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Dear All,

As you all might have already read, Stingray has come up with another awesome Manifesting experiment, the Manifesting Experiment 5 for releasing all possible resistances which keep cropping up in our life everyday.. I must say its getting better with each ME. Thanks so much Stingray!!

I have a few questions based on the ME-5, and I would be grateful if Stingray and any one of you could help me with. I have tried going through the ME-5 write up by stingray and needed further clarity on some concepts. I am listing those down here and seek insights from all of you. Thanks :)

1)Can I still use Faster EFT as my clean up method or the Abraham Grid would be a better option as compared to Faster EFT? Would Abraham Grid be more effective?

2)If I understand correctly, this is an improvised version of ME-4, getting more structure into it, making it more comprehensive, right? Based on the google docs sheet of ME-4, I have tried to incorporate the new inputs and created an improved excel sheet as per the revised suggestions. Can I share this excel sheet with you all for your feedback and how should I do this?

3) Would cleaning up the reason bothering most on the “Why don’t I have what I want?” list, clean up the other reasons on the same list as well? Or we would have to take each one separately in case of Abraham Grid? I assume for faster EFT we would list down all reasons, elicit the negative emotion for each and also supporting belief for each reason and then knock all of those down. Am I correct?

4) I somehow seem to have found comfort in doing ME-4 with Faster EFT. I immediately feel a sense of relief and feel light. However there seems to be a feeling that all hasn't been cleaned from the root. Is there a way to verify whether all negative emotions and supporting beliefs have been cleared completely? And how to ensure this is done?

5) I know you have mentioned this earlier but in the ME-4 spread sheet, if I have been relieved of the negative emotions of the reasons in column of "How do I know / Why am I not getting what I want", does that mean that the supporting beliefs written next to those have also been cleared automatically? Or do I need to do something more for the limiting beliefs?

6) You have also mentioned earlier that if we do these experiments for secretly running behind manifestations, these wouldn't really work. How to tackle this. Because more often than not we do this to get what we want and believing that this will help us clear our resistances and limiting beliefs regarding what we want. Even in the experiment, we answer question like what is it that I want and why am I not getting what I want? How to handle this?

7) This question again contradicts with the idea that we should do these experiments only to release resistances and what we want will come naturally. But I wanted to ask, for deliberately manifesting something, would releasing resistances and limiting beliefs be sufficient to receive it or after neutralizing, it is important that we build a strong positive belief around it. If yes, how do we go about building a strong positive belief in the quickest manner, apart from its natural process of repetitive thinking of that thought.

I hope I am not overwhelming you all with so many questions.

Look forward to your answers. Thanks so much and God Bless!! :)

asked 19 Nov '11, 07:58

Sourabh's gravatar image


edited 19 Nov '11, 10:10

Barry%20Allen's gravatar image

Barry Allen ♦♦

Thanks Barry for the edit :)

(19 Nov '11, 10:22) Sourabh
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Can I still use Faster EFT as my clean up method or the Abraham Grid would be a better option as compared to Faster EFT? Would Abraham Grid be more effective?

Use whatever method you want and which you know works for you. If your method doesn't provide you with very quick, or immediate, relief when you use it, it's time to try something else because that method might not be appropriate in this situation even if it has worked before.

Our lives are evolving at a rapid rate and our physical realities are evolving simultaneously also so be prepared for yourself "growing out" of certain approaches after a while and being more drawn to others. What I think people should avoid is getting too attached to any particular approach as being the final solution because all these methods are just "permission slips" from you to you anyway. Use whatever works for you and feel free to change your mind about what works as often as you wish :)

Manifesting Experiment 5 is more of a daily structure/routine into which you can plug your current favorite clearing method.

I suggested "Abraham Grid" for two reasons.

Firstly, your original question was about linking ME-2 and ME-4. ME-2 is about Focus Blocks (which are variations on Abraham's Focus Wheels). I see "Abraham Grid" as the natural successor to Focus Blocks and Focus Wheels. It's an elegant simplified form of Focus Wheels which, for me right now, is highly effective so I put it in the method as a suggested clearing method. I came up with Focus Blocks because I felt too much resistance at times to completing an entire Focus Wheel from start to felt like too much effort. The Grid feels much more freeing to me and even Abraham say that it shouldn't take more than 10 minutes to do, which is something I can live with.

The second reason for "Abraham Grid" is that I like to be able to track what I have altered (vibrationally) in my life. Without some form of written tracking, you'll encounter the phenonemon of making a vibrational change and then, within a short period of time (hours, days or weeks), forgetting you ever had a "problem" in the first place! This has happened to me many, many times over the years. And so, when the universe later responds to your improved vibrational place, it seems like something random has happened in your life when it was absolutely not random at all but a vibrational match to the improved feeling you are now vibrationally emitting.

If you are disciplined enough to tap with EFT and then make notes of exactly how your vibration changed during any particular session then good for you. I'm too lazy to do that :) So a written clearing approach like Abraham Grid, Focus Blocks or Focus Wheels does that nicely for me because it changes my vibrational setpoint for a subject while also providing me with written "evidence" of the change. I always keep the results in some searchable electronic form so I can refer back to what has changed in my life when something physically unexpected happens.

If those folks who claim "random" things happen to them out of nowhere were to invest a bit of time and effort in tracking how they feel compared to what they physically get, the obvious correlations would completely transform their views of the physical world we live in.

If you are just using the method to improve your life (and not to keep testing these laws incessantly the way I do) then use whatever you want and forget about it after you've done so. Just keep yourself daily in a happy tuned-in place and your life will take care of itself.

If I understand correctly, this is an improvised version of ME-4, getting more structure into it, making it more comprehensive, right? Based on the google docs sheet of ME-4, I have tried to incorporate the new inputs and created an improved excel sheet as per the revised suggestions. Can I share this excel sheet with you all for your feedback and how should I do this?

ME-5 is a structured combination of ME-4, which is about getting to the heart of vibrational issues, and ME-2, which is about giving yourself a vibrational "clean-up" on a daily basis.

In fact, it's actually also an embodiment of the "Surfing Your Desire" process which I've been exploring more and more in my life for the past year or so.

Regarding sharing your spreadsheet, there is an option built in to Google Docs to share Google Docs spreadsheets with other users or the general public.

Would cleaning up the reason bothering most on the “Why don’t I have what I want?” list, clean up the other reasons on the same list as well? Or we would have to take each one separately in case of Abraham Grid? I assume for faster EFT we would list down all reasons, elicit the negative emotion for each and also supporting belief for each reason and then knock all of those down. Am I correct?

Clearing up the reason bothering most on the "Why Don't I Have What I Want Yet?" list may, or may not, clean up other reasons. How's that for a vague answer? :)

In some circumstances, what you cleaned up will be the core vibrational issue of that list and may clean up the entire list. In other circumstances, it may even be the core vibrational issue of entirely different "What's Bothering Me?" problems so those will clear up also. In other cases, it might just stand by itself in your life but, since ME-5 has identified it as the most "bad-feeling" issue in your life right now, cleaning it up will still be beneficial to you in some way.

Even though ME-4 and ME-5 might appear similar, there are some important differences that you may not notice until you actually do the process rather than just read it. And this is one of those differences.

If it turns out that cleaning up that "Why Don't I Have What I Want Yet?" has cleaned up the entire list then you don't need to work on the rest of the items on that list. So that's why each day, you start with a new list (without looking at the old one) as a check to see if anything on the old list is still valid.

If it turns out that cleaning up that "Why Don't I Have What I Want Yet?" has cleaned up items on your "What's Bothering Me?" list then you don't need to work on those items in the "What's Bothering Me?" list. So that's why each day, you are effectively starting with a new "What's Bothering Me?" list (without looking at the old one) as a check to see if anything on the old list is still valid.

There's an important principle here that every vibrational change you make has the potential to alter apparently unrelated parts of your life because you never realized they were related.

If, for example, you saw a red car when you were a baby and just as you saw it, a loud bang went off somewhere nearby which scared you, you might now have an association of fear with red cars. The fear may not have any logical basis but it does have an emotional one. And that fear might manifest in, say, fear of relationship commitment or fear of loss of money, or countless other ways. So it might be that one day, you happen to clear up your fear of red cars and then suddenly all your relationships transform and you become wealthy also :)

ME-5 with the initial "What's On My Mind?" question aims to clean up many of those below-the-surface issues. Note that the initial question is not "What's Bothering Me?", just "What's On My Mind?" because we will often not realize something is bothering us at all because we've become so used to feeling bad about it. I've noticed that just by looking on a daily basis at what happens to be occupying our attention, we can clean up many of those issues. (Daily meditation will help considerably towards us regaining our true "bad" feeling about chronic habitual bad-feeling issues)

I somehow seem to have found comfort in doing ME-4 with Faster EFT. I immediately feel a sense of relief and feel light. However there seems to be a feeling that all hasn't been cleaned from the root. Is there a way to verify whether all negative emotions and supporting beliefs have been cleared completely? And how to ensure this is done?

If you go back to your initial problem and check how you feel about it, you will know whether it is completely cleared or not.

With the example above (fear of red cars), if you clean up all the reasons on your "Why Don't I Have What I Want Yet?" list and you still have a fear of red cars then there's still something there and it might be time to use the ME-4 questions to dig out more detail on what's behind it.

I know you have mentioned this earlier but in the ME-4 spread sheet, if I have been relieved of the negative emotions of the reasons in column of "How do I know / Why am I not getting what I want", does that mean that the supporting beliefs written next to those have also been cleared automatically? Or do I need to do something more for the limiting beliefs?

I think my answer to your Question 3 still applies here.

Also, if you've cleaned up all the reasons then, in theory, it should have cleaned up your initial issue. But that doesn't mean that more "underlying" issues may not surface to give you different other words, a different emotional table leg is now visible that was hidden by your previous reason. ME-5 keeps iteratively looking at the same issue again and again (on a daily basis) until everything is cleared up or until that issue fades below the level of other issues in your life. ME-5 is a way of prioritizing your vibrational clean-ups to give you the most vibrational "bang" for your time investment.

You have also mentioned earlier that if we do these experiments for secretly running behind manifestations, these wouldn't really work. How to tackle this. Because more often than not we do this to get what we want and believing that this will help us clear our resistances and limiting beliefs regarding what we want. Even in the experiment, we answer question like what is it that I want and why am I not getting what I want? How to handle this?

If you treat the emotion as the manifestation, you'll stay out of trouble. In other words, your only goal with this experiment (and all the others) is to feel better about what's bothering you. It's not your job to figure out how to get what you want, that's the Universe's job and it will make a course of action very clear to you (if action is needed) at the most appropriate time.

By treating the emotion as the manifestation and constantly keeping yourself emotionally tuned-up to good-feeling places, you are allowing the Universe to work in the most efficient manner possible in your best interests.

The questions within the experiment are only to elicit your emotional blocks (limiting beliefs) that might be stopping you feeling better.

Anything you want physically is only because you believe that, once you have it, you'll feel better. So treating the emotion as the manifestation is actually bringing you what you ultimately want anyway but without all that cumbersome physical stuff getting in the way :) ...but the paradox is that you are then in the best vibrational place to receive the physical stuff too as a bonus :)

This question again contradicts with the idea that we should do these experiments only to release resistances and what we want will come naturally. But I wanted to ask, for deliberately manifesting something, would releasing resistances and limiting beliefs be sufficient to receive it or after neutralizing, it is important that we build a strong positive belief around it. If yes, how do we go about building a strong positive belief in the quickest manner, apart from its natural process of repetitive thinking of that thought.

I'm still learning and experimenting with all these ideas so I don't have all the answers...yet :)

But certainly, releasing resistance and limiting belief seems, at least, like a pre-requisite to deliberate manifestation. There are some other ideas I'm also still experimenting with but no clear results on those yet.

The most effective processes for positive belief-change I have found are all based around the idea of "shoring-up" vibration. EFT-based approaches are tremendous for neutralization but less effective for positive belief change. But The Neutral Point Is Your Friend so just feeling neutral (rather than positive) is enough if you are not in a hurry.

If you are in a hurry...well, I'm still experimenting with that one...but "Surfing Your Desire" would be worth a look, and there's also a guy called Stuart Lichtman who has some interesting ideas if you are willing to spend several thousand dollars for his advanced training course rather than just his e-book.

Hope that answers your questions.

This answer is marked "community wiki".

answered 19 Nov '11, 18:39

Stingray's gravatar image


edited 19 Nov '11, 18:55

@Stingray: Thank you so much for all the clarifications!! :) Truly and deeply appreciate. This certainly does clarify most of my queries. It is commendable that you take so much time and effort to help everyone who seeks answers. Thanks once again :) :)

(21 Nov '11, 05:29) Sourabh

@Stingray: My wife is aware that I have posted this question to get answers for helping her to help me :) She has expressed her desire to hear of your views and suggestions on it (She doesn't know that I am requesting your for the same :P). She knows that I follow you closely on this site and she holds a very high regard for you, even while she doesn't follow this knowledge or IQ. I will truly appreciate if I could hear from you on this question. Thanks so much!!

(21 Nov '11, 11:58) Sourabh

Apologies to you and your wife, Sourabh, for not answering. It has been a bit of a busy period over the past few weeks and your question cropped up during that busy time. I'm guessing you must have received a suitable answer to it by now

(07 Dec '11, 23:07) Stingray

Yes Singray, I have received an answer, and even got her consent and I am already wokring on my dream project now. Special thanks to you :) Is it possible that I can interact with you on mail. Kindly advise. Thanks so much..

(12 Dec '11, 13:39) Sourabh

@Sourabh - It might sound surprising but I don't really get involved with communicating with others online, other than currently through IQ, so my email address wouldn't do you much good :)

(14 Dec '11, 08:31) Stingray

@Stingray: No Problemo! Can you guide me as to how to share a document on Google Docs and send invitation to only users on IQ? I actually have modified an excel sheet created by you and wanted the feedback of you and others on IQ. Thanks :)

(15 Dec '11, 02:33) Sourabh

@Sourabh - First, you need to upload the Excel spreadsheet into your Google Docs account. You should see an upload button on the top left. Once it is uploaded, it will probably automatically be converted into a Google Docs spreadsheet. To share it, just go into the spreadsheet and choose File/Share and share it as appropriate. I just shared mine publically and only posted the link on IQ

(16 Dec '11, 09:39) Stingray

Thanks Stingray, that was really helpful!

(16 Dec '11, 15:46) Sourabh

For one whom does not communicate much online, you do have quite a bit of computer skills Stingray! Like making videos, using spreadsheets and excel, etc.. :)

(17 Dec '11, 03:12) kakaboo

@Kakaboo - Communication and computer skills are really quite different. I spend a considerable amount of time involved with computers but I spend little time (almost none) using computers to socialize with other people.

(17 Dec '11, 09:27) Stingray
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