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I thought this would be an appropriate question to ask on the eve of the Tenth Anniversary of 9/11. I was very affected by the events of 9/11, perhaps just as my Dad's generation was affected by the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

My heart broke for the people who were hurt by the events of 9/11, and I spent my 25th wedding anniversary in Honolulu, not on the beach, but holed up in a hotel room, watching television because 9/11 happened to coincide with our trip to Hawaii. It was sad for two reasons: it was when I realized that not only had many people had died, but so too had my marriage. So 9/11 changed a lot for me.

I thought it would be appropriate for all of us on IQ to think about 9/11, and remember, and share our thoughts.

I know that for a long time after 9/11, I felt I had lost a feeling of safety that I had once taken for granted. That feeling has come back a bit, but I still remember how vulnerable the attacks on America made me feel.

I also know that many of the people here on IQ are NOT American, and perhaps do not feel about this the way that I do. That is okay. Your viewpoints are all welcome.

Blessings, Jai

asked 11 Sep '11, 02:51

Jaianniah's gravatar image


The question has been closed for the following reason "Question is off-topic or not relevant" by IQ Moderator 30 Dec '13, 18:30

I thought it would be appropriate for all of us on IQ to think about 9/11, and remember, and share our thoughts

It's interesting that you should make this statement on a website where we spend a vast amount of time and effort discussing how what we focus upon creates our reality.

Regardless of the nature of the events and regardless of all the media coverage, are you sure it is really "appropriate"?

This question: How do we prepare for disaster without attracting the disaster? could easily have been titled instead (for the same answers): "How do we remember disaster without attracting the disaster?"

Just an alternative point of view, that's all :)

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answered 11 Sep '11, 08:29

Stingray's gravatar image


I guess you just had to do this...I do not think that honoring the heroes of 9/11 nor remembering what happened will affect fate that much...I might get five or six answers to this post, and the majority of the world will not even know they other words, will this question affect the world much? I doubt it. I was hoping that the good of honoring the heroes of 9/11 would outweigh any bad...just my point of view...

(11 Sep '11, 09:55) Jaianniah

'Some will hear, but not listen. Some will listen, but not understand. And some will understand, but not act.' Mike Dooley

(11 Sep '11, 10:17) Eddie

I do not think honoring the people who died necessarily takes your energy down. Oftentimes by acknowledging the bad, while not dwelling or wallowing in it, allows a release of blocked or negative energy.

(13 Sep '11, 01:33) akaVienne
showing 2 of 3 show 1 more comments

For me I felt that it was the beginning of WWIII, the Apocalypse (Thank God I was wrong about that!). It was a wake up call to us though, to return to a righteous path as a nation with God. The scary thing is that the verse Isaiah 9:10 was being quoted a lot by senators and even the president. Talking about rebuilding stronger but what that was about in Isaiah was defiance of God. What happened in 911 matched that and the following verses too closely to ignore. But if we follow the verses farther we see what happens when we pull away from God as a country. If we have an economic crash that last years could the following verses be our future? Only time will tell, but it seems we are repeating the defiance in Isaiah, but this time in the USA.

I think we need to keep the USA in prayer that we as a nation return to God.


answered 11 Sep '11, 04:16

Wade%20Casaldi's gravatar image

Wade Casaldi

edited 11 Sep '11, 16:37

I'm not American but I remember the day clearly and will never forget it for it is embedded in my mind.

We (my husbamd and I) were on holiday in London and on that fateful day we were walking arround like tourists do when sudenly we realised people were running and calling out to each other. They were crowding into pubs and in some pubs there were so many people that they couldnt all fit in but cued outside.

Being of an inquisitive nature we also tried to see what was going on but couldn't even get into a pub let alone anywhere near a TV. We heard someone say "The towers are down" and I remember saying to mey husband I think it must be the Patronas towers they are talking about.

When we got back to my nephew Willies house late that afternoon he was already glued to the television and told us what had happened. It was in utter horror and disbelief that we watched the Trade Centres Twin Towers being destroyed. Even today I have dificulty believing what I saw and keep thinking it looked like a movie. The sheer horror of what was going on is sometimes dificult for the brain to want to see as true.

Amongst all the horror going on one also saw people sticking together and helping each other. The true love thay neigbour as yourself was shown by many that day and it makes one feel that at a fundamental level humanity is predominantly good.

Did it change our lives? Yes it changed our lives and it changed lives on a Global scale. It was a reminder of how short our physical lives can be. It is a reminder that all it takes is a moment or a few hours and your life will never be the same again. I noticed afterwards many people changed their lifes and decided that people are a lot more important than careers. People realised that life is too short to bother with petty stuf and the real worth of being here is to stick together and help each other. It helped many realise the importance of brotherhood.

Will our lives ever be the same again? No for we shall never forget the extent of Good (the heroes) and Evil (those bastards) of that day. Let's not forget the lesson of what that day has taught us. Live every day as if it is your last day and let others know that you love them. Extend a hand in friendship and goodness to your lellow human beings and remember the importance of "Love thy neigbour as thyself".

Today I shall say a prayer in the memory of all those that perished and do a special meditation to peace.

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answered 11 Sep '11, 09:51

Paulina%201's gravatar image

Paulina 1

Great answer!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

(11 Sep '11, 12:04) Jaianniah

Good points, Paulina.

(11 Sep '11, 14:44) LeeAnn 1

Did it change my life? Yes, I try much harder now to reach out to people who are unlike myself. It made me realize that focusing on differences rather than our global humanity is a type of poison that brings violence. In the process I have made pen-pal friends from all over the world, I have made new friends here in my area, I have opened my thinking. I used to think the USA was the best/greatest of everything, and while I still love my country, and still denounce those who take innocent lives, I am now able to be more realistic about how the rest of the world sees us, and acknowledge the problems we bring on others with our arrogance and interference. I guess a summary is that it awakened in me a better view of the world as a whole. It didn't awaken hate or fear in me, instead it opened my heart. Hard to explain in words, but this is how I feel.

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answered 11 Sep '11, 14:42

LeeAnn%201's gravatar image

LeeAnn 1

Excellent answer! +1 from>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

(11 Sep '11, 18:44) Jaianniah

Not American, but lived there at the NYC. So, looking out of my window and seeing towers to collapse for sure changed me and my point on view of life.

It was sadness but also something else.

And questions, question, question...this event created even worse event in the history.A war. That is going on 10 years later and has destroyed countless lives. So, trying to get revenge and make a world "better place" has created something even more horrifying.

Love and life to all.

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answered 11 Sep '11, 20:00

HeaElu's gravatar image


Love this answer! great answer! +1 to you...and thank you..we did not even go to war with the right people, in my mind...>>>>>>>>>>>

(12 Sep '11, 03:55) Jaianniah

well i do not live in usa but i am your neighbor and it could have happen here also. i was working when it happen. and we saw the terroriste threat those people have no regards for life and are full of hate and ignorance.and the fact that they see outsider as ennemy and as the cause of all their trouble they should look at them self first and make that change. but on the bright side we saw people helping each other supporting each other loving each other and making sacrifice for each other even people not from usa came to help. i just hope that people will not get stuck on the negative and also see the positive.

And one day an authority on the law stood up to put Jesus to the test. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to receive eternal life?” 26What is written in the Law?” Jesus replied. “How do you understand it?” 27He answered, “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul. Love him with all your strength and with all your mind.’(Deuteronomy 6:5) And, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ ” 28“You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do that, and you will live.”.

For those who set their hearts on me And worship me with unfailing devotion and faith, The way of love leads sure and swift to me.

Those who seek the transcendental Reality, Unmanifested, without name or form, Beyond the reach of feeling and of thought, With their senses subdued and mind serene And striving for the good of all beings, They too will verily come unto me.

“...and you should forgive And overlook: Do you not like God to forgive you? And Allah is The Merciful Forgiving.” — Qur’an (Surah 24, "The Light," v. 22) “Woe to those... who, when they have to receive by measure from men, they demand exact full measure, but when they have to give by measure or weight to men, give less than due” — Qur’an (Surah 83, "The Dealers in Fraud," vv. 1–4) “...orphans and the needy, give them something and speak kindly to them. And those who are concerned about the welfare of their own children after their death, should have fear of God [Treat other people's Orphans justly] and guide them properly.” — Qur’an (Surah 4, "The Women," vv. 8-9) “O you who believe! Spend [benevolently] of the good things that you have earned... and do not even think of spending [in alms] worthless things that you yourselves would be reluctant to accept.” — Qur’an (Surah 2, "The Calf," v. 267) “They assign daughters to Allah, Who is above having a child [whether male or female] and to themselves they assign what they desire [which is a male child]; And when the news of the birth of a female child is brought to one of them His face darkens and he hides his inward Grief and anger... They attribute to Allah what they dislike [For themselves] and their tongues assert the lie that the best reward will be theirs! Undoubtedly, the Hell fire shall be their lot and they will be foremost [in entering it].” — Qur’an (Surah 16, "The Honey Bees," vv. 57-62)

That which you want for yourself, seek for mankind.”[52] “The most righteous person is the one who consents for other people what he consents for himself, and who dislikes for them what he dislikes for himself.”


answered 11 Sep '11, 05:41

white%20tiger's gravatar image

white tiger

edited 11 Sep '11, 05:47

Yes I could see why hellfire would be the reward for a man not even proud of the birth of his own daughter. All babies should be loved and wanted when they arrive here into this world.

(11 Sep '11, 16:30) Wade Casaldi

How could 9/11 not have changed everyone's life that is alive?

I believe that Pearl Harbor, while what happened itself was very sad, raised the vibrational energy of the country up as a whole. Our leaders did not overreact and they calmly inspired hope that everything would be okay, therefore it was.

On the other hand, 9/11 has brought up nothing but our fears and negative beliefs we tend to hold as true. It has been used over and over again, especially by the Bush administration, to continue to play on our fears for our safety to coerce the American people into giving up many of our rights that we would not even considered if we were at a higher energy level. Also, because of this negative vibration, it has affected the American economy, and therefore, the world economy.

So while I will acknowledge that the events of 9/11 were tragic for many people and I honor them for choosing it to be their story, I also believe that it is serving as the catalyst for change. How many people do you know that are tired of being sick and tired? Who have a deep sense that there is more to life than fear and material wealth? Or just a deep sense of unease and not being fulfilled?

I believe this is the time for us to not only raise our personal energy levels, but that we need to do it through love and compassion in order to completely heal and integrate our mind, heart, body and soul. Then from that place of compassionate power we can be a positive influence that causes the world to heal and change.

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answered 13 Sep '11, 01:32

akaVienne's gravatar image


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