I had an interesting question from my girlfriend. She was picking up some milk at the grocery store and was looking at the expiration date. She heard a question "what is my expiration date?

Seems like the most simple activities brings us the most profound questions. I told her that this would be a great question for Inward Quest. She asked me to pose the question on her behalf.

asked 06 Jul '11, 04:11

RPuls's gravatar image


I wish there WERE an expiration date I don't like thinking that I may have made so many mistakes here that "AFTER DEATH" God or some soul somewhere might send me back here How awful 2 be one of these bodies that hurt a lot The mission here is not obvious at all. Mistakes are many. And people judge harshly 4 them. It seems no one is interested in quantum physics that says subatomic particles are spinning super fast creating us constantly, which says we can't die because we are holographic images

(10 Dec '21, 09:47) MagicallyEternal
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Not exactly an expiration date, but our bodies are designed specifically to break down over time. It's part of nature's design; were this not so, the earth would quickly become overpopulated. War has the same function, more or less.

I have heard people talk a lot about one's checkout time; "Well, it was his time to go." I no longer believe in such a date, for a number of reasons. People think of them as expiration dates because it is their way of finding purpose in seemingly meaningless and random events. "When my dad died, I changed the way I think about things, and now I treat my life with more respect." Not because his dad died, but because he used that event as an opportunity to learn something about his own life.


answered 06 Jul '11, 04:46

Vesuvius's gravatar image


Imagine that there R hundreds of books that explain how we can't die because we R electrical energy fields constantly being created. These books U won't find in public schools and hospitals, etc. UNLESS U can read between the lines 2 discover that atoms R electrical because they spin as positive/negative poles and we ALL consist of 7 billion billion billion atoms. That means we must be created like a computer is created. Quarks/atoms R the codes building us. AND the WE that we see R the

(10 Dec '21, 10:07) MagicallyEternal

projected images like the images seen on computer screens I have 2 agree with the books the physicist Barbara Brennan writes, especially the 1 called HANDS OF LIGHT In this book R pictures of what we look like as eternal, holographic, electrical energy fields constantly being created. These books release people from their pains and sorrows and fears Who on this earth would want us 2 be in so much pain? I have read that there R at least 3 huge cartels that make billions of dollars off our pains.

(10 Dec '21, 10:09) MagicallyEternal

everyform born in nature has an epiration, a cycle of action and then rest,
and would you believe a rebirth to gain the wisdom of our next stage in growth;
we, by our ignorance and/or karma, may shorten the duration of our current earthly experience,
as well as, lenghten it by/through right action,
so, i'd have to say in this respect we do have an expiration date.


answered 06 Jul '11, 22:39

fred's gravatar image


I recall Deepak Chopra stating he knew the exact date of his expiration.

(10 Dec '21, 13:23) ele

i would say only if you decide you have one.(free will) or if you have accident or something that destroy your body then you will probably chose to leave this world. (free will) so experiance life and enjoy. make wise choice.


answered 07 Jul '11, 01:36

white%20tiger's gravatar image

white tiger

white tiger, the mold of a
human being consists of
a finite number of breaths for its physical form

(30 Nov '21, 16:31) fred

I want to give you a different point of view. There is no death and no expiration date to the true nature of man. We are spirit and spirit is Life and therefore life is all there is. Life cannot die and life is everlasting.

Of course our bodies do what we think is die but atomic particles that made up our bodies will simply make up something else so you see even our bodies are recycable.

On the so called death of the human body we simply transmute to something else while our true selves, our spirits, go home to God.

This answer is not for everybody for as humanity evelves so does the need to understand. Paulina


answered 08 Jul '11, 14:03

Paulina%202's gravatar image

Paulina 2

By any chance, are you Polish?

(08 Jul '11, 14:22) Asklepios

I want to give you a different point of view. There is no death and no expiration date to the true nature of man. We are spirit and spirit is Life and therefore life is all there is. Life cannot die and life is everlasting.

Of course our bodies do what we think is die but atomic particles that made up our bodies will simply make up something else so you see even our bodies are recycable.

On the so called death of the human body we simply transmute to something else while our true selves, our spirits, go home to God.

This answer is not for everybody for as humanity evelves so does the need to understand. Paulina


answered 08 Jul '11, 14:06

Paulina%202's gravatar image

Paulina 2

My girlfriend says, "thank you Paulina" and that she liked your answer best.

(09 Jul '11, 00:17) RPuls

answered 07 Jul '11, 16:47

Wade%20Casaldi's gravatar image

Wade Casaldi

Hello IQ I have read in many books that we are eternal holographic, electrical beings constantly being created. As images, energy images, we don't age. That would be like saying electricity ages. Atoms spin as positive/negative poles. We consist of 7 billion billion billion atoms. We are exactly like computers BUT we heal. We are being created with the codes called quarks/atoms that are our core PERFECT selves. If we did not have a perfect core of energy, how could we heal?

(10 Dec '21, 10:16) MagicallyEternal

Absolutely yes, the price for life is death, although the expiration date may differ for each of us!


answered 08 Jul '11, 04:59

Inactive%20User's gravatar image

Inactive User ♦♦

Our expiration date is NOW, That is the only time we know in this dimension.


answered 09 Jul '11, 05:34

you's gravatar image


NOW is all we have. Energy is always vibrating/spinning/pulsating now. that is all energy can do. Energy never says "I think I will vibrate tomorrow, not today". But I can see the confusion here. Then 1 would have 2 ask " Does energy say it will vibrate yesterday? because clearly that person over there was born yesterday, which means the energy they are was born yesterday". I think simultaneous time has to step in here. How can we have an expiration date when creation is constant?

(10 Dec '21, 10:25) MagicallyEternal

The closest I can line up with is that maybe we sign on for a generally specific time before we are born. This would account for some ppl living past 100 or dying before birth and all points in between. Even some ppl who made poor health or risk choices have gone on to live long lives. Others who have lived in health with good choices can die. It's a mystery.


answered 29 Nov '21, 19:09

IAMWELL's gravatar image


No. We are energy that is constantly spinning/vibrating/pulsating. We are constantly being created as holographic images. The electrical energy field souls that are projecting us can stop projecting us. I have read that we still exist as energy beings/images in another dimension. As energy we are light, the eternal light of existence itself. That is what books are good for.


answered 10 Dec '21, 10:29

MagicallyEternal's gravatar image


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