If you do, how do you define perfection? Is perfection an unattainable goal; will you never arrive? And if so, do you work towards it anyway? |
I see perfection as being a moment in time, not a destination you arrive at. Perhaps you could describe it as that brief gap in time between something that you wanted manifesting and your desire for the next related thing. There's just that tiny interval that is filled with pure joy and exhilaration as belief and desire balance exactly in the form of physical evidence of some kind...the moment of perfection. To me, a rich and fulfilling life is a series of these moments of perfection. Yes, I strive for perfection but the greatest gift that striving for perfection brings is not even that brief taste of achieving it, but the journey it gives you a reason to take. ...like the turtle or the snail :))
(26 Dec '24, 22:59)
"Home isn't always a place, is it?" ~ said the Boy
(08 Jan, 22:16)
"Home is where the Heart is."
(08 Jan, 22:17)
One school of thought might say if we are magically eternal and beings of light, home could be the journey.
(10 Jan, 12:07)
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I strive to be the 'Best' version of me that I can be in all areas of my life - I'm not too sure if that could be described as perfection because each individual is different; my 'Best' could fall short of someone else's 'Best' so although I perceive it as perfect, you might not. I think if we are striving to be our 'Best', we'll be happy on the journey and it really won't matter if we reach perfection or not. ( And remember, at our very core, we're already perfect). |
I found out the hard way to not strive for perfection but excellence. The difference being perfection is an ultimate unreachable goal because there is nothing to judge it by then everything becomes not good enough. But to strive for excellence is to do my very best, to be my best it might not be perfect but it is my best. I excel at it and enjoy the outcome. Instead of beating my self up for not being able to reach that perfect state I enjoy striving for excellence, we can excel at anything but being perfect at something all depends on where you place the bar of perfection and it is usually placed very high beyond our own reach even though we put the bar there pur selves. |
In my opinion perfection is something unique for each individual and therefore both attainable and unattainable depending on the scope of the journey and the ultimate destination being "PERFECTION" I also think that we live in an age whereby people are bombarded with many different versions of what marketing wizards conjure up as perfection for the masses to drool over.... perfect families with perfect jobs and homes living perfect lives.... with perfect looks and attitudes to match. Perfection perhaps is similar to beauty in that it is in the eye of the seeker. Enlightened and spiritual beings may also have varying opinions on perfection so ultimately whether we reach perfection or not is simply down to each person. To answer your question....I do strive to add an essence of perfection in every thing I do....as a partner, as a mother, as a person...but always trying to remain conscious to the fact that it is I who has set the goals and to not hold any one else responsible should I fail to reach my goals or target levels of perfection. |
Perfection for me means things like Peace, Harmony, Wholeness, Love, Happines, Wealth, Health to name a few. When I strive for perfection in my job and in my relationships it is these things that I am trying to achieve. I think what this amounts to is being fully conscious of being one with the all there is. |
There is a nice essay about the subject here: Physik.as - The 'whole' does not strive for thermal equilibrium. Unfortunately, it's not available in English anymore, and the automatic google translation is quite rubbish. :-( It's a nice philosophical essay about the origin of existence. It starts with stating that we are an exception to the nothingness, a real error in the unreal void. This is the pattern of infinity that repeats itself through all creation. Thus it is concluded:
This is explained with a simple analogy:
What follows then are merely the symptoms of this world:
This will go on until the first snowman would realize that nothing can be without error. Error is the prerequisite for our existence. Everything is merely a conflict between the void (Zero) and its error (One). |
What if Perfection (here on Earth) was the ability to embrace All That Is and remain content? In Freemasonry the person is the rough stone and which is smoothed over time by ones own efforts and outside influences... which raises the question whether it is even possible for a person to attain perfection without the influence of other people and happenings. (He rubs me the wrong way - I could knock his block off - a chip of the old block - one smooth dude. Language is interesting isn't it.) Perfection is a lot like Truth. What is the whole Truth? What is Perfection? I try to do my best in all things and am content with the result, because I tried. The outcome remains outside my control and so I leave the matter to God. |
To quote Carl Jung ~
Perfectionism isn't really a good thing. It usually stems from a crappy childhood leaving a wounded inner child. It also seems to be less important the older you get.
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