If we consecrate our talents, isn't the Universe (God, etc) suppose to provide? If we'll have enough, why do we go after wealth, using our own powers instead of the Divine's? I hope this is worth sharing. "God starts good things with us, and those close to us convince us to give up, or take a benign pursuit of our dreams. I wish our families and peers would seek their blessings, and respect others doing the same." Does God provide, and help those who help themselves? If I may add, "Accept the blessings given to you by God, he knows best." I hope this question helps. Consecrating our talents |
Yes, the universe CERTAINLY does provide. Here's one of my favorite quotes from Jesus. Matthew 6:26 "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" Why do people continue to want to get more even when they have "enough" ? Another favorite quote of mine's! "He who knows that enough is enough will always have enough" -Lao Tzu So it's not that people don't have enough, it's that they DON'T KNOW they actually do have enough... so... they run blind... Much appreciated Ali00.
(02 May '12, 11:22)
if there be a golden rule we often can't wait and Thanks again fred 1
(02 May '12, 11:21)
By saying consecrate you mean leaving/dedicating your works and efforts over to a higher power and wondering where are the rewards. Well there is the doubt and the not receiving that you are bringing forth. If you believe that you have let these works over then you should not doubt.Just keep on doing what your doing and don't worry about results or rewards . What some people would say "Have faith" One of the the things stuck with me from the Abraham-Hicks works is that we are constant creators ,we always want more, we are always ready to move on to something better.We seek new information. From the daily quotes:
Thanks Ursixx
(02 May '12, 11:21)

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