For a while I was a practicing psychic. I was very accurate. I stopped doing this because I felt that too many people were getting dependent on me and I felt they needed to seek their own answers.

As part of this, I had people call me and ask questions like, "I am getting married on a certain date. We want to have an outside reception. Will it be clear weather or will we need to have the reception inside? I would REALLY like it to be outside!" I would usually answer, "Have it outside, it will not rain." And it did not.

We manage our income properties. One of our new tenants was late with the rent. She also presented a list of repairs that were specious. Things that were ok when she moved in, but suddenly, concurrently with the late rent, seemed to go wrong.

I had a psychic hit/felt that she was using the request for repairs as a delaying tactic for paying the rent. I asked our maintenance staff to determine if the needed repairs had been caused by the tenant. Her brother was a maintenance person for someone else and could have easily engineered this. My people could not determine if the tenant caused the problems, but my people felt there was a good chance that they did!

Tenants paid the rent, but I let the late fees slide.

We made repairs, but at the end of the next month, additional last minute repairs cropped up. Same scenario. Now I was certain!

But I went into meditation and got the feeling that they really did have needed repairs and that it had nothing to do with the rent. So I had these new things fixed without asking my staff if they felt the tenants caused them. Since I had shifted my perspective, I was putting no negative energy into this situation, the situation seemed to change, and instead of more repairs, they have been happy and satisfied for the last six months. Not a peep and rent always paid on time.

Only had one repair, recently a leaking toilet which I replaced with a very good toilet that cost me about twice what a 'standard toilet' cost but had substantial water saving abilities, saving money for the tenant on her water bill.

I mention this example because I wonder if I was reading the future and she was using 'repairs' as a device to excuse late rent, or did I create that situation?

Do I suddenly slow down because I sense a speed trap, or did I create the cop behind the billboard to impress my passengers?

Did I create a restaurant up ahead when we are driving and hungry, or intuit one was just around the bend?

Is that a minefield in front of me or a level playing field? Does my mind create my reality, as Abraham suggests, or do I have foreknowledge? IF it is a minefield, can I change it into a level playing field? Or vice versa?

There was a psychic who told his client, "This morning when you wooke up, you found a horse in your living room." The astounded client exclaimed, "How did you know?!?!?! The psychic replied, "I put it there last night."

It seems to me that I am creating my reality, but how much of this is filtering branching paths leading me to alternate realities? If I am driving and intuit there is a bridge out ahead and take a turn before I get there and have a more pleasant reality, did I create or intuit?

asked 16 Mar '12, 07:29

Dollar%20Bill's gravatar image

Dollar Bill

edited 11 Nov '12, 06:55

Barry%20Allen's gravatar image

Barry Allen ♦♦

"For a while I was a practicing psychic. I was very accurate."

Practicing psychic ... hmm, then why ask my first name or where I live Bill?

All kiddin' aside good question & many good points - Reality creation & alternate realities..

(26 May '13, 18:57) ele
showing 0 of 1 show 1 more comments

Your psychic abilities are your gift. Creation obviously felt that you (your reference point) is deserving of this gift. So embrace what has been given to you.
Are you creating all of this yourself?
It is both yes and no.
It is already there just like the physical reality you experience is already there, but when you look at something, that something begins to exist as an experience for you.
Before you looked at it, it was still there existing without your help.
But when you looked at it, you became aware of it's existence as your own experience.
Through interaction of what is already there you created your unique experience of it.

But to complicate it further, when you experience existence, all of creation is existing through your point of reference as the only point of existence within creation.
So the Universe that you experience is the totality of creation interacting with itself through the "eye of the needle" point of reference that is YOU.
The self you experience is the Self of creation as seen from the point of view of you.
What is "seen" from that "you" point of reference is the remaining totality of "itself" as the reflection

It is as if creation flows through your point of reference & turns itself inside-out so that it surrounds that point of reference with the remainder of itself.

So you are unique signature frequency of creation interacting with the remaining totality of the same creation.

Therefore you are interacting with your self because the "self" you experience is the "self" within creation as seen from your signature frequency point of reference.

Your tenant's delay tactic was true....(for you).
You letting it slide was the right decision for you.

In every moment you are choosing your truth & the remainder of your point of reference (the rest of creation) is allowing you to become aware of that remainder of availability as your own consciousness.

So you are not actually thinking your "creation". You are actually listening to "All that is" from where you stand, and experience that availability as your own consciousness.

You are listening to your availability and your "Ego" is taking the credit for that awareness as having a Thought.

So you are not creating this whole thing.

You are creating YOUR EXPERIENCE of the thing which is already there and you also experience "this thing" that is already there as Your Own Self, which ls "All that is" as seen from your point of view.

You Select from this thing that is already there by becoming aware of this select ability as your own consciousness.

You tune into what is available by believing it.

Believing allows you to shift your position to the place where "it is happening"

You will know when you have shifted because at that point, it will seem as if it is all happening TO YOU.

YOU are the point where the Universe is Happening to Itself through YOU.


answered 26 Feb '18, 02:32

The%20Traveller's gravatar image

The Traveller

edited 26 Feb '18, 02:50


Wait so what can i change it or is it set in stone. I thought everything i do is maluable

(26 Feb '18, 10:22) Theguppyfish

Against my better judgment to not take the bait, I will respond.
When you look out the window of a moving train all the telephone poles which are "set in stone" move past you because you are the one moving.
In human existence you are the one moving at a billion frames per second through a static, "set-in-stone" universe of unlimited potential.
Therefore you experience a static universe as a maliable universe.

(27 Feb '18, 00:34) The Traveller

@The Traveller - It is so good to see you. And "It is as if creation flows through your point of reference & turns itself inside-out so that it surrounds that point of reference with the remainder of itself." finally made this subject click for me. I've always struggled to remember explainations about reality existing in my point of view.This makes it clear as a bell. I don't think I will ever forget the picture you've put in my head. Whole new level of understanding, snap! Just like that. :)

(27 Feb '18, 01:10) Grace

You rock. :D

(27 Feb '18, 01:12) Grace

I know this is not a chat space.. but it's nice to see you here, keeping this place alive with your presence & thanks for your vote & comment.
This place feels very different now, I miss the early days when we all started here together.
But then, as Bashar says, Change is inevitable. (& also painful)
My understanding of reality expanded somewhat in the recent years.
I can really feel things speeding up & the change feels lonely because nobody gets it and it cannot be shared

(27 Feb '18, 01:27) The Traveller

Grace, you were here right from the start, and I am sure you understand exactly what I am talking about.
Things are changing fast & those of us who have always known that there was a greater purpose for our interaction here are now focusing on our inner work and that is on an individual level rather that an Inward Quest interaction level.
It's a paradox that the "Inward Quest" happens only when we seek our own answers rather than battle over them on a forum

(27 Feb '18, 01:42) The Traveller

@The Traveller - I do understand. Perfectly. I miss it all. Our journeys here were so intense, and I sometimes wish I could do it all again. But as you say, paradoxically, this tremendous shared experience led me right back into myself. :) Now it's up to me to step up upon all these shoulders and go on, alone. I love it, but I didn't know that it would be such a solitary journey. I should have. But I didn't.

(27 Feb '18, 07:35) Grace

Still here we are, talking about feeling the same things, though separately now. :) And I'm finding that it is nice to know. I'm glad you spoke up. (((((Traveller)))))

(27 Feb '18, 07:37) Grace
showing 2 of 8 show 6 more comments

premonition is not a mystery, but a collection of undefined information that allows an individual to make an assumption which can be accurate or inaccurate based upon the principles of assumption. It can appear mystical like the aurora borealis, but once the general population understands its function, the mystery is over. Since you are questioning your own ability you should try to journal your psychological activity. You may be prone to favoring your existing idea by notating the evidence of your ability as you've already done, but your journal needs to be more involved in your daily activities. We are the greatest observers of our own reality, mainly because no one takes interest, unless there is something profound to take interest in. This is also a common occurrence that takes place here on IQ by all of us, questionnaires and answeries alike. Did you manage to see jupiter and venus last night? They've appeared in the westward skies for the past couple of days as bright shining stars. Truly an amazing occurrence since both planets are beyond our visible eye and yet for a moment in the season, we are able to witness there existence as lights. Not a mystery, but mindfully amazing.


answered 17 Mar '12, 10:01

Constantine's gravatar image



@Constantine thank you for your reply. Premonitions occur often with me. They do not seem so mysterious anymore.

My question is whether we "foresee" an event that was going to happen, or do we create said event, for good or ill, by our attention to what we think will happen?

Perhaps the point is moot. If we feel a negative event is going to happen, neutralize it with positive reflections.

In a much larger, though possibly related story there was a flamboyant stock market analyst whose investment predictions possibly did cause the market impacts he predicted.

(18 Mar '12, 14:43) Dollar Bill

How would you neutralize it though?

(17 Feb '18, 13:16) Theguppyfish

I can say that whenever my mum is in my car and we are in a packed car park, we always get a parking instantly. She demands it and it happens... every-time!. Now, I've demanded it and still usually have to drive around a bit and only sometimes get an instant parking which I put down to luck. I have to say I think she creates it; even though she is quite intuitive.

There has been plenty of times when I have listened to my intuition and chosen to drive a different route, thus avoided delays etc. I manifested this (avoided delays - traffic pile up) by using intuition. I don't think precognition and manifested are the same things.


answered 27 Mar '12, 01:31

alsorts's gravatar image



" I don't think precognition and manifested are the same things." Perhaps what we feel as precognition is a glimpse of an alternate universe where this event can take place. Then the good feeling can precipitate our entry into that universe. If a bad feeling, go somewhere else.

(27 Mar '12, 03:11) Dollar Bill

well the 2 can exist appart or at the same time. that you see what is going to happen or that you create what is going to happen go hand in hand. and i can tell you that sometime you can see what is going to happen and change it to some extent. just by what you are thinking about what is going to happen when you know what is going to happen. but when you do that what is going to happen is not happening exactely as you add seen it before is it. then can you claim to see the future? and i can tell you that when something like this happen you feel as if you are intense light inside your self. that is probably what jesus was feeling all the time.because if all that he did is true walking on water making food multiply etc. he was at a level that no human being is right now. stopping the wind and calming the storm i know that this is possible but you need faith and it is not to be done for fun.even jesus did not want to use this to convince people. i came to tell is words not to crush the people with the powers. and he said begone from me satant.


answered 27 Mar '12, 05:03

white%20tiger's gravatar image

white tiger

Thats a very good question and i dont,believe anyone can answer it the context of LOA of course abraham presents it as if you create it, but you see she talks in that context of attraction, i dont think she could say aynthing else. I dont believe its always attraction because all the incidents are not connected to your pteferences and emotions but to others.


answered 19 Feb '18, 11:50

snape's gravatar image


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