We all know that young people like to play games like WoW (World of Warcraft) or XBOX/Playstation 3 games. The reason why these young people are able to play so long for hours without stopping is because they feel good while playing it and like it too right? So my question is: If that is the case, does playing these games help to put these young people in the vortex? (since they feel good and happy playing these games) If so, why then still do so many problems (study problems, family problems, relationship problems etc) occur among players who are addicted to these games? i.e. a gamer would neglect his girlfriend or his family or his studies just to play his game |
I have read that it's much like being in a parallel universe, or as close as we can get right now to being able to jump into another life. And the more time we spend on the fun and adventuresome life, the less we want to spend on our dreary one. And as we neglect our real life and it does become more troublesome in result, then we spend even more time in the alter-universe....I am paraphrasing of course, but this was the jist of the article, and I believe this is true, after watching a friend begin spending more and more time gaming, until he cared almost nothing about his real life. (and has been that way now for years!) do u still have a link to that article you read? :D
(30 Jan '11, 12:50)
Sorry Kakaboo, it was some time ago.
(30 Jan '11, 15:35)
LeeAnn 1
According to my husband and son-in-law, when they play such games they feel a sense of relaxation and accomplishment! (I never play so don't quite get it!) They also claim that it gives them a chance to "think." Apparently only part of their attention is on the game! That it is the way they meditate! Would that mean getting into the vortex? could be. But where I am fully refreshed after my meditation, they are drained after their games. And yes, my husband can spend a straight 20hours doing this, day after day. I have to go to him and check whether he'd like a bite to eat! So I get to meditate and work on myself peacefully while he gets to play uninterrupted. We match one another beautifully! thank you, namaste |
Most people, not just gamers, usually continue to feel bad and experience problems because they focus upon what's in front of them, rather than what would reflect their true nature. Their motto is, "whatever is the physical, is." LOA will correct you, "whatever the feeling, creates the physical to act as an object to continue that feeling." If you want a possible entry into the vortex, yes, get involved with a video game or an available hobby. As for why a person feels good when they play a game, it's defiantly not the game accessing their emotions and making them happy ( that'd be a bit scary ). All that's happening is that the person is not shining their spotlight of focus upon a negative thought; and when this happens, after a period of time elapsing, they start to feel good again. You see, playing a video game with passion can do two things,
There is zero difference between a person choosing to play a video game with all of their conscious attention and a monk guiding their breath in front of some candles, in terms of the gentle, gradual vibrational elevation. The reason these people still have problems is because, after video game time, they sadly become the slaves to their habitual thinking outside the video game- which is just attention in the wrong direction. These problems persist because of their attention to them, or their attention to them in a certain perception that creates a negative feeling. Like the average person, they shall look at "what's there." An easy remedy would be to play the game, which makes them enter the vortex, and now have a vortexy observation upon their life. This higher feeling observation shall promise solutions- from here it's a matter of following your highest excitement and just carrying on the good feelings which the game may have resurrected for you. These inspirational, empowering thoughts don't just comes from no-where. Hmm....Think I might start an account of one of these popular games now :) @Nikulas, well you nailed it. I used to be a hardcore gamer, several years back, when I didn't have a job yet I easily played over 16+ hours a day for 2 years. I didn't know what the day or date was, whether it was evening or morning. I only got to go out when I ran out of food. And while playing the game, I was in Vortex. I still continue to play nowadays, not with such excess, although sometimes on weekends I let myself go and just game on. The motivation behind hitting "play again" button...
(13 Jul '12, 05:12)
...is out of my grasp. I have never said "I play for this and that reason, this is my motivation"...But I guess it would be being vortex. It's just so fulfilling and rewarding. And I may know the reason why. The real world is very big, with a lot of stuff going on. So it might get confusing at times. Sometimes so much, you will feel like you don't understand life at all. A game, is very small world and you can understand its mechanics usually after a few days. And once you do, you take joy in...
(13 Jul '12, 05:15)
...knowing what you are doing and having control. And you take your understanding and give a purpose (to win a tournament, become the best in the world etc.). At the same time, very importantly, you meet people who are after the same goal. You play and you play to win (talking about competitive games here) and everyone wants to do the same. Remember Napoleon's Hill "Mind-master group"? That's the same thing. Games simply offer rather stress-less, confusion-less, yet highly rewarding environment.
(13 Jul '12, 05:19)
And when I talk about my gaming experience, I say it out loud and with pride I used to be such "nerd". I could never say that about my work. I guess, unless, I'll find something so exciting in real life, I'll never quit playing games. Regardless of what people think, it's too good to stop.
(13 Jul '12, 05:24)
You guys rock! I've been a gamer since 1978 :) Sometime in the 90s I was addicted to gaming and yes, it was an escape from my unhappy life. I'd play for twelve hours straight some days, so it's true to say that I was happier and more in the vortex (to use a word) when in that virtual reality than in my everyday life virtual reality 8-) As my life situation improved I played for far fewer hours, but still played almost every day because I love video gaming.
(13 Jul '12, 09:15)
The more I began to really love my life, the less time I spent gaming and the more I loved gaming. These days, being a veteran I’m able to go virtual for between one to two hours and have more fun and excitement than when I played for twelve hours. Once the excitement drops, I leave the game and return to the so-called ‘real’ world and my excitement level remains high. I’m currently playing BF3 and World of Tanks, both great games although different genres. Gaming rocks!
(13 Jul '12, 09:16)
Thanks for the contribution @CalonLan and @Eddie. I was actually thinking of posting an IQ game review upon 'The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask'. Aside from being my all time favourite, surprisingly, and truthfully, there is an unbelievably deep, hidden philosophy about this game which I occassionally ponder why someone would even go to such lengths to 'slip' that into a virtual world. If you both like games, check this one out for some spiritual development at the same time :)
(13 Jul '12, 11:52)
@Eddie- What a jedi. "I've able to go virtual for between one to tow hours and have more fun and ecitement than when I played for twleve hours." I'm re-reading old answers and see how cool and useful they are to me now from a different vibrational place. Yes I think I feel inspired to start a game of some sort and hobby it for 30 minutes a day! Life is amazing.
(26 Jun '13, 23:51)
Playing video games is also an easy way for me to get into the 'now'. Why wouldnt it? Its an exciting act in a mundane life. Furthermore I can put off my real life problems and just live in an altered ego. However I'm not so sure if majority of the gamers are really in their highest alignment when gaming. I'll admit that I wasn't, I was even conscious of the side effects gaming will have on me. But hey, when its painful enough, we'll seek another way. And this time may it be a proactive way!!
(27 Jun '13, 06:11)
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It is an escape from this reality. Many of us would like to express ourselves in other worlds where the consequences of our actions isn't as severe as our present situation. It passes the time and only becomes harmful when you neglect actions that are required to maintain a manageable life. |
Playing video games is also an easy way for me to get into the 'now'. Why wouldnt it? Its an exciting act in a mundane life. Furthermore I can put off my real life problems and just live in an altered ego. However I'm not so sure if majority of the gamers are really in their highest alignment when gaming. I'll admit that I wasn't after a while, I was even conscious of the side effects gaming will have on me. But hey, when its painful enough, we'll seek another way. And this time may it be a proactive way!! Of course there may be some instances where playing a video game is the highest form of excitement one can find. I am just skeptical on how long that could last. And when we open up our options, there are so much to do in life.. I wouldn't completely bash on gaming. Because in Abraham Hicks words it is an act that let one regain his/her power. It's always better than the feeling of powerlessness. So to your question, I suspect most don't feel good while gaming. I suspect people who excessively game (me being one of them) mostly want to make up for the lacks. The more we try to regain power the more likely we'll lose them? Ohhhh the paradox of course. Scrambling a little here but as a final note. I do not agree sitting there gaming for hours can compare to anything close to meditating. Both engages the Now. But one is everything ego centered (I've been a hopeless gamer. Simply look at the contents of games, and the outcome gamers want in games) while the other one isn't. 1
@Imperfect - Hmm... It's great that you've identified that gaming is an egocentric activity for many players, however, what seems to have escaped you is due to that fact, gaming can and is used by many (myself included) as a tool to observe one's ego-action. Thus, gaming can be an awareness tool. Rather than comparing gaming to meditating, which is a form of judgment; can you see them both as tools which can assist individuals to remember more of who they really are in whatever form they need?
(29 Jun '13, 22:50)
PS. I think you should change your name to Im-Perfect. After all, at this timing you cannot be any other way than you actually are; therefore you are indeed perfect :)
(29 Jun '13, 22:50)
My username to me means I'm okay to be imperfect (outer appearance speaking) so in a sense I'mperfect :) I tricked many of you thinking the other way hehe.
(30 Jun '13, 11:15)
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I was a video game-aholic. 12 hours a day, on a 12 foot wide projection screen, 7.1 sound. Two powered subwoofers and a Butt-Kicker in my chair. Full immersion. Halo and other first-person shooters on the Xbox. Yes, it DID put me in the NOW! You have to be in the NOW or get killed. Anne would interrupt me sometimes and I'd say, "You just got me killed!" And I'd be angry with her. Can you believe that? Angry at Anne? For interrupting a video game? This be whack! The Games became my reality for hours. Adrenaline pumping! On to the next conquest! Remember to save the game, often. Can't wait for the next upgrade. HALO 2? YES! Maybe you can tell that I have an addictive personality?? Suddenly, it happened like that to me, Zen-like clarity. Several insights that made it no longer fun for me.
Think about this. Threatening imagery. Heavy, intense focus. A great deal of energy. One big bundle. No, black light creatures did not begin to appear in my life, but I noticed my non-game life became one of increasing struggles. I began to see real-world images in terms of video games where I had to win, and I had to win through personal effort. Put you in the Vortex? Oh come on, now. You can't REALLY believe that! Well, maybe some people's Vortexes are full of monsters. But not what I want. I stopped about two years ago. I was working with an institution that had a positive use for video games. They worked with dysfunctional (Dissociative Disorder) kids who had anger issues, problems concentrating and focussing. The kids loved video games. So they had the kids wired into biofeedback EEG devices. When the kids could perform at optimal levels, the games would work, but as they began to exhibit DD, the games slowed down. @Dollar Bill - please don't blame video gaming for your personal issues :-P Nice answer, although it's a pity you can't simply enjoy being immersed in an alternative virtual reality for 1-3 hours and then enjoy reemerging into this one :)
(29 Jun '13, 22:54)
I'll have to agree with you dollar bill. I've been there. Not at peace at all. Without sugar-coating anything it's just an escape from reality. Sure, we can be non-judgmental and call it an experience (to never to again :P) but at the end it does take away other possible experiences and/or positive feelings in life.
(30 Jun '13, 11:22)
I heard a channeller talking about this when asked a similar question. I don't believe so - gaming is a form of escapism and so once you finish the gaming session, your vibration returns to where you last left it. Indeed. It does however engages us into the now. I've been a game-addict and this is why I believe I crave games (or some other bad habits) so much. However bad that habit is. It will almost certainly lets one engage in the now. (drugs, street racing, cigarette..) Our soul craves that experience. This is only my theory but if one can substitute a 'negative' now activity with a 'positive' one (meditation, appreciating thoughts, working out) he/she would be much merrier in the life journey.
(29 Jun '13, 06:20)

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