Consider: Are there things that come most quickly to you in your life, and are these the things you believe in the most? Issues Addressing: What are you desiring most, a car, or a house: and which of these two things do you want first, how do plan to get what you want first, and do you believe that you will get what you want, is it because you believe it? And is it true if you believing that you will get what you want most, that this is the key to you manifesting your deepest desire? The answer that I am looking for is: Do you believe that what you want most, and if you believe it to be so, you will get what you believe first most quickly? |

over the years as i discovered the impermanence of satisfying my desires, I appreciate your point, and your last sentence has merit, thank you!
(06 Apr '11, 23:28)
Inactive User ♦♦
i truly believ that all of the "wants" that are high dollar and big fancy things are just our ego, the part of us that trys to addict us to pysical reality, that is what desires those things, the reason you do not atrract them is because it is not your inner self that isnt wanting it, it is you ego! love n light,' rob That ego is indeed a problem, yet we sometimes let it get the best of us, thank you!
(07 Apr '11, 02:27)
Inactive User ♦♦
thank you vee, like i said i love you! you are so great !! thank you agian! love n light!
(07 Apr '11, 12:49)
TReb Bor yit-NE

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