Hi everyone, I am in the network Marketing business - and a new student of Abraham and the Master key system. One of the actions that is required in network marketing is calling people and inviting them to meetings. Over the past few months I developed a kind of anxiety of that and find myself doing everything to avoid it, although I know this fear is stupid. Every time I think about those calls I go down the emotional scale and out of the vortex. So I stopped doing it and focused for the past week on being in the vortex (and in this week some vibrational indicators did show up). Well yesterday my company started this new coaching program, which is of course very motivational and action-oriented, and I didn't want to join it, so the other people in the company came to me and inquired why I didn't want to join the program. Anyway from my conversation with them a claim that sounds true came out - if I focus on getting into the vortex and stop taking action, aren't I avoiding it and it shows up too in my vibration? I mean, if I have fear of inviting people, then that's my vibration and I can't succeed! So anyway (sorry for the length of this post), I was wondering what to do... I want to feel confident and passionate about taking action in this case, but Esther said to not be specific and only to do everything that feels good - and this certainly doesn't. Any ideas? Thanks. |
As I understand it, you are effectively saying that going into the Vortex is a kind of "avoidance behavior" because as soon as you reactivate your vibration about making these calls, you will find yourself thrown out of the Vortex again (because you are no longer a vibrational match to the rest of the good-feeling stuff in there) and you are back to Square One. If that's what you are saying then I agree with you. There is a basic principle here: "Your vibration on any subject always remains where you last left it"There now seems to be three situations to think about regarding this principle.
Hope all that helps in some way :) Fantastic. you helped me a lot. Thanks.
(12 Aug '11, 16:52)
You're welcome, CBH777
(13 Aug '11, 09:20)
You know what? I wonder if you may be a bit clinically depressed. One of the signs of this is an inability to do things that we used to do with ease. This question rang a bell with me, for I slowly became the same way as you- a gradual growing fear of doing tasks I used to do with ease. This would also explain your growing anxiety, and your need for a system to cope with what you used to do with ease. I'd certainly consider this. It does not sound too bad yet, so your family doctor should be consulted before you get any more anxious about this suddenly growing problem. Just a thought. I wish you much luck. I leave the Master Key System parts to the experts, who will surely post. But I did want to point this out to you. Depression is very sneaky. Think about it for a bit...How and when did all of this begin? Google "signs of Depression", and take the test. Good luck, Jai |
where and for what reason do you fear? is the compagnie doing something wrong? is the product a scam? or are you afraid to botter people with something they do not need? or is the problem in you? find the truth and it will help you to pin point the problem. experience and enjoy. There is nothing wrong with the product or the company... my fear is because of what over people think about MLM, I am a big fan of the industry and my company.
(12 Aug '11, 16:51)
why do you care about what people think. it is their problem not yours. many people judged me in this life and they where all wrong. their problem not mine. except that i would not help or get with those people no more because i know how they are. you help them and they judge you and talk in your back. so why should i help people like that? that will try to do harm to me.
(13 Aug '11, 07:11)
white tiger
Is your intuition telling you that there is a problem with the opportunity you are pursuing? Ultimately, Multi-Level Marketing is about selling. As such, you have to be absolutely confident in your product; otherwise, you probably won't make it work. If the product is a great product that makes the world a better place, then you should feel good about selling it. Often, that's not the case with Multi-Level products; there are dubious claims about them, the product itself is over-priced because you have to pay so many "levels," and there are often suitable alternatives to the product in the traditional marketplace. Anyone getting involved in multi-level companies should read this first. See also "Is your intuition telling you something is wrong, that there is a problem with the opportunity you are pursuing?" You know, Ves, this thought occurred to me as well. We Westerners are so trained out of our intuition that we seldom notice until everything is going to he**! I think you have perhaps brought up a very important point! It certainly fits better than my stupid idea about depression ;o)!! Good job! I wish I had listened better to MY intuition about this problem LOL>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
(08 Aug '11, 20:59)
I don't know what you are selling, but you need to ask yourself if you really can stand behind what you sell. If you don't love it, that will eat you up. I am not a sales person, but EFT can help with getting over limiting beliefs, fears, etc... But before you do any work on the fear and anxiety, you need to make sure you love the product. If not, stop trying and find something you love. If you do love it, then do the EFT to eliminate the fears and anxiety. |
if realized that part of ones purpose in life here is to grow, |

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