I'll cut this short and come straight to the point: I am currently pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering and I am already going to my 3rd year of study. I knew about metaphysical stuff before I enrolled in the course but only delved deeper into them after I started the course.

Now the main problem here is my metaphysical beliefs seem to be clashing with these engineering beliefs, for as you know everything in engineering mostly work based on proofs, theories and logics.

For instance, I personally do not believe in global warming that much either or that anything I do can help much to solve the problem of global warming, yet at times I might be required to come up with a so-called "green" product that can help the environment of global warming.

Or when I might need to learn some statistics in maths and then they might be using accidents as examples and then I would go thinking "oh thats a whole load of crap, the people attracted it themselves".

So does anyone who have an engineering background (or similar) here feels the same way and what should I do about this?

asked 06 Aug '12, 10:21

kakaboo's gravatar image


edited 06 Aug '12, 13:40

Barry%20Allen's gravatar image

Barry Allen ♦♦

@kakaboo- I understand what you're saying, and it's actually a very thought provoking question (to many). I do not have the power to do so, but may I merely suggest you re-name your question to something less about 'engineering' and more along the lines of science clashes and the role of belief systems involved.

(06 Aug '12, 10:49) Nikulas

My input- You're 100% correct! You're probably more evolved in your class and may find it boring or stupid from now on: It's all about what established beliefs you already have within your mind about Earth. Smoking will be beneficial and health promoting when there are enough people with belief systems that match that; the additional 'science' behind it will follow up as the stream of belief adds to the subject- desire with scientists plays a huge role in 'finding' things they want to see.

(06 Aug '12, 10:55) Nikulas

@Nikulas - I find it ok this way. People who dont study engineering but study other similar subjects like science would understand that they are able to comment on this question too. As for science and metaphysical clashes in belief systems... I think that is good enough to be a completely different and separate question on its own.

(06 Aug '12, 11:14) kakaboo

@Nikulas Look here at this link; cigarettes were once recommended by doctors, Santa and even a baby! You see how much good and healthy that turned out to be.

(06 Aug '12, 12:41) Wade Casaldi
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I have a background in mathematical physics and, when I feel like it, I sometimes get involved in engineering projects (not mech-eng though) - not many metaphysically-sympathetic people in those fields, I can tell you :) - so I'm probably eligible to give you an answer :)

I personally don't see problems with what you are having to do. You just have to "reframe" how you are looking at those things.

For example, with those "green" products...

Like you, I think the idea of Global Warming, as promoted by mainstream politicians and their mainstream scientist buddies, is a fear-based scam more to do with the green stuff you keep in your wallet rather than the green stuff than grows on the earth.

But that doesn't mean that I wouldn't like to live in a cleaner, greener environment anyway. I think any product that provides the same level of convenience to our everyday lives but does it in a cleaner way has to be a good thing generally regardless of whether we are being lied to or not.

With regard to the statistics, you can "reframe" it by treating it simply as a learning exercise and set aside the underlying meaning of it.

They might be using accidents as examples, when in reality there's no such thing as an accident thanks to the Law of Attraction, but I think they are ultimately trying to teach you some understanding of the underlying statistical principles rather than being bothered whether you believe in the concept of an accident or not.

I deal with plenty of materially-focused people who would laugh hysterically at the idea that what they have going on in their heads has anything to do with the physical world around them.

That's their choice to believe that way as it is my choice to believe what I want.

I've found that if you don't push your opinions onto other people, they usually don't try to push their opinions back onto you.

With your understandings of these ideas, you can just apply what you know and neutralize any discomfort you might have with "playing along" with the people around you and just let them be as they want to be. It's easier to let people be as they want to be when you are secure in what you believe yourself.

So most of the time, I just lay my metaphysical opinions to one side and just stay focused on the end result, whether that is completing a degree course or engineering project.

With engineers especially, metaphysical and philosophical ideas rarely crop up in any form of conversation so it's pretty easy to keep those opinions to yourself if you want to :)


answered 06 Aug '12, 11:19

Stingray's gravatar image



I agree with you about the green thing. You took the words right out of my mouth. I am not an engeneer though.

(06 Aug '12, 11:29) Fairy Princess

I do some re-framing that results in some clattering in my life, that's for sure. No engineering here, but I think it's got a lot to do with having to have anything to do with "mainstream" thinkers. I don't think it's a bad thing, though. It can help you clearly define your own beliefs when you witness how badly opposing beliefs are working out in other people's lives.

(06 Aug '12, 16:02) Grace

@Grace - "...working out in other people's lives"- Good point and something I missed out in my answer. I actually learn quite a bit about how universal laws work from watching the "skeptics" make a mess of their own lives. It sounds a bit callous but when someone isn't prepared to listen to a metaphysical point of view, there's just nothing you can do to make them listen. I've tried dropping hints many times to have them thrown back in my face :) So you might as well observe the unfolding :)

(06 Aug '12, 16:11) Stingray

@Stingray - Yes, I agree. I don't want to be mean, but at least I can learn from them. BTW, when you use terms I recognize from Abraham, like observe the unfolding, my insides automatically relax a notch or two, and I feel peaceful and happy. Isn't that cool? I'm like Pavlov's dog! LOL! Oh, well. It's a good way to be. :)

(06 Aug '12, 16:45) Grace

@Grace - Interesting. I wasn't even aware I was using an Abraham phrase. But looking at it, you're absolutely right, it is a term they use. Clearly my brainwashing into the cult of Abraham is now fully complete :)

(06 Aug '12, 17:52) Stingray

Poor Abraham , lol, now I understand how they have been labelled a cult ;-) naughty Stingray . I loved how you said "reframe " I nearly answered this yesterday and was thinking "perspective" glad I left it , you did a great job , well done ♥

(06 Aug '12, 22:40) Starlight

I agree with Stingray. I actually dropped out of premed because of a similar conflict (I was interested in starting a health business and figured getting an MD would help avoid hassle...however I was also at that time into some of the "conspiracy theories" around the health industry) and some of the classes were political. I got top grades but disbelieved all the nonsense I wrote for them and ended up leaving.

(07 Aug '12, 01:06) Liam

Later on I went into chemistry and statistics and there was/is still some conflict in those, but I dealt with it by re-framing. You could do that in many ways - for example, just consider that you are learning how most of science believes things to be right now - in the way a historian might study what an older culture believed, how they worshiped and their "reasoning" even if they think it's nonsense.

(07 Aug '12, 01:12) Liam

@Starlight - Yes, it was a bit naughty :) It's funny though how often over the years I've been accused of being in the "cult of Abraham", including by own parents. Maybe they are right. But then again a "cult" that tells people to get happy in whatever way they can and then live their lives in whatever way they want might have missed a few fundamental classes at the cult creation training school :)

(07 Aug '12, 02:12) Stingray
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