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This is something that a lot of people wish that they could do with their lives. I thought it would be a good point to ponder. I, for one, have had a lot of bad moments and days- and have even made some really bad decisions. But when I considered this question, it really made me think. Would I play the card? I think I know what you all are going to say about this, but I also know that the folks here on IQ as a group are perhaps already "ahead of the game". If we were "ordinary folks", we might hear some different answers.

I personally would pass. I would not have what I have now without all the stuff that came before this!

Blessings, Jai

asked 18 Jun '11, 09:16

Jaianniah's gravatar image


like you Jai' I would pass. I wouldn't be how I am today without all that has gone before.

(20 Jun '11, 06:23) evelyn
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I went through really severe mental and emotional suffering during last weeks. I was so ruined that I could cry riding the bus packed with people, while normally I have a very high degree of control over my emotions.

But I would never play a card like this. I know that every suffering I am going through makes me stronger. Every disaster is a lesson that adds up to my experience. The only way to understand sorrow, unhappiness and suffering is to feel it at first hand. Devastated, you realize that there are others who are the same as you, and you start feeling deep compassion. Knowing how it is to suffer, you do not want others to ever experience it. You want to devote your life to this single purpose. This is spiritual rebirth through suffering.

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answered 18 Jun '11, 13:11

Asklepios's gravatar image


This is called "ZERO BASED THINKING"

"knowing what you know now, would you have gotten involved, made that certain decision, or took that certain action?"

If you answer "no" then make a change, do it now.

If you answer "yes" then all is good, change if you want.

Suffering is only a perception and attachment. Let go, change your perception and you change your world.

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answered 18 Jun '11, 13:49

RPuls's gravatar image


I think whether I do something over or not matters not, because either way it would still be in my past right now. Bad times and good times that are behind me are just that behind me, gone forever. So both do not now exist and therefore all that exist of both are memories. If I want to change my memories it is a lot easier to change them consciously now. Rather than bothering to go back in a time machine and change what happened so that I could have different memories now of what is gone and over.

We have control right now of our thought, have we a bad memory that plays over and over it is a present conscious construction of an event that is gone. We can consciously change that in our minds by control similar to how we dream lucid dreams that is where to do it over if you really want you do have that card and it is this present control over your thoughts that is the card.

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answered 18 Jun '11, 16:34

Wade%20Casaldi's gravatar image

Wade Casaldi

Life is about playing that Chess Game to win and if by chance you loose and you want to start your game all over again, indeed you do have a choice!

In essence everyday is a good day that God has created for you, and you get to choose what that day means to you, and the types of fruits you want to bear, and share with everyone in your life, be it good or bad, you are the one playing the game of life. So what card do you want to pick for yourself?

Since it is within our human nature to make mistakes that are no doubt emotionally trying under the circumstances, yet we can continue to have a very successful, professional, healthy, happy and productive life without having to look back at the negativity in our past experiences constantly! It is therefore important for you to love yourself first in order for others to love you back you equally, you get to choose your own game play!

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answered 18 Jun '11, 19:59

Inactive%20User's gravatar image

Inactive User ♦♦

Life is about playing that Chess Game to win and if by chance you loose and you want to start your game all over again, indeed you do have a choice!

In essence everyday is a good day that God has created for you, and you get to choose what that day means to you, and the types of fruits you want to bear, and share with everyone in your life, be it good or bad, you are the one playing the game of life. So what card do you want to pick for yourself?

Since it is within our human nature to make mistakes that are no doubt emotionally trying under the circumstances, yet we can continue to have a very successful, professional, healthy, happy and productive life without having to look back at the negativity in our past experiences constantly! It is therefore important for you to love yourself first in order for others to love you back you equally, you get to choose your own game play!

This answer is marked "community wiki".

answered 18 Jun '11, 20:00

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Inactive User ♦♦

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