I'm a female and I know for myself personally that I realise what time of the month it is by the sudden moodiness. I am usually doing the same things I do every other day and thinking the same thoughts to raise my vibrations yet sometimes when it comes to that time of the month I feel down and moody regardless. What causes this? I realise that its certain hormones, but are our hormones not controlled by our thoughts as well? Should these specific ones not desist if we are thinking good thoughts, or rather not affect our moods at all if there are no unhappy thoughts to trigger them? Also, if all pain and illness is caused by stress, then how is it that otherwise calm women with relatively stress free lives get severe menstrual cramps every month?
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I think the factor that contributes most to the moodiness and cramps is the fact that we are influenced by the thoughts and vibrations of other women about this subject from a very young age. It is not only our concious thoughts and vibrations that is behind manifestations. The thoughts and vibrations of others also affect us at an unconcious level when we are in close proximity of others. Now, if we have grown up in such an environment that carries the beliefs and thoughts that women become moody or have cramps when they menstruate every month, then we are exposed to that vibration even though we are not thinking about it conciously. Therefore, we experience the same manifestations of cramps and moodiness as others. What I am trying to say is the cramps and moodiness are are sort of background vibration that we all get exposed to as women and thus have those experiences. However, I think that the more we learn and apply the fact that we each create and control our reality, that we have the power and become more focused and directed in our lives, then I think that this background vibration has less effect on us. I have gone through this myself. When I was younger, I used to be more of a mixed bag of feelings and emotions, with no real sense of direction and I used to experience severe cramps, sometimes on the verge of fainting as the pain was so severe. Over the years, I have become more in control of my life and more focused and clear on what I want in life. These days I barely experience any cramps at all and as to moodiness, I don't think that affects me very much either. |
Not being female, this is a difficult topic for me to provide an answer on based upon my own experience :) As I understand it, there is a river of expectation (thought) - you could call it a collective consciousness - that many women get swept up in. The thought river is so strong that the body cells respond to it...a kind of cellular expectation...and the physical sensations during this time are part of that. Though one thing I have heard consistently over the years from Abraham is that it is not necessary for any female to experience any discomfort at all during these times if they choose to align consciously with their own well-being. In effect, you can choose to step out of this thought stream. Here are Abraham discussing the topic, which you may find helpful: Thanks for the links Stingray - They definitely give a new perspective.
(17 Mar '10, 19:25)
I was going to say, This is a natural thing, should be effortless. LOL I guess you might as well enjoy it.
(24 Sep '10, 13:26)
Our physical bodies are still subject to natural cycles, such as the menstrual cycle and menopause. It is the hormone imbalances,and not our thought processes. during these cycles that cause the PMS and moodiness. I think educating ourselves regarding a healthy diet and exercise can help enormously to alleviate most symptoms. - sugar craving is another symptom but eating it usually makes us feel worse. And as Brian suggests if we expect and allow confusion at that time of the month, we are only adding to it. |
Beloved, pms is also triggered by a thought. You're shedding your now waisted unfertilized egg so on a subconscious level you are grieving for the lost opportunity to have a child. Personally speaking, I used to be convinced that women faked the whole pms/cramp stuff for attention and drama. I now know that it is real for them it is just that I don't experience any of it. namste |
Louise L. Hay comments on PMS in her book titled 'Heal You Body A-Z', The Mental causes for Physical Illness and the Way to Overcome Them. This is a book which is set up like a dictionary. The problems are all listed in alphabetical order and what follows them are the Probable Cause, with the New Thought Pattern. She lists that the probable cause for PMS is "Allowing confusion to rein. Giving power to outside influences. Rejection of the feminine process." The New thought pattern is "I now take charge of my mind and my life. I am a powerful and dynamic woman! Every part of my body functions perfectly. I love me." |
PMS is caused by the rise and fall of hormones just before the menstrual cycle. One must remember that each month, as the egg is released mid-cycle, a woman's body must prepare itself for the possibility of pregnancy. Estrogen falls, and progesterone rises as the egg travels down the fallopian tubes. The uterine walls are built up to receive the fertilized egg, and everything goes into gear just in case that egg was fertilized by sperm. With the rise of progesterone comes the feelings associated with PMS. Water is held by the body, making everything tender. Some women get migraines as the period approaches and those hormones go off the scale. Other women have relatively no trouble. I have a friend with severe PMS, and it can debilitate her for days. She is on medication, and has had to have surgery to remove endometrial tissue from outside her womb. If that egg has not been fertilized, and does not embed in the wall of the uterus, then all the changes to prepare for a possible pregnancy go out the window. The thickened walls of the uterus slough off tissue, and the woman gets her period. Estrogen starts to rise again, and progesterone falls as it is not needed for the development of a child. These changes in a woman's body happen each month until menopause. They are not easily "thought away". What Michaela wrote is very true. There are certain things a woman can do to ease PMS- changes in diet, avoidance of sugar and simple carbs- but PMS can be a debilitating disorder for some women, just as real and frustrating as diabetes. I hope newcomers to this site do not get the idea that they are failures because they cannot control their PMS! It takes time to get to the point where one can use one's mind to control the workings of the body. Blessings, Jai |
You'd have first to define what is a thought. Reasoning comes after emotions. The brain, at other hand, have emotions and thoughts all together at the same time. The mind is what generates all that and links our brain to our inner beings. Wherever we actually come from, that's a wholenother question. As of Premenstrual Syndrome, that's harsh. Yes, you can train your brain and your mind to actually overcome that, and any kind of pain. No, it's not trivial, simple or easy at all. I won't claim I know how to do it, I just know there's enough evidence out there to show it's possible. But before anyone says so, I can tell hypnotism is not a way to do that. |

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There is something...amusing? interesting?...to find MEN answering this question....I think it takes a certain amount of daring, don't you? Jai
It is quite interesting and I highly appreciate their input :) Thank you to everyone that answered!