I'm getting a little confused. I'm up to Chapter 5 in The Master Key System and just need to know: When I close my eyes am I supposed to see what I'm visualising as a 'movie' on the back of my eyelids OR is it like when I imagine things in my Mind?

asked 06 Jun '11, 04:29

Paul%202's gravatar image

Paul 2

edited 21 Feb '12, 12:36

Barry%20Allen's gravatar image

Barry Allen ♦♦

Either one works Paul. Movie sounds nice though. More importantly you have to get in touch with the GOOD FEELING that is associated with the visualization rather than focusing on the quality of that visualization.



answered 06 Jun '11, 04:42

you's gravatar image


It's like when you are imagining things in your mind.


answered 01 Aug '11, 08:10

Paulina%201's gravatar image

Paulina 1

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