How is this process (from this question):

  • Step 1: The question is asked (or desire is launched)
  • Step 2: The universe immediately responds with the creation of the vibrational potential that matches the desire or question
  • Step 3: In aligning our dominant focus regarding that topic with that of the vibrational potential that now exists as a result of the question being asked, we allow the answer to enter and manifest within our reality (i.e. we get our desire)

...different from the following process?

  • Step 1: I decide what I want.
  • Step 2: I get a job and earn some money.
  • Step 3: I buy it.

asked 24 Oct '09, 21:44

Vesuvius's gravatar image


edited 24 Oct '09, 23:01

Barry%20Allen's gravatar image

Barry Allen ♦♦

The processes are not different - the second one is a specific case of the first.

However, in order for the second process to be effective you must have a belief that you can get a job, earn money and then buy the thing.

A belief is a vibrational habit of thought, so your actions in Steps 2 and 3 of the second process actually relate to Step 3 of the first process because the belief is providing the alignment to allow the thing to manifest.

Let's look at a slightly unusual example just to demonstrate a case where Steps 2 & 3 of your second process would fail.

Let's consider that wish to grow taller but you are already, say, in your 30's so you are not growing anymore, from a medical point of view.

So in your second process, you now have Step 1 equal to I want to grow taller.

Now applying Steps 2 & 3 of your second process means that you should be able to get a job, earn some money and buy something that will make you grow taller.

Now our beliefs kick in...if you do not believe that such a thing exists to buy, you will not be in alignment with your original desire and you will not be conscious of a manifestation despite the fact that the potential now exists for a manifestation...because the original desire was launched.

So your second process would fail.

However, if you followed Step 3 of the first process - aligning your dominant focus regarding growing taller with your desire to grow taller - you would receive the manifestation and somehow you would find a way to grow taller.

How you would receive it, I cannot tell you, but it is vibrationally impossible for it not to enter your reality if you are in alignment with it.

I hope this helps clarify things a bit :)


answered 24 Oct '09, 23:20

Stingray's gravatar image


You had me until you gave an example that's impossible. I assume that you actually want to be physically taller, and not just believe you are taller, or mass-hypnotize everyone into believing you are taller.

(25 Oct '09, 01:37) Vesuvius

Wait...I know a way. Have you ever seen the movie Gattaca?

(25 Oct '09, 01:38) Vesuvius

The actual point was to give you something that you believed was impossible because otherwise you wouldn't have an example of where an action-based approach would fail whereas a vibrational-based approach would still be valid. Let me ask you do YOU decide what is impossible and what isn't?

(25 Oct '09, 02:09) Stingray

If it can be verified by other people, it is possible. You claim that a vibrational approach can succeed where an action (only) approach can fail. I agree; you do need to construct a mental image of what you want first. But here's what I also claim: A mental image, all by itself, is not enough. You also have to take action.

(25 Oct '09, 02:34) Vesuvius

If you need it to be verified by other people to be possible then you are saying you need them to create it first in their realities so you can then observe it, and then use that as an excuse to mold your own belief to allow it in your reality. Usually, some kind of inspired action is necessary but quite often it isn't. The golden rule is "do you believe you have to take action?". If you do, you will have to.

(25 Oct '09, 08:09) Stingray

Are you really proposing the idea that no action is ever necessary to accomplish anything? That each and every one of us, in whatever we do during the day, is taking action because of flawed thinking? Is that really the idea that you're trying to sell? Why do I have a brain and two hands? So that I can trust my beliefs enough to not use them? Help me out here, Stingray.

(30 Oct '09, 05:09) Vesuvius

No, I'm saying that no action is ever necessary to accomplish anything ...I'm saying you have to look at each case on an individual basis. You have to go by how you feel. If you feel that action is necessary, then it will be necessary. No matter how much I try and shift my beliefs about getting food off a plate into my mouth without using, say, a knife and fork, I find I still need a knife and fork to do it. But there are other occasions where action without aligned belief actually hinders and you are better off doing nothing and letting the belief manifest in its own way.

(30 Oct '09, 07:25) Stingray

OK, that makes sense. Maybe I read this stuff a bit too literally.

(30 Oct '09, 20:16) Vesuvius

@Stingray-Hi Stingray, may I ask where does "intention" fit into the creation process? The asking is usually done automatically right? I'm doing QE Intention work now which I enjoy? Thank you:)

(11 Jul '12, 06:50) Satori
showing 2 of 9 show 7 more comments

The first process you show:

•Step 1: The question is asked (or desire is launched) •Step 2: The universe immediately responds with the creation of the vibrational potential that matches the desire or question •Step 3: In aligning our dominant focus regarding that topic with that of the vibrational potential that now exists as a result of the question being asked, we allow the answer to enter and manifest within our reality (i.e. we get our desire)

Is a general example of how the law works, where the second process

•Step 1: I decide what I want. •Step 2: I get a job and earn some money. •Step 3: I buy it.

is a specific example of how it could manifest. Either way, it is our limiting beliefs that is the obstacle to what we want. When we overcome the limiting beliefs, then our desires manifest. We get the job, find the item for a good price, find money on the ground, find a book on the bookshelf, find the teapot at a yardsale, etc...


answered 28 Oct '11, 18:29

Fairy%20Princess's gravatar image

Fairy Princess

Yesterday, after I wrote this, I found a dollar on the ground, I know that doesn't make me rich, and I got sent home with dinner for my family. I have had a cold, so I had been wondering what I would do for dinner, and then I got to take some home.

(29 Oct '11, 17:09) Fairy Princess

Of you want more detailed instruction download a torrent client for example bitcomet or azureus and download this file.

Listen to it a few times, it should clear up some things (or maybe not :-)


answered 24 Oct '09, 22:50

wildlife's gravatar image


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