This well known saying is one of seven traditional expressions ... does this phrase still apply to us in our everyday lives ?

asked 14 Dec '11, 05:16

blubird%20two's gravatar image

blubird two

Yes, I believe so. Taken in it's own context, setting aside the biblical backdrop for a moment, this expression is especially potent for those seeking peace amidst adversity with others.

Think of a time you've been angry, sad, fearful, etc., and have taken some action because of these emotions that has had a negative impact on someone around you. Imagine following that impact outwardly and seeing every other ripple made by it. Some will not be negative, some will be very negative. The same is true of positive actions we take.

I believe this expression reminds one that individuals must be greeted with compassion and inherent forgiveness for their actions and the consequences of those actions. We only harm others out of our own pain, and even the most 'evil' individual is this true for. It does not mean we should not seek to balance out injustice, but that those that do this harm are ultimately ignorant of the true cost incurred on everyone by what they do.

It is a recognition of the ultimate ignorance/innocence of mankind that we cannot fathom the full impact of our actions. It is a recognition of the spiritually child-like nature of humankind that we have not the sight to see it, or the intellectual capacity to contain it within our awareness.

It also reminds us that the universe - the Divine - is patient with us in this, because of our innocence.



answered 14 Dec '11, 05:31

Brian%203's gravatar image

Brian 3

Hello Brian - thank you for your very clear words ... Namaste

(14 Dec '11, 07:00) blubird two

Wonderful answer Brian and welcome to Inward Quest.

(14 Dec '11, 09:04) Paulina 1

when father mind is petitioned on our behalf,
by the mediation from the son,
mother earth is once again at peace.
there is utility in forgiveness


answered 14 Dec '11, 11:22

fred's gravatar image


Forgiveness is a central theme to Christianity. This phrase is useful to those of us who are Christian because it demonstrates to us that if Christ could forgive while dying on the Cross, so can we forgive people when they hurt us. Jesus preached forgiving one's enemies often.

He did this because it ultimately hurts our own selves when we are angry. Anger eats its own container! I have had to learn this one the hard way. I have had to surrender a lot of deep resentments, and I actually liked my resentments! "Resent" in Latin means to "re-feel". When we resent someone, we are re-feeling and re-feeling the same bad emotion, over and over and over. So what Christ preaches about Forgiveness is actually healthy and good for us!

Blessings and Peace this Holiday Season 2011,



answered 14 Dec '11, 11:40

Jaianniah's gravatar image


of course it does when you see someone doing something from ignorance to his detriment and to other people detriment around him. and even if you would tell him he would not believe you. why? because is ego control him and keep him in ignorance. has for example i do not think you need one you see it each day when you see someone angry for nothing or looking for problems for nothing or thinking they know better then someone else with out having all the fact or when they judge someone that has solve a problem and will say you should have done this or that or this way. but if you would reverse the role they would not accept it. experience and enjoy.


answered 14 Dec '11, 21:37

white%20tiger's gravatar image

white tiger

Yes this is surely a good lesson in the value of understanding and forgiving ... there is also a lesson here that takes us further ... once i perceive and fully accept the consequences of my thoughts, words and deeds, i can more easily planify future consequences through correct thinking.

Thus i can pass from a state of unawareness/innocence to a state of being responsible and enhance my spiritual growth ... like dying and being born again ... the whole scene ending in the 7th phrase "father into your hands i commit my spirit" also seems to fit nicely into the Shakespeare play "Macbeth" ...

"As the witches (unaware/innocent individuals) complete their rituals (habitual acts and ways of thinking), Duncan the sacrificial lamb (Jesus) taking upon himself the sins of the community, beats his breast "mea culpa" (me culprit, i am responsible for my crucifixion)."

have a great day


answered 18 Dec '11, 09:46

blubird%20two's gravatar image

blubird two

edited 18 Dec '11, 16:46

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