true:

"Creative work is worth less than traditional jobs."

"I need external help to achieve financial success."

"My inspiration isn't enough to fulfill my material needs."

"Money can't come from doing what I love."

"I'm not capable of achieving financial success through my passion."

"Financial success is beyond my control."

"I can't trust myself to solve my financial problems."

"Only hard, practical work can give me security."

"It's naive to think that writing can bring me financial stability."

"Creative dreams and financial reality are two separate things."

"I don't deserve to find wealth through doing what I love."

"I can't be both creative and financially successful."

"It's unlikely that my talents are valuable enough to help me."

"If I follow my inspiration, I will fail financially."

"I need financial security before I can follow my dreams."

"My financial problems can't be solved through creative solutions."

"Money and passion don't go together."

"I have no right to be creative during times of uncertainty."

"I should only pursue my passions if my financial situation is secure."

"I must rely on others to be saved."

"Financial stability can only come from traditional work."

"Creative pursuits are hobbies, not real careers."

"Success is measured by a stable paycheck."

"Only conventional jobs offer security and respect."

"Creative talents are not practical or reliable."

"Society values traditional professions more than creative ones."

"I need to conform to societal expectations to be successful."

"Creative work is too unpredictable to be sustainable."

"Real work involves tangible skills and measurable outcomes."

"Creative people struggle to make a living."

"It’s irresponsible to pursue creativity over a conventional job."

"Only a few creatives can make a good living, and I might not be one of them."

"I must work hard in a traditional sense to earn respect and money."

"Following creative passions means sacrificing financial success."

"Creative work doesn’t provide the same sense of accomplishment as traditional careers."

"Creative work isn’t valued because it doesn’t produce immediate results."

"I can't make a living doing what I love."

"I need to struggle to earn money; it can’t come from something I enjoy."

"Traditional work is more respected by family and peers."

"I will be judged for choosing a non-conventional career path."

"I am not capable of creating wealth on my own."

"I don't have enough skills or knowledge to be successful."

"Others have more power and influence over my financial situation."

"Financial success is mostly about luck or connections."

"I need to be rescued from my financial struggles."

"I can’t succeed without guidance or mentorship."

"I am not as capable as others who have become financially successful."

"The financial world is too complex for me to navigate alone."

"Opportunities only come through other people."

"I don't trust myself to make the right financial decisions."

"I am not strong enough to overcome financial challenges by myself."

"Without external validation, my efforts won’t succeed."

"I need someone more experienced to show me the way."

"My self-worth is tied to others recognizing my potential."

"Financial independence is too difficult to achieve without support."

"I am powerless without a safety net."

"I can't generate opportunities on my own."

"I lack the resources to achieve my financial goals independently."

"Success depends on the approval and assistance of others."

"If I try on my own and fail, I won’t have anyone to fall back on."

"Inspiration is not practical."

"Real success requires hard work, not just inspiration."

"Passion and creativity don’t pay the bills."

"I need to do things I dislike to earn money."

"Only conventional jobs provide financial stability."

"Inspiration is fleeting, and I need something more stable."

"Material needs require a structured and disciplined approach."

"It’s unrealistic to expect my passion to support me financially."

"Money is earned through struggle, not through joy."

"I can't trust my inner voice to guide me to financial success."

"Following my inspiration is a risk I can't afford."

"Financial success is not meant to come from what I enjoy."

"Others don’t value my inspiration as much as I do."

"My talents aren't enough to generate consistent income."

"Only a few lucky people can turn their passion into profit."

"I need a traditional plan for earning money."

"Dreams and inspiration are separate from reality."

"Being practical is more important than being inspired."

"My creativity isn’t valuable enough to bring in money."

"I must choose between being inspired and being financially secure."

"Work must be hard to be valuable."

"Passion projects are just hobbies, not real careers."

"Financial rewards only come from sacrificing enjoyment."

"Making money is a struggle, not a pleasure."

"I have to choose between doing what I love and being financially secure."

"It’s unrealistic to expect joy and profit to align."

"Only a few lucky people can make a living from their passion."

"Enjoyable work is not serious or respected."

"I need to conform to conventional career paths to earn money."

"If it’s fun, it can’t be financially rewarding."

"I am not talented enough for people to pay for my passion."

"I must work for others, not myself, to be successful."

"I can't expect others to value what I love as much as I do."

"Money only comes from stable, predictable jobs."

"I should put my dreams aside to focus on real-world responsibilities."

"There’s no market for what I truly enjoy doing."

"Creative freedom and financial stability are opposites."

"Doing what I love is a luxury, not a path to income."

"Financial success requires focusing on practicality over passion."

"I need to struggle to deserve financial rewards."

"I am not good with money."

"I need someone more knowledgeable to guide me."

"I have made too many mistakes in the past to trust myself now."

"Others are better at managing finances than I am."

"Financial decisions are too complex for me to handle alone."

"I am prone to making bad financial choices."

"I lack the discipline needed to manage money effectively."

"I am not responsible enough to handle my finances."

"I always end up in financial trouble, no matter what I do."

"I am too impulsive when it comes to spending or saving."

"Without external support, I will fail financially."

"I am not smart enough to find solutions for my financial situation."

"I need validation from others before making financial decisions."

"I am too emotional to handle money matters."

"Only experts can navigate financial challenges successfully."

"I am always one mistake away from losing everything."

"I am not resourceful enough to create financial stability."

"I must rely on others to feel secure about my financial future."

"My past failures prove that I can’t handle money well."

"I am incapable of creating a solid financial plan."

"I am not good enough."

"I am not safe in the world."

"I am dependent on others to be valuable."

"I am not in control of my life."

"I must not make mistakes."

"I am not lovable if I am not perfect."

"I do not deserve ease in life."

"I am alone when I face problems."

"I am inadequate and need validation."

"Life is a struggle."


answered 21 hours ago

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edited 21 hours ago

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