This is actually a sincere question.

I've now come across this "God is not Santa Claus" phrase a few times in the past month and, not having a religious background, I'm rather intrigued as to where the thought process that lies behind it comes from.

The implication is that God (however you define it/him/her) has some agenda or purpose in either depriving you of what you want, or in ignoring your requests for what you want.

Is there a particular quote in some holy book that says that this is God's intention (not to grant requests), or is this just independent lackful thinking on behalf of some people which has been elevated to the level of a popular truth?

asked 04 Jan '10, 19:17

Stingray's gravatar image


I have been working with alcoholics in an anonymous setting for 29 years. One of the hardest things that newly sober people have to learn is this: that just because they are finally doing what they should have been doing all along (taking care of family, not drinking, caring about others, etc.), -all of this does not mean that suddenly they have an "IN" with God and He should suddenly be granting all their wishes right and left. (Wishes like: God, if you get me out of this third DUI, I will love you forever!) In this respect, we have come to say to them, "God is not Santa!"- meaning- God is not there to make your life all peachy now that you are doing what you should have been doing in the first place.

I understand what you are saying; in the world of manifestation, God IS like Santa! He is ready and willing to give you what you need and want! But for a newly-sober alcoholic, this news is bound to be interpreted as God becoming a Servant who gets you out of trouble and makes everything that you messed up all better...That would be like pouring gasoline on a roaring fire!

I hope you understand what I am saying here. I do NOT mean to joke around about what you are trying to prove- on the contrary. It's just that the saying "God is NOT Santa" gets the newly sober alcoholic to take responsibility for all he or she has messed up. K?

Blessings, Jai


answered 05 Jan '10, 08:57

Jaianniah's gravatar image


edited 05 Jan '10, 19:52

I believe you've used the phrase yourself in a previous question. What was your intent in doing so? Is it a jokey reference to something biblical? I would be interested to know that reference.

(05 Jan '10, 10:59) Stingray

Hi- just saw your comment...I am in an anonymous organization that helps people...a lot of these people come into the organization, and before you know it, they are asking, "Why doesn't God give me what I want when I ask for it, right now?" This is really too complex to discuss here. Email me at jaianniah@ yahoo, and we can discuss this if you like. I do not mean to joke about it...Rather, my background is different than yours. I am learning from you all that God is rather like Santa in regards to manifesting our wishes...Does that help? Jai P.S. I am changing my answer re: this subject.

(05 Jan '10, 19:38) Jaianniah

I like your revised answer. Voting up.

(05 Jan '10, 20:15) Vesuvius

Thanks for the expanded answer. That makes the purpose and intent of this phrase much clearer.

(05 Jan '10, 23:30) Stingray
showing 2 of 4 show 2 more comments

I believe this is a phrase to tell Atheists that God is more than some mythical legendary fairytale. I know Atheists compare God to Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny many times, saying do you believe in them too? This I believe is because many think of God as either a bearded old man with white long hair much like Zeus (or Santa Claus with no hat or suit of red picture Santa wearing a toga looks a lot like Zeus) or as Jesus that is not here but off in heaven someplace. But this doesn't fit with the Omni-Present, Omni-Potent, Omni-Sentient being we are taught about that is everywhere.

An atheist would say show me your God I see him nowhere. A religious person says you can not see God, it is by faith you know he is there. A spiritual person says God is everywhere, all I can see is God.


answered 04 Jan '10, 20:32

Wade%20Casaldi's gravatar image

Wade Casaldi

edited 02 Aug '11, 14:22

Really good answer.

(05 Jan '10, 20:18) Vesuvius

Thank you Vesuvius.

(06 Jan '10, 05:10) Wade Casaldi

What if this world was not created by "the Good God" but rather by the "fallen angels" and for some reason or other we became trapped here? Wrong choice our original sin?

It would then not be a matter of God depriving us of what we want it would be more a case of us needing to work our way out of our difficulties, we becoming wiser in the process. Sacred scriptures supposedly tell us how to find the Way out, what the Truth really is, and that Life is eternal ?

Overly possessive and obliging parents actually weaken children and diminish their ability to operate effectively and creatively in their communities and the world at large. I, personally, am very pleased that God is not Santa Claus. In hindsight some of the gifts I have asked for in the past would have been disastrous for me.

I realise that a belief in repeated and unlimited trys (reincarnation) to overcome the challenges we find here are an aid to understanding what I say above.


answered 03 Feb '10, 23:46

Inactive%20User's gravatar image

Inactive User ♦♦

In the words of my 5 yr old "Santa is God's friend and God gave him the things to give everyone". Unfortunately a lot of religions frown on abundance on a materialistic level - but didn't Jesus advise us to be like little children? I think I'll let my 5 yr old be my teacher on this one.


answered 04 Jan '10, 20:24

Michaela's gravatar image


edited 04 Jan '10, 20:29

santa was born from the imagination of humans and is considered as being an imaginary fictitious being. god (for those who believe in him) can be considered as being he who explains the inexplicable.


answered 03 Aug '11, 06:17

blubird%20two's gravatar image

blubird two

first off-all addicts of all types suffer from arrested developement-this is espicially true with hard core drog addicts.if they became addicted,say at age 18 or so, and stayed addicted consistently for long enough, then they would not really mature past the age of 18. this is a mental psychological lack of developement that i refer to-and te damage of the actual substances and you basically have an overgrown child-and what child doesnt believe in santa?


answered 03 Feb '10, 03:54

eleanor%20sawitsky%201's gravatar image

eleanor sawitsky 1

Sorry Elsa, I don't understand the relevancy of your answer to the question.

(03 Feb '10, 13:39) Michaela
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