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I've been fairly convinced for some years now that time appears to be speeding up and, in my life at least, it seems to be getting even faster. (My wife also agrees) This is consistent with what a number of channeled teachers have been saying regarding the increased vibrational influences on Earth.

Alternative explanations for this phenonemon are sometimes put forward like the speed-up of time is just an illusion that happens to everyone as they get older and nothing is really changing at all. (See Is time speeding up and why?)

As an informal, un-scientific test, and if you don't mind taking part, could you answer the following question briefly below? Just a one-line response is fine.

Compared with a few years ago, do you FEEL like the days are going by faster, slower, or just the same as always?

I'm not asking about what your watch or clock says, just about what you personally feel about the speed at which your life is passing.

If it is all just an illusion of age, we should presumably at least get some people who genuinely feel that the days seem to be going by slower, or who notice no difference at all.


asked 09 Nov '11, 12:35

Stingray's gravatar image


edited 02 Oct '12, 09:54

Barry%20Allen's gravatar image

Barry Allen ♦♦

While the past year really has felt like 'ground hog' year for me, I realize that the reason it seems that way is because I'm choosing to infinitely speed up my perceptions, rendering my day to day reality almost motionless in terms of the movement of time. Now I'm here, now I'm here...

At some level of my being I'm choosing to create and experience less time in my life. Therefore, I'm aging at a far slower rate than say 10 years ago. The less time we create, the slower we age :)

Welcome to quantum living. In which we're beginning to understand that time is an illusion, a collective artificial construct that's within our power to perceive and to experience as we wish to, as we choose to. Think about it: without our collective agreement to use and abide by calendars and clocks - what is time?

Another one of the benefits of quantum living is that due to having as much or as little time as needed, everything always gets done in a relaxed and stress-free manner; I love it :)


answered 11 Nov '11, 13:30

Eddie's gravatar image


Very interesting, Edie. How do you practice this quantum living? Thanks!

(11 Nov '11, 14:19) Fairy Princess

Fairy Princess - Do your best to stay focused in the present moment. Listen to and act upon the intuition and inspiration coming from your higher self - don't doubt it. If this gets asked as a question I will meet the challenge of going into more detail :)

(13 Nov '11, 02:24) Eddie

Thank you, Eddie, I posted a question.

(13 Nov '11, 16:27) Fairy Princess
showing 2 of 3 show 1 more comments

As compared to the other question when I was 43 years old as for time it seems nothing has changed, it still slowly passes by. Granted I have much more that I have to fit in each day now but when I take some time to observe time it just slowly goes on ticking away gone forever every second that goes by. Similar to a slowly moving stream of water you happen to come upon on a lazy day, you relax and watch the fish and the ripples of the water go past never to be the same again. It reminds me of the movie "The Silent Flute" when Krom learns it is impossible to step on the same water twice.


answered 09 Nov '11, 15:04

Wade%20Casaldi's gravatar image

Wade Casaldi

Wade, you are such a renegade! LOL! >>>>>>>>>>>>

(09 Nov '11, 15:16) Jaianniah

I thought about this many times, but never brought it to the surface to actually ask a question about I'm happy you addressed it Stingray.

I remember way back in my high school days, the clock on the wall going "INSANELY" slow! I grew up in a small town with very little going on, and days didn't pass by very quickly. This was well before the Internet/cell phones and video games. I think it would be interesting to see what a teenager today would say, with all the toys to occupy their time?

In my 20's I remember being at my job and experiencing the same thing with the insanely slow clock. (hated my job then)....but time always sped up during the evenings, and weekends finished before they started.

In my 30's I was doing a job I really hated, but I was "always" go go go! My days went by at a medium speed and my evenings went by really quick on my own time. Remember saying to myself "It seems time always speeds up when I'm on my own time".....weekends started slowing down abit.

In my 40's (now) I enjoy what I do and the days go by at a comfortable speed. Not fast and not slow.

There have been acouple of days recently where I looked at the clock on the wall and felt it should be close to 5pm and it's 2:30pm!! Ugh!! and other days it felt like it should be 2:30pm and it's 5pm! Yay!

I'm doing the same thing everyday but time seems to speed up or slow down periodically.....there must be a "flux" of some kind in time?

With my days being faster/slower/or the same as I'm getting older??......I think the speed of my days are the same. I just keep myself busier and keep myself mentally entertained compared to when I was a "bored" teenager.


answered 09 Nov '11, 16:43

Eldavo's gravatar image


Personally, I don't really feel any significant difference in the speed of time passing a few years ago and now.. this might be because I am a little younger than most of the people here so I have not experienced much.

But then for the people who feels that time seems to have passed faster now than a few years ago.. maybe it might be due to the effect of age rather than the vibration levels of the Universe shifting?

I only notice that time seems to pass a lot faster only when you have a lot of things to do or when you are enjoying something.. other than that everything else still feels the same. Except for meditation - sometimes that 10 to 15minutes can feel like an hour or a day to me.

P.S Is there any other specific reason why you are asking this Stingray? Somehow I have this feeling that you do ... :)


answered 09 Nov '11, 18:11

kakaboo's gravatar image


This might sound a bit odd but the question inspired by Michael Jackson's death. His death was such a huge worldwide news story that you couldn't help but remember it as something significant. Just a day or two ago, I heard about his doctor being found guilty of his death after a trial and the news story said that Michael Jackson had died over two years ago. Both myself and my wife were absolutely convinced he had only died recently, certainly not more than a year. But on double-checking, it seems he did die more than 2 years ago. It was interesting that both myself and my wife had exactly...

(09 Nov '11, 18:24) Stingray

...the same reaction to the disclosure of how long ago the event happened. To me and her, it genuinely doesn't feel like it happened two years ago...more like a few months. It's not just a case of imagining it either, it really doesn't feel like that amount of time has passed.

(09 Nov '11, 18:27) Stingray

It occurred to me that I should probably add a bit of extra information to this in case anyone's thinking we're both at the age when we're ready to be put into retirement homes :) wife is in her 20's and I'm... well...ageless :)

(09 Nov '11, 22:03) Stingray

@Stingray: hmm thats weird then, I am pretty sure the news reported him being dead only this year around April to June? I clearly remember only chancing upon an Illuminati video right after a few months of his death only this year.. not sure whether you believe in the Illuminati but this is a great video on it :

(the Michael Jackson part is at 1:08:21 if you dont have time to watch the whole thing)

(10 Nov '11, 01:13) kakaboo

Or maybe it was because he really died 2 years ago but the news put off reporting it until this year (or recently)?

(10 Nov '11, 01:14) kakaboo

@kakaboo - Everywhere I've looked so far states the official date of his death as being June 25, 2009: Interesting that you're having a similar reaction :)

(10 Nov '11, 07:46) Stingray

Well I am 101% sure I only knew about his death this year, but I did not take note of the year that time as I tend to avoid most of the topics concerning death if it is not of my business :)

(10 Nov '11, 11:32) kakaboo

as in the year when he died or whether the articles were just honoring the anniversary of his death

(10 Nov '11, 11:33) kakaboo
showing 2 of 8 show 6 more comments

I definitely feel that days are passing at a faster rate in general. When focused in the present moment, things tend to slow down as mentioned in another post. However, when involved in daily activities of life (time-based), it seems like there just aren't enough hours in a day to get things done, as it were in the past. I often wonder if this because the vibration of the earth is heightening and "pulsing" at a faster rate?

This is also something I think about often. Great question.


answered 02 Oct '12, 10:01

figure8shape's gravatar image


I have been working up to asking this question and am so glad it has already been asked. I absolutely agree with you and in terms of what I have to do in the day - I do less running around now than I did when my children were small and at home all day but I swear the time goes faster. For me, it is definitely not a case of me just fitting in more.

I feel this year things have sped up dramatically - it is a total cliche but I cannot believe that the year end is on the horizon again.

The only thing I would say is that maybe I believe that is because I've been reading about time collapsing. My husband thinks the whole idea is laughable.

Perhaps one of our scientific folk can answer whether time is connected to the Earth's magnetic field? If so, scientists have been noting that that is changing quite a bit.

I would just like to say that the thought of time collapsing does scare me a little bit - I try to remain in the present moment but frequently find my mind wandering off to the past or future - perhaps Eddie's comments about ageing less if you remain in the present will be the incentive I need to break these thought habits!


answered 02 Oct '12, 10:04

Catherine's gravatar image


On a day to day basis I dont find much difference in my perception of time. Actually as @Figure8shape has said also I actually feel my days are a bit longer if anything, or I seem to have more time to get things done, now I have shifted more to living in the present moment.

On the other hand when I look at time over a longer period , say this whole year it does seem to be flying by. I cant believe its October already:)


answered 02 Oct '12, 10:21

Satori's gravatar image


@Satori - I think it's great that you're living more in the present moment. I go in and out throughout the day, yet the goal is to be in the Now much more often, for it feels good, slows time and as @Stingray mentioned, it slows the process of aging! Gotta LOVE that! :)

(02 Oct '12, 10:30) figure8shape

@Figure8shape- Thank you. And I totally agree with you. If you trust and live in the Now, everything else gets taken care of. Enjoy this Moment :)

(02 Oct '12, 10:42) Satori

I think time passes differently for me according to the different attitudes I have toward circumstances I create in my life.

These days I am so much more patient than I used to be. Time drags so slowly when you are impatient to be somewhere else. If I'm stuck somewhere or doing something I don't want to do, I find something to appreciate about it, such as friendly company in a waiting room, feeling peace in solitude when I'm home with nothing fun going on, etc., and so can enjoy passing my time in the situation, which makes time go quickly.

I used to be Supermom, Superwife, and SuperDuperStressed-out, all of the time. Time went quickly then, because I could never accomplish all that was expected of me, or that I expected of myself, in a 24 hour period.

Now, I feel like I've accomplished a lot in a day by totally different standards. There is plenty of time to show a little love, give a smile and a hug to a sad friend, say "Great answer!" to one of my brilliant cohorts on IQ... you get the idea. Time goes more slowly now, I think, because I spend so much more of it being happy, or at least appreciative, if I'm feeling sad too.

Overall, the seasons do pass more quickly for me, however. Summer, because, though I don't like it, as I said, I'm a bit more patient than I once was, and fall and winter because I love them so much, I'm busy squeezing every drop of enjoyment out of each fallen leaf and raindrop! Too happy overall to notice time going by.



answered 02 Oct '12, 14:04

Grace's gravatar image


"I think time passes differently for me according to the different attitudes I have toward circumstances I create in my life."

hmm... the importance of doing what you love & staying young - Bashar.

Perhaps this is why Stingray is ageless..

(18 Jun '13, 17:47) ele
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Yes, I agree! I feel like the days are going by faster, and what used to be a long period of time- say, a month-now feels like what a week used to feel like.

I read somewhere about this phenomenon. It has to do with the proportion between your age and the time passed. If you are five, a year, which represents 20% of your whole life, seems an impossible amount to grasp. But at age 10, a year is only 10% of your total life. At age fifty, this same year represents only 2% of your life, and seems much shorter to you at fifty than it does to the 5-year-old.

The same holds true for the passage of the day. To me, there are not enough hours in the day; when I was younger, I remember a day or even an hour could seem like an eternity (especially when I listened to American History Lectures in High School...yawn).

It is all relative. I still feel the slow-down of time when I am bored-but I also realize that the time will pass eventually, and try to think about other things. I guess with time, also comes a little patience and wisdom. (I hope!)

Blessings, Jai


answered 09 Nov '11, 15:10

Jaianniah's gravatar image


YES. Time IS speeding up. I dont understand it.


answered 09 Nov '11, 21:58

unplugged's gravatar image


i have been getting up much earlier in the day then in my youth,
something that even 20 years ago would have been nearly impossible.
the day does not go by faster but the years seems to,
am wondering if it is the correlation to the amount of perceived sensory input
and then short term memory loss


answered 09 Nov '11, 22:10

fred's gravatar image


the day does not go by faster but the years seems to - Interesting observation Fred and, thinking about it, I would agree that the longer time periods feel more compressed

(10 Nov '11, 10:06) Stingray

I feel they are going faster it is because we human beings and the Earth are evolving at a rising rate. We are in the "Quickening" as they call it here is a video on it to explain a little more for you: It is rather long though insightful...Dont pay attention to dates so much time is an illusion. Just focus on presence and learn to BE.


answered 10 Nov '11, 22:06

kayla2's gravatar image


edited 10 Nov '11, 22:22

Barry%20Allen's gravatar image

Barry Allen ♦♦

Kayla, please don't use Inward Quest answers as a way of promoting your site. Keep those promotions within your profile only please. Refer to the FAQ for further information:

(10 Nov '11, 22:20) Barry Allen ♦♦

I call it my theory of relativity. When we are five years old, one year is 1/5 of our life. That is a large part. 20% of our life so far. When we are 20 years old, a year is 1/20th of our life, much smaller that 1/5. It is only 5%. Then when we are 50 years old, a year is 1/50th of our life. That is very small compared to 1/5th. At age fifty, one year is only 2% of our life. And so on. So on a smaller scale, days seem shorter, months seem shorter, etc. Time is shorter compared to what we have lived so far.

Like grown ups seem so big when you are small, but when you are big, even some grown ups seem small.

If it is all just an illusion of age, we should presumably at least get some people who genuinely feel that the days seem to be going by slower, or who notice no difference at all.

Since we all age and don't stay the same age nor do we reverse our age, then people would not experience the days going slower nor unchange, but only faster.

Edit 10/2/12 As far as slowing the process of aging, it is the living in the present moment Now that slows the process of aging. Physical aging is caused by stress to cells. Living in the illusion of the past and future, is the cause of stress. Living in the Now, being present, reduces stress, therefore, slows the aging process.

And if you add to that present moment joy, love, peace, then you not only stop the stress, but add radiant vibrant health to the cells. That is how doing Two Hands Touching as often as possible, reduces stress and creates a sence of peace, love, joy. The more you do it, the better you feel.


answered 10 Nov '11, 04:28

Fairy%20Princess's gravatar image

Fairy Princess

edited 02 Oct '12, 11:05

I was wondering when someone was going to jump on that comment since it was a badly-worded sentence :) What I meant was that, with any illusion there is always the possibility of someone who does not succumb to the illusion.

(10 Nov '11, 08:08) Stingray

It's an illusion, but it's not because it is relative and mathematically proven.

(10 Nov '11, 15:04) Fairy Princess
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