How do they relate to each other?

asked 22 Dec '09, 01:13

wildlife's gravatar image


edited 22 Dec '09, 01:53

Vesuvius's gravatar image


Consciousness is the 'being', Awareness is the 'knowing watcher' ( witnessing the being ) - I think?


answered 22 Dec '09, 16:01

Michaela's gravatar image


To me, conciousness means everything. It is who we are on a non-physical level and that which binds us all together.

Awareness is what we perceive at a any given moment which becomes part of our conciousness.


answered 22 Dec '09, 09:14

Pink%20Diamond's gravatar image

Pink Diamond

Good answer.

(26 Aug '12, 16:10) Fairy Princess

I think, therefore I am.

-- René Descartes


answered 22 Dec '09, 01:40

Vesuvius's gravatar image


edited 22 Dec '09, 01:50

Well there are times when I don't think, I just Am, does that mean I'm not here?

(22 Dec '09, 01:47) wildlife

Consciousness is.


answered 22 Dec '09, 07:59

Stingray's gravatar image


It's rather difficult to explain clearly when it comes to self awareness, consciousness. We need to understand it step by step, otherwise there will be a gap on final understanding


First, let's start with an understanding that consciousness has relation with sensitiveness. The whole of our sensitiveness are centered on our consciousness. It has level of our consciousness. The more sensitive for our consciousness, the more we can perceive something sharply.

But having consciousness doesn't mean that we are aware of something. At this point there is no knowledge, there is no language. Just idle. There is no comparison. It's the minimum extent for self awareness. I prefer not to say there is self awareness or there is aware of idle, but i'd rather saying there is idle (you can say most minimum self awareness, or whatever).

Consciousness is the cause of:

  • Feeling something

    • Enjoying something (through our sensory perceptions, whether spiritually or not), but it's not automatically happening, rather it's happening because of activation (touching sensitiveness of consciousness) through our sensory perception.
  • Aware of something


Further, we are completed with sensory (eyes, ears, hands, skin, etc, or even spiritually perceptions - if you believe it). The purpose of it, is to put our consciousness on state of readiness for a changing dynamically. But it's not for changing it's sensitiveness, rather for the changing of openness. Further these sensory perceptions (openness, as long as it's functioning) could cause changing to the sensitiveness of consciousness. But first, at least it's (awareness) positioned as gates - opened gates (if our perceptions are functioning).


Surface of Consciousness

Depending upon the shape entirely of our consciousness that uniquely differ compared to someone else, then there are specific surfaces hardly enough to be changed (not sensitive enough) and there are specific surfaces sensitive enough to be printed.

Feeling something

  • First there was openness (awareness) through our sensory perceptions, and then we captured images or else and delivered it to consciousness (that sensitive enough to be changed), and therefore the surface of our consciousness were printed, having traces, molds, and suddenly we felt something (because of the changing on the surface of our consciousness). Thats' what we call "feeling something".
  • Secondly, there was openness (awareness) through our sensory perceptions, and then we captured images or else and delivered it to consciousness (but not sensitive enough to be changed), therefore "agent of changing (images or else) were trying to change the surface of our consciousness and when it failed, then the surface gave feedback and we call it as "the sense of denial".

Aware of Something

It's perceive differences

  • Third, there was openness (awareness) through our sensory perceptions, and then we captured images or else and delivered it to consciousness (with several surfaces already printed - through experiencing), and somehow these "agent of changing" decided to visit specific printed surfaces (with traces, molds as printed from previous experiences, we may call it knowledge, nodes of understanding, etc) and suddenly it didn't fit one to another (in between the shape of agent of changing and the shape of printed - traces, molds of the specific surfaces of consciousness) and suddenly we thought it's not logical. That's what we call "perceive differences, comparison". And it's a start of what we call thinking.
  • Fourth, there was openness (awareness) through our sensory perceptions, and then we captured images or else and delivered it to consciousness and somehow these "agent of changing" decided to visit specific surfaces of consciousness with build in traces, molds (with traces, molds as printed but it's not coming from our previous experiences, we may call it as the cause of self evident on our thinking activities) and suddenly it didn't fit one to another (in between the shape of agent of changing and the shape of build in traces, molds of the specific surfaces of consciousness) and suddenly we thought "there might be something wrong". We may call it intuition, guts or whatever, but from the inside, "there was something wrong".
  • But somehow it could be wrong intuition, in the sense we thought there was something wrong didn't fit, but actually it's incorrect. It could be happened, when agent of changing didn't fit enough to the pattern of the shape of the surfaces of consciousness. Probably if it fits enough to the pattern of the shape of the surfaces of consciousness (we have sharp thinking, or receiving something very strong and essentially), then we could say "eureka", "it's the truth", it's axioms, and so forth (and somehow we could fall in love because the pattern fits one to another), and so forth.


  • Consciousness is our border where it differentiates between "me" and "you". Two consciousness, then there are two of us.
  • Without awareness, still there is consciousness, but without consciousness, there will be no potentiality to aware of something
  • We can aware to the same objects but with different level of sensitiveness of consciousness. Because our consciousness can be directed (through sensory) to the same objects but at different level of sensitiveness.
  • Somehow, our consciousness can be fully sensitive but our sensory perception is not functioning properly, then we are less aware and we can't feel something that related to a specific sensory perception, or in a contrary, somehow our sensory perception is fully functioning but our consciousness is not sensitive enough, then we are less aware of something. Under hypnotized someone's consciousness (sensitiveness) could be modified so that we have no ability to aware of something, even though our sensory perception is fully functioning.
  • Lack of awareness, means lack of specific details, lack of specific areas that should be able to be captured by our openness.

We can stand on one of both: feeling something or perceive differences (further thinking) or we can stay out of both and stay within oneness (where our consciousness can't receive any kind of possible changing through openness of sensory perceptions).

What is consciousness? It's state of self sensitiveness. And What is awareness? It's ability to perceive differences within range of openness.


answered 05 Dec '13, 23:27

Seremonia's gravatar image


Awesome answer!

(07 May '15, 02:50) ursixx

Know Thyself.

That is the simplest, but in those two words to those that have the understanding is EVERYTHING.

Now for an explanation that is clearer to most: for awareness of consciousness, consciousness needs to experience what it is not, to know what it is.

That is a clearer answer, but still to those that know, it is EVERYTHING.

Meditate on it and you may find everything.

I think I should update this a little clearer yet.

Consciousness is self awareness. If something can think about how it feels, it is conscious. If something can think of what it did yesterday and what it wants to do in the future, it is conscious. If something can think about how it is doing, if it is fulfilling its mission or purpose then it is conscious.


answered 22 Dec '09, 10:30

Wade%20Casaldi's gravatar image

Wade Casaldi

edited 06 Dec '13, 00:34

"Attention", here we're in the domain of the essence of life, attention is awareness ... Consciousness is awareness and attention is consciousness, There are no sounds, gestures or written symbols to describe the essence of life, attention,awareness, consciousness ... are just words that we use in an attempt to describe something that cannot be described using language.

We can however reveal the meaning of awareness by comparison to light, Let's say a 40 watt bulb will illuminate a small area, things within that area are clearly perceptible, things beyond that area become less and less perceptible ,,, now if we use a 100 watt bulb the area in which we can clearly perceive things is much bigger,

Awareness is just like that, you increase your awareness by strengthening your vibration, by bringing it to a higher pitch and in doing so you will reach and experience many more aspects of life that never existed before for you,

Awareness is not something you can practice, the extent that you're aware is the extent that you're vibrating life, At this moment you're aware, awareness is you, Cultivate increased awareness using simple methods and the very way that your world functions will be different because your awareness has expanded to include more possibilities

alt text


answered 06 Dec '13, 05:06

jaz's gravatar image


edited 06 May '15, 03:05

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