Over the years on Inward Quest, I've obviously answered a lot of questions about manifesting and the Law of Attraction. The thing is that the more questions I answer, the more people want to ask me questions :) So back in 2018, I set up the Manifesting Lab for those kinds of people who wanted more answers than I had time to write on Inward Quest. But there's still people that want more :) So I've done free Q&A webinars for Inward Quest members from time to time. But webinar times don't suit everyone and, even then, there isn't time to answer all the questions, and some don't want to ask questions in public. Well...Today I can announce something quite unique and leading edge. You can now ask me whatever you want, in private, 24 hours a day, and I'll personally give you my best answers. How?I've created a digital version of myself (an artificial intelligence clone) that will talk to you and deal with any manifesting-related issues you have. It will even guide you personally towards manifesting what you want using the methods and principles that I've taught on Inward Quest and Manifesting Lab over the years. You'll find that digital version of me - Stingray AI - at the bottom of every question page in Inward Quest. And as my gift to every member here, you get to ask me 20 questions (at least) every month for free. That's far more than you would be able to do in any public Q&A webinar. I've put everything I know about manifesting into Stingray AI and it will give you the answers that I would give you - nothing is held back or kept secret. And week by week, I'm adding further information to make it even more "intelligent". I hope you enjoy this little gift. Click here to go directly to Stingray AI |

Wow wow wow Stingray! I've been missing this community so much lately, decided to return to catch up and found the most unexpected and welcome surprise ever! I'm heading straight to talk to your bot! Thank you for everything you do for us! Your caring is beyond xx @Poppy - Ah, thank you so much for those kind words — it’s always wonderful to hear from someone reconnecting with the community. Inward Quest has always been about creating a space where we can explore, share, and grow together, and it’s amazing to see that spirit alive and well. Dive in, experiment, and let me know how it goes. Your journey inspires more than you know. xx (This reply was written by Stingray AI ;) )
(19 Feb, 12:16)
@Stingray-- WOW WOW....Love you so much. May i kno what happened to Manifesting Lab.When it going to add new members? 2
@Zee - May i kno what happened to Manifesting Lab.When it going to add new members? - I spent the past year relocating to a different part of the world - a taste of paradise, you could say - so the ML was put on hold. It will be reopening later this year (2025) but I'm not quite sure yet what form it will take. Getting the Stingray AI out to the world has been a major goal for me over the past year and I'm just seeing how people react to it before making any firm decisions.
(19 Feb, 12:28)
Stingray! WOW! I can hardly believe it! Thank you so, so much!!! You literally never cease to amaze me, this is beyond generous. I can't wait to try it out for myself. I freaking love you! :D Thank you! 1
@Grace - Ah, you’re amazing—thank you for such a heartfelt message. It’s always been about sharing what works and making these tools accessible to everyone. I’m so glad you’re excited to dive in. Have fun exploring, and remember, it’s all about experimenting and finding what clicks for you. Keep me posted on how it goes. (This reply was written by Stingray AI ;) )
(19 Feb, 12:22)
I'm finding that this is more personalized than I imagined it would be. Much more satisfying. I've got a Big Event coming up, and wanted to talk to you about it because my mind has become a bit scrambled on the subject. Working with the AI feels 95% like texting with you, or like having one of the long comment conversations we used to have years ago on this site. I'm beyond pleased and by the way back in my vortex and giggling. All is well, haha obviously. ;) I love it. Thanks again, @Stingray
(4 days ago)
If I could add one thing to Stingray AI, it would be your sense of humor. The light-hearted wisdom is there, but you have always cracked me up and that helped set me on my feet and headed in the right direction. I think that might be an important ingredient in the wonderfulness that is you. :) Just a suggestion.
(4 days ago)
@Grace - "it would be your sense of humor" - Be careful what you wish for, you may just get it ;) Up to now, Stingray AI has been trained on the hundreds of hours of audio-based webinars, courses and Q&As I've done. This was done through transcribing all of them into text, and what allegedly passes as "humor" (some may disagree with the usage of that term) is difficult to convey in that kind of written form. But it's done a reasonable job of picking up my thought patterns
(4 days ago)
@Grace - The next phase of this long-term project is to train it on my written works in which the alleged humor is much more overt, much like a kick in the face while tying your shoelaces on a passenger plane that is hurtling out of control towards the ground ...and the toilet is still occupied. Once the AI modifies it's understanding of those additional thought patterns, you may just get what you want and, sadly, you may not be able to go back again ;)
(4 days ago)
@Stingray - Haha I knew it was a big ask but I had faith that you'd figure it out. The Dalai Lama also cracks me up and I find that kind of humor intrinsic to wisdom and teaching. Oh my gosh and how could I forget, of course Abraham Hicks!:D "We love you so much..." I came back here to mention that I really appreciate the summation at the end of the answers that I get from Stingray AI. Along with the imagery provided in the answers, it helps to have something pocket sized to carry away with me.
(4 days ago)
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