Any success stories on Silva Mind Control techniques? When I was a student I once managed to foresee the question of the exams! What are your stories, if any?
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I have been studying Silva since the late 70s and all the techniques work if you use them. I just read and practiced from the books. My friend went to a seminar and paid lots of money and she never practiced...never applied the techniques and tells people it was a rip off. I learned to heal, remote viewing, astral travel, go thru walls and metal, any thing I think of I can do. Silva does work and its a wonderful process..... My son had a hard time reading in 3rd grade, his teacher was so impatient with I led him in a guided meditation....had him shapeshift as an eagle and fly to his school, into his schoolroom and pick up a book they were reading and had him read it from his higher self. and had him anchor this new confident reading with the Silva 3 finger technique....he then shapeshifted back into his eagle self, flew home through doors glass anything....shapeshift and come back into his body. the next day, he came home from school and said the class was reading that very story and he read perfectly. Confidence soared like an eagle! |
I loved Wanda's post. I, too, have been using the Silva methods for years. It does work, if you do the exercises, and I have had many happy successes in life by using it. You asked for success stories and it's funny but I use the techniques for nearly everything in my life. To isolate one success would be hard. One leads to another. I have used it to improve my relations with others at work, including my boss. I have used it to improve my relations with my relatives and old friends. I have used it to communicate on other planes with others. I have used it for help in obtaining a new car once. I have used it to facilitate easy and pleasant travel. I have used it to guide me to the right house for me, the right husband for me, and much much more. I have used it for comfort and strenghth. More than once for my own healing and that of others. Nearly all of my meditations are using the Silva method, meaning that rather than empying my mind I am instead doing interior work. I highly recommend it. Thanks for sharing LeeAnn. Do you have any links to any books you read or videos or audios you watched or listened to? Thanks
(22 Jul '12, 10:12)
Fairy Princess
If you "friend" the Silva Method on facebook, they send out links pretty regularly! Or you could visit their FB page for links as well.
(28 Nov '12, 17:49)
LeeAnn 1
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I never believed in these things, my sister did, she had three books about it, The Silva Method and another two I don't remember the title but were about exercises for developing such abilities. I was out of books and started reading The Silva Method and I was hooked. I did the exercises of the other books as well, I remember one in particular that was breathing very deeply upon waking up, it had to be in an open space with the arms to the sky and around trees preferably. I felt very energized by these, but also with some anxiety after doing them. There were some events that suggest I developed this seeing, but of events of the future. Four specific events at that point, three remarkably clear, that was 5 years ago, I stopped because I was going through some depression issues and the therapist told me I was fooling myself, that I was trying to feel that I was important. So I stopped believing. But recently a couple of times I've seen my future again (all the times in dreams) one of them remarkably clear. What strikes me is that here's a book that's been around for 40 years, that worked for me that was a skeptic to begin with and that only a few people report success with it on the web. When I say remarkably clear I mean that upon waking up I recall this part of my dream that feels different, more intense and that somehow I know that's going to be an event in my future. Here are the ones that remember: First one: At that time I was watching too much soccer on tv and had come to a decision that I was wasting too much time as I was watching about 5 games per weekend. So I had this dream, about a horrible mistake of a player, so big that even myself felt deeply embarrassed. I knew it was about soccer, but how if I was not going to watch soccer that Saturday? Well, it was about 6pm that I decided "what the heck, I'm bored I'm going to watch some soccer". I turn the tv on, switch to the channel I knew there was going to be soccer on, and at the very second I turn it, the narrator very emotionally is describing the huge two mistakes just made by the goalie in a matter of 2 seconds that ended in goal, gross errors. I was very excited, could not believe it. Second: Working at a convenience store at the time, I dreamed that I was going to start my shift and the first costumer was going to ask for a specific brand of cigarettes that doesn't sell much (imagine one every two days) and matches (most people buy lighters nowadays), but what I remember most about this is that I was going to have to go to the storage to get the cigarettes. This one was very clear in my mind, I woke up that morning "knowing" that was going to happen to me. Calmly, as I walked behind the counter to start my turn, there's a guy I've never seen before and asks me for the cigarettes and matches, I look back and yes, the cigarettes are there, but no matches, and I have to run to the back room to get matches. Third: About soccer again. I was still trying to stop wasting my time watching soccer, and had dreamed 3 days before that my team in semifinals was going to tie 2-2 in the first match of the series. I was very insecure about this one, because it was about something that mattered to me (my team) and didn't want it to be false because my excitement would have to go away. I didn't want to watch the match, it was to anxious for me because 2-2 is a very specific score, and one that's not very common in soccer. I decided I was not going to watch it, the first hour and a half of the match I was thinking and thinking about it, but all of the sudden realized that the two first occurrences were very specific as well, and if this happened to be false wouldn't mean much, it would mean that perhaps it was a regular dream and I had just misjudged it for being a special one. So I turn the tv on, my team is losing 2-0 and there's only 10 minutes left. But very calmly I knew they were going to tie the score. And they did. Fourth: This is recent, I had a very pleasant dream about this girl I had always flirted with, never did anything about it. She lives in the same small town I do. I hadn't seen her for about 2 months, and when I used to see her more regularly it was at most once a week. In the dream a supermarket cart was present, as if I was sort of placing it in some place. That day I had no plan to go to a big supermarket that's 30km away from my city, had no intentions at all as I was tired and didn't need anything that much. After breakfast my sister tells me we need three things from there, that I should go. So I go. When I was in the supermarket, putting an item in the cart, I saw this girl, I smiled, she smiled back. This occasion I had no idea it was going to happen, all I know it's that it was a very vivid dream and was the first thing I thought about upon waking up. I know for sure I can see events in my future. I know for sure The Silva Method started it all for me. I have no clue if I was already psychic and The Silva Method only woke me up to it or if we all are and all we need is training. I don't do the exercises, haven't done them for years, I guess I'm fearful of trying and not succeeding anymore. Sorry it took me so long to say that, I had to get it out of my chest, there's no one in real life that I feel I can share this without getting a strange look back. |

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No succes stories but you have just reminded me that my Silva Method book I got from the library needs returning today. Excellent.
Now that's an interesting talent ;-)
Gotta love the synchronicity ;-)
Could people post links to what they read or watched please? Thanks