The idea here is to create a list of affirmations that have been of most help to us. Perhaps they have a helpful quality to others. Please list only one. My favorite: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Thanks! |
" I Am Love". That's it... I know it sounds simplistic but for an affirmation to be effective it has to be believable. Since I believe that we're all love at our core, then this one for me is very believable. And since I also believe that love and fear cannot co-exist simultaneously, it becomes very effective and easy to repeat when fear comes knocking :)
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Yes you are. And yes Love and fear cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Excuse me fear, you're in my seat:)
(30 Jun '11, 21:13)
Hakunna matada:
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What does it mean???
(30 Jun '11, 22:27)
...means no worries for the rest of your life ;)
(30 Jun '11, 22:58)
this is from Swahili right?
(01 Jul '11, 08:00)
Disney~Lion King
(01 Jul '11, 11:06)
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From Nike (how embarrassing...) JUST DO IT. I tend to sit on my acetabulum and not do the things I should...This helps me face what I do not want to face (typical depressive-type person here...) I probably will have a new one tomorrow. I like this question! Jai
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Everything is Fine.
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simple and powerful....
(02 Jul '11, 02:20)
In the moments of great fear (anything linked to hospitals), only thing that keeps me strong is: "Lord is my shepherd"
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agree to that!.
(04 Jul '11, 14:38)
"I let go of all misconceptions of who I thought I was and step into my true Divinity now" this affirmation has moved mountains for me
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and what do you believe is your true divinity, please?
(02 Jul '11, 02:21)
my total Oneness with God
(03 Jul '11, 19:03)
Susan 1
I tried just writing God is here but this wants an answer 16 characters or more so here is my answer. God is here.
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you came to this world to experiance it there is nothing to escape but your own choice. but if you want you can make the choice to stay here you have free will. and if you have read my question you know who told me that. that is a big truth.
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